Which 3rd party companies are going to PaizoCon?

PaizoCon General Discussion

As the title says!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Jon Brazer Enterprises will be present. My wonderful girlfriend, Janel will be at the JBE Booth the entire time. I'll be at the booth when I am not running games or doing seminars.

Games, sign up early.

Shadowsfall: Temple of Orcus

Yet Unnamed 2013 Kickstarter Free RPG Day Adventure


Kicking Off Your Kickstarter Campaign (Even though is is not listed so, Louis of LPJ Designs and Wolfgang of Open Design will be there as well)

So You Want to Be a Pathfinder Compatible Publisher

Is there any info on the Yet Unnamed 2013 Kickstarter Free RPG Day Adventure?

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Cheapy wrote:
Is there any info on the Yet Unnamed 2013 Kickstarter Free RPG Day Adventure?

Right now I'm still deciding between 3 different ideas which are each at a different level. I might be doing the write up on which one I decide on the plane ride out. So not so much.

Dreamscarred Press

I was planning to go this year, but alas, finances conspired against me.

Hotel booked and badges bought for GenCon, however. :)

Frog God Games

Frogs will represent; Bill, Skeeter, and myself, plus (if Momma Frog allows) Bill's two tadpoles.

Liberty's Edge

Rossi Publishing Games will be there. We'll be running samples of the Terah Project: Steampunk for Pathfinder Roleplaying.

Open Design, HeroLab, Super Genius, Zombie Sky Press, LPJ, Fire Mountain Games, and Looking for Group will all be attending as well as others.

Just to confirm what Jeff said -- indeed, Fire Mountain Games (both Mike and myself) will be there.

I will be running an exclusive Way of the Wicked spinoff called MinionQuest (and Paranoia and Grimm).

There will be no one to stop us this time.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Though we be a relatively new addition to the 3PP ranks, and have a single work out (hopefully our second will be out immediately prior to PaizoCon), Iron Hills Games will be present (I know I will be there and I am fairly certain Danny has secured transportation and a room as well).

I may end up running some pick up games this go 'round (and I promise not to throw any of our creations into the mix) ... keep your eyes on the boards.

The Exchange

Will Reaper Miniatures be there?

Paizo Employee CEO

Zuxius wrote:
Will Reaper Miniatures be there?

Last I heard, yes.


Little Red will be there, though we will not have a booth. Scott Gladstein (owner) will be taking this one.


Scarab Sages

Glad to hear Reaper will be there. I had fun at the painting booth last year - I was able to buy and paint an awesome mantis assassin in time for a PFS game my (now) husband was running.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

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Most of the braintrust for Legendary Games will be in attendance (though not at any specific panels or table in the dealer's room). You can still catch up with Clark Peterson, Jason Nelson, me, Greg A. Vaughan, Boomer, etc. I believe Hugo Solis (art) and Timothy Wickham (layout) will be there, too. Just about everyone who's contributed in some way or another.

The Exchange Kobold Press

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Open Design will be there with a full slate of minions, including myself, Shelly Baur, Wade Rockett, Adam Roy, Christina Stiles, Sigfried Trent, Anne Trent, and more.

I think the kobolds will be running about 12 Pathfinder games and half-a-dozen or more panels, and we're releasing at least one book at the show.

The littlest kobold will also be attending her first convention, and is looking forward to painting something in the Reaper booth. Very, very excited about the show!

Lone Wolf Development

Lone Wolf Development will have our popular Hero Lab Character Creation Stations available for everyone to use. In addition, we'll be providing a sneak peek at our upcoming Realm Works product.

We won't be setup in the dealer room this year. Instead, we'll have everything at the Character Creation Stations outside the dealer room, thereby allowing us to make everything available for longer hours than the dealer room would otherwise enable.

For those of you who are active on our forums, both Mathias Gehl and Aaron Beal will be at PaizoCon. Mathias will be doing a couple of seminars on data file authoring with Hero Lab, plus both he and Aaron will be available to answer data file questions during off-peak hours at the Character Creation Stations.

John Ryan and I will round out the team that will be attending this year.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in a month!

Edit: Below are the seminars we've got slated...
Hero Lab® - Adding Your Own Content #1
Hero Lab® - Adding Your Own Content #2
Realm Works™ - An In-Depth Look At Campaign Management

I was wondering where this thread went.

Great to hear though!

I look forward to meeting both the mainstays and the new guys.

The Exchange

LPJ Design will be there too, I'm running two slots of NeoExodus and Louis will have some books for sale. Come check us out!


The Exchange

While d20pfsrd.com is not officially a 3rd party publisher (even though many of our posts get moved to that section of the forums) we (or rather I, John) will be there this year. It will be my first PaizoCon.

