Gibo Auja |
so theres no way this can be optimized, the summoner just doesn't have the BAB to be in melee, but what do I care some things just have to be done.
The biggest problem I forsee is subpar stats. I have two ideas and both involve a Half Elf. As a summoner I need a lance (or is fauchard so much better the X3 on lance with charge doesnt beat the 18-20 crit?). So I decided on Half Elf, there +1/4 evolution points can be real helpful.
1E WP-Fauchard or Lance
1 - mounted Combat
3 - Ride by Attack
5 - Spirated charge
Stats for lvl 1(idea 1) (Pathfinder Society 20 point build)
Str 14
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 16
Stats for lvl 1 (idea 2)
Str 15
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 16
There very similar, but one insures my strength is a solid 16 by lvl 4.
The idea is to get a qudraped type and until lvl 8 enlarge him. Then we charge gloriously into combat. He would pounce with 3 natural attacks (I should always have max attacks) and I would hit with my lance/fauchard. You know simple stuff.
So any ideas anyone can contribute would be awesome. I would like to get her to a high lvl without getting mauled from sucking to much.
Now I know being a summoner this isn't exactly optimal, but Iv'e been fondly remembering DragonLance (stopped reading a while ago is it still good) so I just really want to charge with a pole-arm while on top of a dragon, that's not to much to ask is it?
Drejk |
Be willing to sacrifice Charisma for Strength if you want to shine with lance. IF you want to focus on mount and lance you don't need Charisma 16, you could try 14.
Summoner is optimal for this idea as is the only build that allows draconic-looking-monster-rider at all purely through class features. Making any other dragon rider requires higher degree of cooperation with GM to gain draconic mount NPC.
Selgard |
Your Eidolon has to look /fantastical/ which has been clarified to mean that it can't look like some other living creature.
So getting it to look like a dragon while claiming to be a dragon rider is going to be a serious issue.
Literally every single MM that comes out further limits your Eidolon appearance choices.
Since it appears you are going for PFS, this isn't even something you can talk to the DM about changing. You can not have your Eidolon appear to be a creature that actually exists.
Now, this still gives you some options. But most of them are dependant on any given DM's intrepretations of the rules.
You could
1) Not make it look like an existing dragon. skim the pictures and descriptions in the MM's and make yours look different. Maybe 4 wings (appearance wise) instead of two, maybe a super exaggerated under bite or toss a couple extra legs/claws in their (which actually would make your pounce even better..).
2) Give the tail a poisonous stinger. The poison-tail dragon type critters are bipeds not quad, so just doing that alone actually makes it not like any known creature (that I'm aware of).
3) Make it some wacky color. I dislike this one the most, just because the really good solid colors have already been taken.. but it is an option (at least until the next MM when they release even *more* dragon color schemes..)
You do have to have something to differentiate it from the current dragons though for it to work, regardless of what your PC says ingame.
(he can claim its a red dragon all he wants as long as he doesn't actually look like a red dragon.)
Drejk |
It has to look as fantastic creature which does not mean that it can't resemble existing creature - there are ready eidolon models in Ultimate Magic:
The eidolon appears to be a Medium dragon. Making a Small dragon eidolon creates a fairy dragon or pseudodragon. Large or Huge dragons can be created by exchanging one or more of the evolutions below for the large evolution.
Obviously, anyone making a successful Knowledge [arcana] check will note that it is not exactly any dragon species he read about nor any unique dragon he knows of. Common peasant that can't discern between wyvern or actual dragon? Not so much.
Gibo Auja |
I could easily make appearance changes if I have to, but i really appreciate all the help everyone. I might change my +2 in my cha to my str. All though I still wonder if the lance is better than the Fauchard. I will have spirited charge, but I would eventually have a keen weapon... So that's a 15-20 crit range with a Fauchard.
Also the problem with picking a small race and the -2 to str would really hurt. So I'm just going to enlarge my creature with my spell. One of the first items I intend to buy is a rod of extend spell. For PFS that should give me plenty of opportunity to charge gloriously.
Gibo Auja |
Cavalier with Leadership. Get a Synthesist Summoner as your Cohort.
If Leadership isnt allowed... convince another party memeber to be the Synthesist Summoner.
Wear Fullplate with roses on the shield. Done.
....... yup going to call a friend.. thank you for the awesome idea. All though I'm not 100% if PFS will allow me mounting another pc.