Majestic8705 |
So I'm rolling up an Arcane Trickster with Magus Spire Defender giving me the caster side of entry. Its a 20 point buy and my stats look something like this:
STR 14
DEX 16
CON 10
INT 18
WIS 08
CHA 10
The concept, like most tricksters, will be ambush with spells and bow (you have free improved invisbleness, why not use it?) However, I am picking up the Spire Defender because of the added combat versatility. Basically, they get free proficiency with the whip which adds some...interesting possibilities.
Basically, my question is this: with stats like these, is it worth grabbing Weapon Finesse for a +1 bonus to attack? At first blush, I'm inclined to say its not worth it considering most of my attacks will be from range anyway and the melee stuff will be situational at best but maybe I'm overlooking something? Anyways, two cents'd be appreciated.

Munkir |

Make sure to take a look at Piranha Stike
Go Critical Focus use arcana pool points to up damage multiplied get a whip with All the shocking/flaming/fros elements on it and then upgrade them to burst to get those extra sweet d10
Also make sure to get scorpion whip and not just a normal whip.
Thanks for the inspiration i believe i will now make a Magus Netslinger.
_-this is a irrelevant side note-_Another Option for more damage output but not as cool as the whip for RP is the Meteor Hammer
Here is the damage
Meteor hammer 10 gp
1d8(S) 1d10(M) 19–20/×2
10 lbs. B