'Answered in FAQ' threads

Website Feedback

4 people marked this as a favorite.

when a topic has been FAQ'd, and then the Paizo rules staff responds by entering it into the relevant FAQ, an 'answered in FAQ' tag appears next to the number of people who have FAQ'd the subject.

Why not have that text hot-link directly to where the FAQ is, so people don't have to hunt it down?
If not have the FAQ writer post in the thread itself, possibly including the text of the FAQ as an answer to the questions posed by the thread topic?

Don't know how much work it would be but it would be nice.

Or maybe just have whoever chooses the FAQ thing post a link to the FAQ if making the base text hot-link would require to much of an overhaul.

if it wouldn't take much to implement it would certainly make things easier

Liberty's Edge

I would greatly appreciate this feature.

One reason this is a good idea is because sometimes things are marked as "answered in the FAQ", but they have not been answered. If the answer can be link to the answered status then it can't happen by accident anymore.

Liberty's Edge

wraithstrike wrote:
One reason this is a good idea is because sometimes things are marked as "answered in the FAQ", but they have not been answered. If the answer can be link to the answered status then it can't happen by accident anymore.

That's actually what spurred the creation of this thread, the question about using supernatural abilities while blinking and do they suffer the 20% miss chance is marked "answered in the FAQ" but hasn't been answered.

I've seen quite a few such Answered in FAQ posts that weren't. I'd love this feature.


I also agree, and in an ideal world I would extend it to links for questions marked as "no answer necessary" as well. A man can dream...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

You know what, this is such a good idea that I could've sworn we'd already implemented it. And it looks like we did. But it turned out that the actual connecting-up of the post that asks a question and the FAQ answer was problematic once questions and answers got shuffled around, or a single post was answered in multiple FAQ questions, or multiple posts got resolved in multiple answers, etc. So we turned it off for now.

I remember seeing this before, and I couldn't decide if it was a dream or reality. Guess it was the latter.

Could we get the author to post the actual answer in the thread then or at least have an in house database so that when the question is not answred in the FAQ they can find the answer they intended to put there.

I realise my following solution is probably over simplified.
Maybe assigning each answered FAQ a number could work.

Poster: "FAQ #16 does not have an answer."

Paizo staff: "Darn, I never did post that." <Looks at chart/file/etc, and post it.>

Gary Teter wrote:
You know what, this is such a good idea that I could've sworn we'd already implemented it. And it looks like we did. But it turned out that the actual connecting-up of the post that asks a question and the FAQ answer was problematic once questions and answers got shuffled around, or a single post was answered in multiple FAQ questions, or multiple posts got resolved in multiple answers, etc. So we turned it off for now.

Huh... But still, it DOES seem like such a great idea, I'd still really like to see it implemented.

The 'complicated cases' you mentioned seem to pretty much cover all the possible permutations... It doesn't seem TOO hard to have multiple posts/threads link to the same FAQ, and one post linking to multiple FAQs seems reasonable to handle as well... just insert MULTIPLE 'answered in FAQ' links? though that brings up that even single thread/single FAQs would be alot clearer when reading the thread if the FAQ itself was POSTED in the thread... multi FAQ answers would then just be multiple posts/quotes within the thread.

maybe if FAQs are re-posted/quoted within the thread (at the end, etc, though since they often provoke more discussion the thread may likely continue), the 'this has already been answered in the FAQ' tag could function to hot-link to the POST within the thread that is quoting the FAQ (the FAQ quote post itself might link to the FAQ it comes from), and when there is multiple FAQs quoted within the thread (not necessarily adjacent to each other) there will be a 'next FAQ' hot-link to 'fast-forward' to the next FAQ quote post?

I don't care if there are multiple links or not. I just want at least one. That will stop the false "answered in FAQ's" from appearing. Many times during a debate someone will check the FAW thread anyway or do a search.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
You know what, this is such a good idea that I could've sworn we'd already implemented it. And it looks like we did. But it turned out that the actual connecting-up of the post that asks a question and the FAQ answer was problematic once questions and answers got shuffled around, or a single post was answered in multiple FAQ questions, or multiple posts got resolved in multiple answers, etc. So we turned it off for now.

So, is it ever getting turned back on...?

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