I wasn't originally planning to attend due to it being quite a distance (I'm in Michigan) but when Ryan Costello (3.5 Private Sanctuary / Know Direction podcasts) asked if I would be willing to speak on the Pathfinder Community Projects panel (along with Tim Nightengale of Wayfinder, Ted Thompson of Pathfinder Chronicler, and Alex Greenshields of Pathfinder Wiki) I decided I'd look into the costs of attending. Since my wife's best friend lives in Seattle it turns out I can bunk at her house (conveniently enough she'll be visiting my wife in Michigan that same weekend lol) and use her car. So, with the costs of hotel and car taken care of I made the airfare work out and thus, I'll be lurking the con looking for more new recruits to sign up :)

The panel I'll be on is Saturday @ 10:00 am. BE THERE! There might even be some (a few) special gifts for people who sign on as collaborators, who knows? :)

Liberty's Edge

Neil Spicer wrote:
Most of the braintrust for Legendary Games will be in attendance (though not at any specific panels or table in the dealer's room). You can still catch up with Clark Peterson, Jason Nelson, me, Greg A. Vaughan, Boomer, etc. I believe Hugo Solis (art) and Timothy Wickham (layout) will be there, too. Just about everyone who's contributed in some way or another.

I'll be there for sure (as will Hugo) - looking forward to playing in a few games this year!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Timothy K. Wickham wrote:
Neil Spicer wrote:
Most of the braintrust for Legendary Games will be in attendance (though not at any specific panels or table in the dealer's room). You can still catch up with Clark Peterson, Jason Nelson, me, Greg A. Vaughan, Boomer, etc. I believe Hugo Solis (art) and Timothy Wickham (layout) will be there, too. Just about everyone who's contributed in some way or another.
I'll be there for sure (as will Hugo) - looking forward to playing in a few games this year!

In news both happy and sad, Boomer got a promotion at his day job! Which sadly means he also got stuck with new responsibilities that will prevent him from attending PaizoCon this year. :(

I'll be there fo sho tho!

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:
In news both happy and sad, Boomer got a promotion at his day job! Which sadly means he also got stuck with new responsibilities that will prevent him from attending PaizoCon this year. :(

<shakes fist>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!</shakes fist>

Seriously though, congrats Boomer!

<shakes fist>KHAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!</shakes fist>

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

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zylphryx wrote:
<shakes fist>KHAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!</shakes fist>

<shakes fist>PaizoCOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!</shakes fist>

I recall being the first person to figure out Clark's new company (Legendary Games), and him asking if I'd be at PaizoCon last year. I wasn't going last year, but I will be this year!

Liberty's Edge

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

Open Design will be there with a full slate of minions, including myself, Shelly Baur, Wade Rockett, Adam Roy, Christina Stiles, Sigfried Trent, Anne Trent, and more.

I think the kobolds will be running about 12 Pathfinder games and half-a-dozen or more panels, and we're releasing at least one book at the show.

The littlest kobold will also be attending her first convention, and is looking forward to painting something in the Reaper booth. Very, very excited about the show!

So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Cheapy wrote:
I recall being the first person to figure out Clark's new company (Legendary Games), and him asking if I'd be at PaizoCon last year. I wasn't going last year, but I will be this year!

And, sadly, Clark won't be there this year. :-(

You can still interact with myself, Jason, Hugo, Tim, and Greg, though. :-)

The Exchange Kobold Press

Kassil wrote:
So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?

You are indeed an honorary kobold! It comes with a snazzy title and an invite to the Kobold Meetup.

Liberty's Edge

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Kassil wrote:
So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?
You are indeed an honorary kobold! It comes with a snazzy title and an invite to the Kobold Meetup.

Huh. A title and an invite? That's kinda cool.

JP Chapleau wrote:

LPJ Design will be there too, I'm running two slots of NeoExodus and Louis will have some books for sale. Come check us out!


That correct. I think I will be travelling the furthest coming from Ft. Lauderdale to Seattle.

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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Kassil wrote:
Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Kassil wrote:
So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?
You are indeed an honorary kobold! It comes with a snazzy title and an invite to the Kobold Meetup.
Huh. A title and an invite? That's kinda cool.

Wait... will this involve MORE drinking for Kassil and I? If so, HIGH FIVE!

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Kassil wrote:
So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?
You are indeed an honorary kobold! It comes with a snazzy title and an invite to the Kobold Meetup.

Oooh, a kobold meet-up? Do Tin Crown wearers get to come?


Wolfgang Baur wrote:
Kassil wrote:
So, since I'm running some of those for you, am I some kind of honorary kobold?
You are indeed an honorary kobold! It comes with a snazzy title and an invite to the Kobold Meetup.

You gotta pick a number for your minion status...says Kobold Minion #7.


Eric "Boxhead" Hindley wrote:

Oooh, a kobold meet-up? Do Tin Crown wearers get to come?

They should. Did you get the invite?

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