Carrion Crown PC


Jumping into a Carrion Crown Campaign at level 5
going sword and board paladin
human 25 point buy

stats at level 5
str. 16 (+2 racial)
dex. 17 (+1 at level 4)
con. 12
int. 7
wis. 12
cha. 16

iron will (human bonus)
lighting reflexes (level 1)
great fortitude (flaw/inattentive)
toughness (flaw/ unreactive)
two weapon fighting (level 3)
improved shield bash (level 5)

planned build from here on out is
improved two weapon fighting 7
sheild slam 9
sheild master 11
greater two weapon fighting 13
basing finish 15 (may flip flop those)
all ability points heading into dex from here on out

sheild bearer (+1 damage to sheild bash)
dangerously curious (+1 umd, umd is class skill)

going with weapon bond (sheild)

haven't had a good run with undead ever actually so I am thinking boosting saving throws would be a good idea.
so saves right now are
fort 10
ref 9
will 10

right now with 10,500 in gear i am purchasing:
+1 heavy spiked shield
+1 breast plate
+1 flail
mw scimitar
pearl of power 1st x2 ( using divine favor to help hit)
ioun torch

My question is, without double slice or channeling smite, is my dps going to be enough?

Otherwise I would replace the saving throw feats, and toughness with
double slice, channeling smite, extra channel, extra channel

Liberty's Edge

You'll be fine. Double Slice would add +2 damage with your off-hand attacks only every round. Smite's +Level to damage is going to more than compensate for it - not to mention that on your first attack of a smite, you get 2xLevel damage against Undead.

Of course, if you want super-damage, go Oath of Vengeance, but I really don't think it's strictly necessary, and your party will LOVE that you kept Aura of Justice (or whatever it is that gives your allies your smite).

I would not take Channel Smite.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, and prepare a lot of the spell "Litany of Righteousness." It's useful against anything that shares a language with you, and it's much, much better than Divine Favor, especially because your CL = level-3.

Axebeard wrote:
Oh, and prepare a lot of the spell "Litany of Righteousness." It's useful against anything that shares a language with you, and it's much, much better than Divine Favor, especially because your CL = level-3.

thanks for the double posts of advice, will look into them, game starts this friday

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