[TPK GAMES] The Malefactor Base Class

Product Discussion

Shadow Lodge

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As requested here is a thread to discuss the upcoming Malefactor base class by TPK Games.

Cover art link is here

I'm not entirely ready to share the full details of this yet, but I can give you a taste.

The Malefactor
Original Concept by Brian Berg
Written by James Olchak, Brian Berg and Rick Cox.

“Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny.”

- Exerpts from the memoir of Talitha Shadowtongue, Tiefling Doom Herald

Damned fate… cruelest destiny… bad luck… these are philosophical concepts that many know, but few are able to truly explain or prove. If destiny is pre-determined, inevitable and unchangeable, is there any hope for we mortals to set our own paths? What of those that seem to be damned by fate, always at the mercy of a higher power? Is there any hope for us at all?

It is rumored that some mortals can choose their own fate by selecting the correct paths as they walk through life. Others think that all of life’s events are predestined. There are rumors of those who understand fate’s cruel whims and can free themselves and no longer be slaves to that harsh mistress. I can tell you those rumors are true…

I have lived through perils that would kill even the most steeled warriors. I have slain many a fool that thought to prey upon me. I have danced with fate itself, and taken the lead. What was once my misery is now my salvation, and your damnation. I am an accursed, a doomgiver -- I am a Malefactor.

Some children begin life cruelly afflicted. Soon after birth, they and their families are beset by random misfortune, injury, and loss. Frequently they are abandoned by their communities for being born under an inauspicious sign, or sacrificed to allay curses seemingly brought down by dark Gods. In reality, the birth of these unfortunates was attended by intangible chaos-spirits known as Yla (EE-la). While the Yla are not inherently evil, they are prone to destruction, and ignorant of the pain and misfortune that they cause those whom they bond with. Sages do not know what causes the Yla to seek out an individual, but as of yet, no known spell or prayer can separate them from their chosen. Many afflicted by these spirits live lives of sorrowful destitution, sometimes taking their own lives in misery.

A choice few however, realize that while their affliction cannot be suppressed, it can be commanded. Whether through study or epiphany, these few learn to channel and command the devious spirits that surround them, turning their hardship into a powerful weapon. These few are known collectively as the Malefactori.

In order to preserve their own lives, they willingly bring misfortune and woe to those around them. They are dangerous to their allies and even more so to their adversaries. A Malefactor that has mastered the ability to transfer his own ill fate to others is truly a dangerous opponent...

Shadow Lodge

Sadly, I can't give away any more... yet.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

TPK Games wrote:
Sadly, I can't give away any more... yet.

Man, I was hoping to see what people thought. I guess playtesting is still going on.

Grand Lodge

When will this be coming out?

Liberty's Edge

Honestly, it sounds very much like the luck bringer. Because of that it'll have to get pretty decent reviews, or have some good teasers that show just how different of a class this can be, before I get especially excited about it.

Shadow Lodge

I'll make sure we do a good job of teasing a few of the abilities before the actual release. You need not worry about this being the inverse of the Luckbringer.

The Luckbringer can't eat curses...

Dang, James Olchak is going to thump me for giving too much away!

Shadow Lodge

kevin_video wrote:
When will this be coming out?

This should see a release in late July. We are still in some feedback sessions right now, and considering some great last minute options from the playtesters.

Grand Lodge

TPK Games wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
When will this be coming out?
This should see a release in late July. We are still in some feedback sessions right now, and considering some great last minute options from the playtesters.

Good to know. Got a PC half-succubus/half-erinyes for the next campaign, but we weren't 100% sure what to make her. If this is as good as it seems to be, we might just go with this.

Silver Crusade

TPK Games wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
When will this be coming out?

This should see a release in late July. We are still in some feedback sessions right now, and considering some great last minute options from the playtesters.

I have been one of these playtesters and the class looks awesome. I am looking forward to it. Sorry I know I can't say much more either.

Grand Lodge

Chris Zank wrote:
TPK Games wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
When will this be coming out?
This should see a release in late July. We are still in some feedback sessions right now, and considering some great last minute options from the playtesters.
I have been one of these playtesters and the class looks awesome. I am looking forward to it. Sorry I know I can't say much more either.

The only thing I really care about is, is it alignment specific? Like, chaotic only, non-lawful only, evil only. Much like barbarians, paladins, monks, or bards. And if it is, is that playtest only, or would it be adaptable for changeability based on a campaign (ie. the anti-paladin is normally CE, but chaos is banned from Way of the Wicked so instead the anti-paladin is LE)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I must say, that this class has me interested. VERY interested.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

kevin_video wrote:
The only thing I really care about is, is it alignment specific? Like, chaotic only, non-lawful only, evil only.

