J3Carlisle |

Playing some soul caliber has reminded me that I want to make a character who uses a polearm and a light weapon like unto Hilde, however all the reach weapons tend to be two handed, is there something that can sneak around this?
Yes I know that the rules were made to keep this from happening, but I like the concept, and that is usually more important then how good the character actually is.

Gauss |

Two main options I can see doing this:
Option 1: At 2nd level Titan Maulers (Barbarian archetype) can wield two-handed weapons in one hand using Jotungrip (for a penalty).
Option 2: At 3rd level Phalanx Soldiers (Fighter archetype) can wield polearms or spears in one hand if they have a shield in the other. There are a number of weapon-like shields that you might find to your liking. One example is the Madu (Adventurer's Armory).
There may be other options out there but that is just off the top of my head.
- Gauss

Lokiron |

I like the idea, I have been wondering how to get reach without being unable to attack adjacent targets.
Use a small reach weapon, you take a -2 but it becomes a one handed reach weapon in the hands of a medium creature.
This strikes me as a fun way to do it and I took a look at the options. I like glaives but why ever use one instead of a halberd. Am I missing something?
EDIT: F*%! me, the halberd doesn't have reach, duh. Assumed it did.

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I like the idea, I have been wondering how to get reach without being unable to attack adjacent targets.
Gignere wrote:Use a small reach weapon, you take a -2 but it becomes a one handed reach weapon in the hands of a medium creature.This strikes me as a fun way to do it and I took a look at the options. I like glaives but why ever use one instead of a halberd. Am I missing something?
EDIT: F*$@ me, the halberd doesn't have reach, duh. Assumed it did.
Phalanx fighter, or armor spikes are what you want for a reach weapon and threatening within 5 ft.

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Just as a minor commentary on the halberd/reach thing... two little points.
1: A fair number of historical halberds were around six feet long. Still long weapons, still easily polearms, but a little bit shorter than most of their peers. There were also halberds seven feet or longer, but there are enough museum pieces showing the 6' length that the lack of Reach isn't wholly out of place.
2: If you want a Reach Halberd, there is the Horsechopper. Almost the exact same stats, and some write-ups explicitly call it a halberd with a modified anti-horse hook, but it trades in Brace for Reach. You basically get your pick as to how you interpret the historical halberd design; if you think it's good for bracing against rushing enemies, you have the Halberd. Otherwise the Horsechopper covers its use as a Reach style polearm.

Gignere |
Gignere wrote:Use a small reach weapon, you take a -2 but it becomes a one handed reach weapon in the hands of a medium creature.I thought the rule was you have to use a reach weapon made for your size to actually get any reach out of it?
I am unaware of that rule, but why would it change. Small reach weapon is still a reach weapon.

Umbranus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Take 2 levels of Alchmist(Vivisectionist). You get mutagen(+4 strength for 20 minutes), 1d6 sneak attack, a few level 1 extracts(like shield), and most important a discovery. Use the discovery to get a vestigial arm. Now you can wield the polearm in two hands, and a light weapon in your offhand.
Or you could use a shield in one of your three hands and a polearm in each of the other two, as a phalanx soldier.

Charender |

Charender wrote:Take 2 levels of Alchmist(Vivisectionist). You get mutagen(+4 strength for 20 minutes), 1d6 sneak attack, a few level 1 extracts(like shield), and most important a discovery. Use the discovery to get a vestigial arm. Now you can wield the polearm in two hands, and a light weapon in your offhand.Or you could use a shield in one of your three hands and a polearm in each of the other two, as a phalanx soldier.
Let see.
A. You lose armor training, which is usually bad for a TWF Fighter since they need a 17 dexterity to get the ITWF feat.B. You lose the bonus to strength and power attack damage from wielding the polearm in two hands.

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

Are you wanting the reach and an off-hand weapon or the polearm and an off-hand weapon?
If you want the polearm and an off-hand weapon, I think the suggestions already made are you best options.
If you are wanting reach and an off-hand weapon, I think you are stuck with the vestigal arms, shield bash, or whip and short sword (or other).
I think any of them would be hard to get working very well until fairly high level.

Charender |

Are you wanting the reach and an off-hand weapon or the polearm and an off-hand weapon?
If you want the polearm and an off-hand weapon, I think the suggestions already made are you best options.
If you are wanting reach and an off-hand weapon, I think you are stuck with the vestigal arms, shield bash, or whip and short sword (or other).
I think any of them would be hard to get working very well until fairly high level.
You could have the vestigial arm at level 3, until then you could just fight as a normal polearm fighter without too much loss of effectiveness.

Charender |

What i meant was to make effective use you would need the TWF feats and the reach feats (like combat reflexes, trip, disarm, etc...)
Even a fighter would take a while to get that many feats. It would take an alchemist forever.
Not really
Level 1(Fighter) - Combat Reflexes/Combat Expertise/Improved Trip
Level 2(Vivisectionist)
Level 3(Vivisectionist) - TWF
Level 4(Fighter) - Weapon Focus
Level 5(Fighter) - Improved Disarm
Level 6(Fighter) - Weapon Specialization
Level 7(Fighter) - ITWF

J3Carlisle |

the desire is to make a character with weapons like this
it would make sense if the weapon had reach, but if that doesnt really work, then just a polearm is fine

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

the desire is to make a character with weapons like this
it would make sense if the weapon had reach, but if that doesnt really work, then just a polearm is fine
ok, got a bit better of idea from looking at the picture. From the text, she doesn't actually twf. So I think all you would need is quick draw to switch back and forth quickly.

slacks |

Guys, it seems like J3Carlisle is trying to make Hilde from Soul Caliber (at least in fighting style). He has made reference to this character several times.
As such, I don't think having a vestigial third arm really makes sense.
I don't think there is a good option to make Hilde with a reach weapon in pathfinder. I would also say that her weapon doesn't look long enough to be a reach weapon anyway, you might just go with a short spear, sword, and then get lunge.

J3Carlisle |

No, the armor spikes will allow you to threaten within 5ft, and when you want to attack, you release one of your hands, and quickdraw your shortsword. You may not be using armor spikes, but armor spikes make the build work.
If I was to go with a reach weapon, and then quickdraw when I need to attack up close(which is a good idea) why would I need the armor spikes?

J3Carlisle |

J3Carlisle wrote:you can AoOs can be done done with armor spikes? that is so stupid in every regard.How so?
A monk or character with IUS can make AoOs with unarmed strikes.
because armor spikes seem like you would have to clobber someone for them to be effective, which is hard to do if you are weilding a two handed weapon

Umbranus |

Charender wrote:because armor spikes seem like you would have to clobber someone for them to be effective, which is hard to do if you are weilding a two handed weaponJ3Carlisle wrote:you can AoOs can be done done with armor spikes? that is so stupid in every regard.How so?
A monk or character with IUS can make AoOs with unarmed strikes.
If you have spikes on the back of your gloves, on your elbows or knees or on your shin guards you can make an attack while retaining your grip on your weapon. I can see no reason why you couldn't do that.