LastKingDown |

Hey, Folks - Me again! Hurrah!
So, I find myself in an unusual position. I'm playing a game with 3 other players, and a DM. 2 of the players, and I get alon really well, often help each other, praise each other, ect; However, the 3rd player although a nice guy he is always tryin to outplay, outshine, or otherwise combat the rest of the group (Including the DM) in, and out of game. He often plays the role of Rule Nazi, arguing with the DM on what can be done, always in his favor, and usually against the players. He also has a habit of looking for loopholes that he can get around to quite frankly screw over the DM and his story, or the plays in, and out of game. As if this wasnt enough it seems that the DM caters to this player, letting him bend the rules in his favor, while being firm with the rules when it comes to the rest of the party.
I'm not sure if the fact that us three work well together annoys the DM, or if the 3rd player just complains enough that the DM gives in, or what, but it's getting silly now.. He's allowing player 3 to alter things mechanically, and story-wise while telling us 3 that we cannot. I was told I usually outshine the other members, and that he doesn't like people screwing with his story... I do not know how to proceed. It also seems that if any/all of us brought up this issue it would make future sessions very uncomfortable, and create a wedge between he DM and I, while makin he 3 member feel like he's unwanted.. /sigh. It's exhausting. I've been playing with this DM sense the beginning, an font want to quit because of one manipulative play who thinks he's better than everyone else l.
What do you think I should do? Is keeping quiet and learning to deal with it probably the best option? Should I confront he 3rd player? I honestly don't think he /knows/ he's doing it, I think he just naturally thinks hes smarter the rest of us, an deserves more.
I don't mind letting go homebrews, or arguments, but we should all be forced to let go these things, or am I the one that's jelous?
Thank you all for your input, everyone!
Your Googly Eyed Potato Friend

Castarr4 |

You should talk to the other player. Make it non-confrontational, so do it one-on-one. It might be easier to organize your thoughts if you write a short letter or e-mail rather than explain in person.
Mr. Player Person,
I've felt that for a while at our Pathfinder games, you've been rather confrontational in how you play. While I appreciate your knowledge of the rules, it feels like you sometimes twist them to your own advantage over working with the other players or even the DM. I'm not asking you to ignore the rules, but just tone down how often you interrupt play to correct someone. The most important rule is to have fun and cooperate to build a story, after all.
Something like that? Maybe give an example of something that you felt was disruptive to your immersion and fun. Try to keep it friendly, most of all.
I'd talk the other player first before talking to the DM. That really depends on if he'll listen to you at all though. If you think he only respects the DM, then talk to the DM first. If you think he doesn't respect anyone, then we have a more serious issue.

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It just feels like its us 3 against the DM, and his favorite, but your right.. Perhaps we can jut RP it that way...
No... once it's become personal it's something that needs to be worked out, or you need to leave the group. This is one thing that won't get better if you ignore it.

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It just feels like its us 3 against the DM, and his favorite, but your right.. Perhaps we can jut RP it that way...
Sorry, this reply rubbed me the wrong way.
It is you three versus the DM. That's not a bad thing. Just because you outnumber the people doing something you don't like doesn't mean you are in the wrong. It means that 3 of you differ in opinion to 2 others.
The DM and the player are having fun making his character better by bending the rules. The DM feels you outshine others and has a favourite. Sounds like you have a past together, and the DM didn't like how you played in other games.
RP isn't the answer here. Either have an adult conversation and/or find another game. Anything else is just going to annoy you and others.

LastKingDown |

I don't mind the fact that were against the DM, or that he even has a favorite, but that he's allowin his favorite to challenge the group in/out of game.. This other player has become DM #2. By RP I merely meant to stop being buddy, buddy to this monsterous player/DM that's traveling with our group. The othe players are mildly bothered this, but not enough to say anything. So I'm gonna just deal with it, and not get in the way of everyone else's fun.

pathar |

It just feels like its us 3 against the DM, and his favorite, but your right..
That would imply that it's 3 to 2 against the current situation. To my mind, that (a) provides external validation for your opinion (times two!), (b) prevents the GM from just saying you personally have a problem, and (c) means that a majority would like the situation to change, and since the situation is a game that you're all playing voluntarily, majority rule really should carry when it comes to things like "having fun" and "not having fun."
I bring all this up because your response, "It just feels like its us 3 against the DM, and his favorite," would imply that was somehow a bad thing, which I'm having trouble understanding.