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So after getting Advanced Race Guide and looking at the blood drinking feats I want to make a character around just destroying one target.
My dhampir is in Serpent Skull and level 8 currently. Our GM is letting us rebuild since several hardbacks have came out since we last played. He is currently an evil Inquisitor with the Zeal Inquisition. I was thinking staying capping at 8 for the "Scourge of my enemy" ability and them taking at least 4 levels in monk (tetori). The other idea I had was take up Magus (Kensai) and Tetori, then use a monk sword and run around unarmored.

Discomancer |
I don't have the Advanced Race Guide yet (queue sad-face), so I can't suggest anything on that end. Also, you don't seem to be worried about power with this build, so I will assume this character is just for fun and craziness.
However, if you are looking at jumping on Tetori and Magus (Kensei), then why are you bothering with the temple sword? The Tetori gives up flurry for grappling ability, so their is no reason you need to use a monk weapon. Plus, the Kensai archetype allows you to pick ANY martial/exotic weapon prof for FREE! I understand that the temple sword would go with the theme of a monk, but if you are just looking to have fun then why not pick a crazy, rarely-used weapon? I would suggest the tekko-kagi or ranseur for versatility (and because they look pretty sweet).

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paralyzed, or similarly unable to defend itself. This racial trait replaces the spell-like ability racial trait.
Consuming blood reinvigorates you.
Prerequisite: Dhampir.
Benef it: Choose one humanoid subtype, such as “goblinoid” (this subtype cannot be “dhampir”). You have acquired a taste for the blood of creatures with this subtype. Whenever you drink fresh blood from such a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points and a +1 bonus on checks and saves based on Constitution. The effects last 1 hour. If you feed multiple times, you continue to gain hit points to a maximum of 5 temporary hit points for every three Hit Dice you have, but the +1 bonus on Constitution-based skill checks and saving throws does not stack. Normally, you can only drink blood from an opponent who is helpless, grappled, paralyzed, pinned, unconscious, or similarly disabled. If you have a bite attack, you can drink blood automatically as part of your bite attack; otherwise, you must first cut your target by dealing 1 hit point of damage with a slashing or piercing weapon
(though you may feed upon a creature with severe wounds or a bleed effect without cutting it f irst). Once you cut the target, you can drink from its wound as a standard action. Drinking blood deals 2 points of Constitution damage to the creature you feed upon.
The blood must come from a living creature of the specified humanoid subtype. It cannot come from a dead or summoned creature. Feeding on unwilling intelligent creatures is an evil act.
Consuming blood gives you superhuman strength.
Prerequisites: Blood Drinker, base attack bonus +6, dhampir.
Benef it: If you use your Blood Drinker feat to drain 4 or more points of Constitution from a living creature, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls and a +1 bonus on Strength-based skill checks. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice.

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I don't know what I was thinking when I said monk weapon. Tekko-kagi wouldn't be a bad choice, the way I think it reads is that your hands stay free so it wouldn't apply any negatives to grapple I think.
But really class doesn't matter in the long run. I would like some utility and being able to Drink someone dry lol.
Ideally I would like to cast a spell or two (or a wand with UMD) that makes it easier to grapple them, specifically Ray of Exhaustion or Heal myself with Inflict if things get dicey.

Discomancer |
Well, you can either go Tetori monk for the pure grappler road, or you could go maneuver master. Either one allows you to pick up Improved Grapple early. But because you are already so high level, when you take your first monk level at level 9 you can pick up Imp Grapple and Greater Grapple in one level (from the bonus Monk feat and the 9th level feat). So you don't really NEED to keep going in Monk after that and can then move straight into Magus. That way you can start reaping the benefits of Magus as quickly as possible.
Might I also suggest one more thing: if you can reallocate stats and feats then make STR the dump stat, grab Agile Maneuvers/Weapon Finesse, and pump DEX. Also, grab a light weapon with the Agile property (like the tekko-kagi or wakazashi). Doing this does a few things: decent damage, using DEX on grappling, and great touch AC. The damage from a wakazashi and it's 18-20/x2 is great and since it's a light weapon you can use it in a grapple. And regarding AC, if you consider a high DEX, a high WIS (for Monks/Inquisitor) and a high INT (for Kensai's Canny Dodge), you can be easily hit 22 touch AC. Sure, it's not the best, but it is quite good. This does mean you can't wear armor, but you can just throw on some Bracers of Armor if you want a boost.

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Kensai was just another route I had in mind. I get to rebuild the character as I see fit and since neither kensai or monk wear armour, it seemed like a decent combination.
Any combination of classes that let me do some spellcasting and grappling would be fine.
I am taking the monstrous humanoid type for blood drinker and there are plenty of those.

Drejk |

Kensai was just another route I had in mind. I get to rebuild the character as I see fit and since neither kensai or monk wear armour, it seemed like a decent combination.
Any combination of classes that let me do some spellcasting and grappling would be fine.
I am taking the monstrous humanoid type for blood drinker and there are plenty of those.
Monstrous humanoid is not humanoid subtype and thus won't be suitable target for Blood Drinker feat. Unless you GM specifically houserule to allow you to pick monstrous humanoids, of course.