The Malefactor is not alignment-specific. That's all I'm saying. Brian, James, put your scourges away. :-)

Shadow Lodge

I can say that you could play a benevolent malefactor (seems like a paradox) that uses their "talents," shall we say, to aid the party and you could even face one as an enemy (though I wouldn't want to). They would be rare for certain, but the only restriction is how you want to roleplay them. We are making sure there are plenty of options for this class, however you choose to use them.

The cover shows our iconic Malefactor character Talitha Shadowtongue, a demon-blooded tiefling.

Grand Lodge

Tom Qadim wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
The only thing I really care about is, is it alignment specific? Like, chaotic only, non-lawful only, evil only.
The Malefactor is not alignment-specific. That's all I'm saying. Brian, James, put your scourges away. :-)

That's fine. That's all I needed.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I was working on a jinx-based class a while back. Seems like a really fun concept. I even almost called it the malefactor too! Hahaha!!!

Shadow Lodge

Nice! I had several concepts in mind originally, and Paizo duplicated them both somewhat with the Halfling Jinxes and the Hexcrafter. So I went back to the drawing board and really delved into curses. Not just tossing one out, but what can really be done with them.

Our Malefactor is going to have some really unique abilities and will be a tremendously fun character to play, carrying a great antihero theme should you want to roleplay them as such.

Shadow Lodge

More good news, this class will be 100% supported by Hero Lab software. The class will come with .user files that will allow you to add the content directly to your program and use our Malefactor class in your games even more easily!

Shadow Lodge

Slated for release this Friday, July 5th! This is one sexy fun class and we can't wait for everyone to see it.

Dark Archive

How fun will this class be if played in Way of the Wicked?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DragoDorn wrote:
How fun will this class be if played in Way of the Wicked?

From what I've seen (and, ahem, I've seen enough to make my eyes bleed with joy), the Malefactor would be a great class to use for a Way of the Wicked evil campaign. It's just oozing with wicked flavor.

Shadow Lodge

DragoDorn wrote:
How fun will this class be if played in Way of the Wicked?

We hadn't thought of that, but I suspect it would be immensely fun. The Malefactor has some really uncommon abilities that if used for evil (and let's be honest, it would be a lot of fun) could make for one heck of an entertaining session or ten.

The cover looks awesome - nice layout and title/fonts. Nice artwork Anna Rigby!

Oh, and the class seem very interesting too!!!! :)

Shadow Lodge

This is now released. It might be a day or so here at Paizo since they are away at PaizoCon. You can check it out on DriveThruRPG though.

dotting this one..

Got it, read it, loved it, review shall be posted soon....you folks are just not right, lol...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Reviewed over at RPGNow.

Shadow Lodge

The Malefactor has been reviewed by DriveThruRPG featured reviewer Shane O. at 5/5 stars! "The malefactor base class is incredibly well-constructed both in terms of its theme and its mechanical execution. While there are a few places, mostly in the expanded material, where one or the other falls a little flat, as a whole this book offers an incredibly innovative new class for your Pathfinder game. It’s deserving of each and every one of its five stars."

This sounds like it's a good companion to Rite's Luckbinger, which was build on the mechanics of SGG's Time Thief. Are the mechanics at all similar?

Shadow Lodge

I'm not terribly certain about the mechanics of those classes. I can tell you that the Malefactor is built on a rogue-like framework. It has class abilities (which rock), and curse-like powers called Maledictions. The Maledictions are all equal, but allow your Malefactor to fulfill different roles. The Maledictions get stronger at level 10, when you have the ability to expend strife points to cause them to take greater effect. They are a serious debuffer.

Even more fun is that you have to keep causing strife or the bad luck affects you too. :D I've said it before, but this is an excellent class for roleplaying opportunities.

Shadow Lodge

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Currently #5 hottest small press and #22 of the top 100 overall on DriveThruRPG!

Shadow Lodge

Now live on Paizo. You can check it out here.

Shadow Lodge

The Malefactor is a unique new class for the Pathfinder RPG that deals with curses and bad luck. The Malefactor not only inflicts them, but are themselves cursed and have learned to malign those around them with strife to lessen their own misery. Not only is the Malefactor a fun character to play mechanically, but their cursed nature makes them excellent brooding heroes and antiheroes for roleplaying purposes.

Have you ever wanted to cause ill luck and misfortune to everyone around you simply by standing in their presence? Ever wanted to cheer when others roll a natural one? How about becoming immune to cursed items? What about having the ability to draw curses and hexes into yourself and possibly even devour them? How about ignoring your own “cursed” die rolls? How about creating cursed magic items by touch? What about causing unfortunate mishaps to your enemies in combat? The Malefactor can do all of this and much, much more.

Shadow Lodge

Now in print on DriveThruRPG!

Necroing for a question.

What is the Curse-Eater archetype supposed to trade? The way it is now it simply add more power to the curse-handling aspect without taking anything. Was that an overlook?

Shadow Lodge

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It was completely an oversight. I'm hoping to sometime soon do a reprint edition with expanded content to clarify.

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