Question about Extra Evolution

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
PRD wrote:

Extra Evolution

Your eidolon has more evolutions.

Prerequisite: Eidolon class feature.

Benefit: Your eidolon's evolution pool increases by 1.

Special: This evolution can be taken once at 1st level, and again at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th.

Assuming that the last sentence of this feat was supposed to say "feat" instead of "evolution", there's a bit of a problem here. I think the RAI is that the existence of this feat is supposed to allow summoners to get up to 5 extra evolution points by level 20 (with a heavy investment on their part).

The problem should be obvious then. Characters do not receive a feat slot at level 20. So, how does this work, exactly? You can't get the final Extra Evolution unless you go Epic (Assuming Epic even exists in PF, I haven't seen any rules for it that I know of).

Has there been any errata on this?

Liberty's Edge

Nope, no errata. And its not a problem, nor an over site, it simply isn't gainable to 21st level.

Silver Crusade

ShadowcatX wrote:
Nope, no errata. And its not a problem, nor an over site, it simply isn't gainable to 21st level.

I think it stands to reason that there would at least be SOME concern. If they're calling it an evolution rather than a feat, and implying you can take this a 5th time on the 21st level (on a system that shows no content/support for epic levels), and no specification of whether these 'levels' are summoner class levels or character levels, I'd at least raise an eyebrow on the wording of this feat.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

if you are a level 20 character that does get a bonus feat at level 20 from a class feature then you can get it.

Silver Crusade

j b 200 wrote:
if you are a level 20 character that does get a bonus feat at level 20 from a class feature then you can get it.

In which case, that would imply that the feat takes character level into account, not summoner class level. If this is what they intended, I cannot say.

Liberty's Edge

Volkspanzer wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
Nope, no errata. And its not a problem, nor an over site, it simply isn't gainable to 21st level.
I think it stands to reason that there would at least be SOME concern. If they're calling it an evolution rather than a feat, and implying you can take this a 5th time on the 21st level (on a system that shows no content/support for epic levels), and no specification of whether these 'levels' are summoner class levels or character levels, I'd at least raise an eyebrow on the wording of this feat.

Nope, no concern.

1) When a feat requires you to have certain levels in specific classes, it specifies class levels. See weapon specialization for an example.

2) There is no epic support for the system, yet. It may come. If it does come they would rather not have to go back and re-write feats that most likely no one will ever take, so they made this as generic as possible.

3) The feat works just fine as is. You can take the feat. You can even take it multiple times. You even get told at what levels you qualify to take the feat again.

NeoSeraphi wrote:
Has there been any errata on this?

It was actually changed to be that way in the Ultimate Combat errata (Update 1.0).

That text is the same text that was changed in the improved natural armor evolution via the FAQ, so it's highly likely that it was copied directly.

Since the feat was called an evolution, it's likely that there is a mistake. FAQing your post.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

As I read it, if you advance as a pure summoner and take this feat at every possible opportunity, you would get the feat at 1st, 5th, 11th, 15th, and 21st levels. This is an improvement over the original wording, which could be interpreted as not allowing the feat at 1st level. Now all we need is a summoner archetype that replaces class features with bonus feats at the even levels in order to get that Extra Evolution feat sooner.

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