Non-caster´s tactics against casters.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How does a grappler counter a wizard's ring of freedom of movement?

Grand Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:
How does a grappler counter a wizard's ring of freedom of movement?

Sunder it.

Ravingdork wrote:
How does a grappler counter a wizard's ring of freedom of movement?

At 9th level, a tetori can spend 1 point from his ki pool to suppress his opponents’ freedom of movement and magical bonuses to Escape Artist or on checks to escape a grapple. At 13th level, this ability also duplicates the effect of dimensional anchor.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Stealth up behind them and stab them before they know you're there.

And if he hears you coming, being a Cimmerian with Improved Iron Will can help you resist his Charm Person spell. ;)

Grand Lodge

If it works for Conan, it works for me!

wraithstrike wrote:
Volkard Abendroth wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

As to your other ideas they might not work either especially if the party is around.
As a conjurer, I will nearly always have a small cloud of Elder Negative Energy Elementals.
Is that a RAW monster?

Yes: Link

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