Halfling Barbarian "The Giant Strangler"


OK. Despite the title, I doubt this character is going to actually strangle anything with the Giant subtype. In that case, I really want to make a good Whip-Based Halfling Barbarian. If anyone can help me put it together or offer insight into different routes that would be great.

Until then, here's what I have already:

Att: STR 16, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 10, and CHA 10. (25 point-buy mind you.)

Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Knowl (Nature), Perception, Stealth, and Survival.

Feats: Exotic Weapon Prof. (Whip)

Weapon: Scorpion Whip

Traits: Prehensile Whip, Swampland Skulker (Or something like that)

Alt Racial Traits: Underfoot, Low Blow

All this is subject to change. I just want a few opinions please.

Thank You!!!

This is my shameless bump. I hate to push my post up the ladder but, I need a little help from the character building gurus.

The Exchange

any character who accepts a -1 to all cmb checks and to there own cmd while using there preffered weapon really needs to reconsider there race.

i guess it looks ok but your at level 1. not much to look into here. also you do not get the benefits of the scorpion whip unless you take

exotic weapon prof scorpion whip.

maybe pick a class that gets whip prof for free. then switch over to fighter.
you could be a cleric for 1 level or an inquisitor that follow calistra. or take one level of bard. or be a dwarven battle oracle for 3 levels using a club then switch over to whip . then at level 8 start using the scorpion whip (dwarven oracles can get 1/4 proficiency each level)

The Exchange

also if you want to be a whip wielder you are locked into being a fighter for feat requirements. might i suggest free hand fighter archetype.

Thanks Nephril, I do appreciate your assistance. A couple of things that I needed to clarify in my OP:

1. Scorpion Whip Prof. is free with Whip Prof.

2. I chose Barbarian to be able to mitigate some strength issues. Yes the lack of feats does hinder me a bit but, the class is one of the base things that I really don't want to change. (I'm kind of a Barbari-phile.)

3. The race is important for my story's original concept. "The Giant Strangler" sounded high-larious when first mentioned, Actually, he might be able to pull it off if my GM says I can use my whip as an imporvised garrote...

With these things in mind, I was hoping that I can get help with this character's progression. Any further input would be great.

There are people who believe that you don't get the benefits of a scorpion whip(like lethal damage) unless you take EWP(Scorpion Whip). Makes no sense to me, but I'm not going to argue.

What feats are you looking into?

I went down the Whip Mastery line but, they basically give me the benefits of the Scorpion Whip and my Prehensile Whip Trait. I have no other idea but going down a familiar skill tree (i.e. Combat Reflexes/Expertise, Dodge...).

In general, I like to think I'm missing something that will tie this whole thing together.

Combat Patrol might be of interest then, if you can squeeze it in.

So it's the trip/disarm route? There is a rage power that lets you add your level to CMB checks.

The Exchange

you have to take a second ewp to get lethal damage and increased damage dice.

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