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![]() Why is telling the AC such a big deal? Its a hell of a time saver sometimes. Regarding it taking awhile (relatively speaking) to identify a spell, I guess that is up to the GM but to me, it seems like a free action should be free. I mean, if you are super well versed in something, like a wizard would be regarding spells, then just a slight gesture combined with the beginnings of a phrase would be enough. Kinda like that old game show Name That Tune. Just the very beginning would be enough. Especially considering that they wouldn't be counteracting the spell, there wouldn't be anything the target could do to stop it, ergo IMO there would be no reason not to allow the free action announcement ![]()
![]() JCServant wrote:
then they should be able to tell the other player. If they recognize the spell, speech is but a free action ![]()
![]() in my games i have no problem telling the AC of a monster after the first round. I like having the unknown for the first round of battle but after that its tedious for me and them to have them keep asking if they hit. Regarding saving throws i commonly just say 'you need to make a reflex saving throw' then when they tell me the total with bonuses and negatives added in, then i tell them if they fail or not. There are times, like when i know that a DC is going to be high, that i will tell them ahead of time what the DC they need to hit is. ![]()
![]() i recently started a game where the GM makes a list of all the loot and we then roll percentage dice with the highest roll having first choice. Its a fair way to do it, but you could have one guy that rolls really well all the time and gets the best gear. But even with this method there is a need > greed factor. ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: Barbarian used to be the new guy 'max Str and use a greataxe' class, but now thanks to rage powers, it's not quite so simple anymore. No but it still seems to be the simplest imo. Also as a Gm i would allow a new player the ability to swap out things like feats and rage powers for the first 10 levels or so. Somethings look great on paper and then once you hit the game you realize how circumstantial some of them are. ![]()
![]() Tierce wrote: Barbarian, scream at stuff and smack them around quoted for agreement. The first character i ever played was a Barb and in combat its very simple, yell, bash, yell over slain opponent. Outside of combat it can be alot of fun to think of things in a more simplistic fashion. Barbarians arent necessarily dumb, and alot of times more 'intelligent' PC's can over think things. The way I played him was 'If situation = culturally ok, no smash'. 'If situation = culturally not ok, smash'. It was a lot of fun and I ended up smashing the story the GM had created for me into a million pieces by thinking so simplistically. One such situation was when i was presented money by small group of similar barbarians to purchase something for them (in an attempt to ingratiate me into their Clan), my Barb looked at all the money, realized he had none of his own and walked into the door of the building and kept walking to the back entrance. They ended up tracking me and i made a miracle of a bluff check to pull off an insane lie. ![]()
![]() TOZ wrote:
quoted for lulz ![]()
![]() master arminas wrote:
In any game i would happen to GM, the monk would have to A. use flurry like twf, meaning two weapons, and B. the enchantment would be on the monk himself, in the case of Magic Fang etc. Therefore, if he wants to enchant his UAS, it would be one casting of whatever enchantment spell. This seems to be the most common sense approach, rather than having to specify "I cast GMF on my left fist, then my bum and finally my nose hairs" ![]()
![]() as a fairly new player (a couple of years) i tend to change it up. I played a CE Barbarian, a LG Paladin, a NG Monk, and my namesake CG Wizard. The Barbarian was an outside the box thinker and came up with lots of unorthodox solutions to problems. The Paladin (Galadin the Paladin lol) was stick up the butt straight arrow. The monk was a vow of poverty (no bonus to Ki, did it for flavor) who was terribly polite and respectful but incurred the wrath of my fellow players many times because he never had money to pay for passage on ships or a room at the inn. Fizzle is a bit of a douchebag who has little respect for local customs and no real concern for others, but a strong desire to prove himself worthy. Thinking of going with a happy go lucky Bard next. ![]()
![]() Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
For fluff's sake i'm going to try to play her as a personal bodyguard, as that was the role she was in previously. That being the case, i would prefer her to not be archery focused. Again not optimal, but i'm trying to be fair with the feat as it seems to be open for abuse. Of course she'll carry a bow, she's an elf for god's sake :P. I am going with a finesse build, so she will be decent enough with the bow. Aldori sword looks like a winner for a main weapon, but a 2 feat investment seems like alot. Ah i use the srd site to build my characters and forgot to check the origin of the Urban Barb. So thats out, thanks for pointing that out to me. So overall looks like i'm back to Fighter/Wizard. If i use the Aldori sword with a fighter build, i wont feel the pain of the feat investement as much. Given the Hero NPC stat array, 15,14,13,12,10,8, I'm looking at:
![]() Jarl wrote:
mainly because we've argued a bit about other things and i dont really want to press the point on something (leadership feat) that he normally doesnt allow. You know, trying to be a team player and make sure its still fun for him and all that jazz. ![]()
![]() Thanks, good ideas. Ill ask about traits and going halvsies. I'm not looking for her to be terribly optimal, but I would like for her to be effective. Thinking about going transmutation school for the buffs. Also urban barbarian rather than fighter. Feat weak, but the rage bonus to physical stats seems nice ![]()
![]() Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
The Gm is who specified the Eldritch Knight, i'm just trying to make her the best i can. I've fired off an email to him asking if Magus would be a sufficient substitution, but he's not too big on the Magus edit- Magus is a no go. He's not allowing that class yet, as he hasnt picked up the Ultimate books so he's not familiar with it. ![]()
![]() So i have a lvl 7 cohort to build. The fluff points the Dm has given me are: race: Elf, female, must be attempting to go the way of the Eldritch Knight. She was a royal guard prior to being captured by some giants, from which we rescued her. Using the Hero Npc stat block, and all of the standard rules apply. My only personal preference is to have her use the elven curve blade. Other than that, its open. I'm considering Fighter 5 / Wizard 2 with her being apprenticed to me (teh wizard) until she gets to F-5/W-5 then going EK, but i'm not sure thats the best way. Open to ideas! ![]()
![]() unclepaul wrote: Quote:
Quote: Out of combat the cohort gain exp like normal when the main character gains exp at the rate listed in the book seems like b%@%%+@@ to me. Basically it seems like he's trying to get the other players to rebel against me having a cohort, or force me to leave her out of combat. Opinions? Btw i guess my offering to outfit and pay the cohort money out of my share of the loot doesnt count as a 'cost'. Neither does me using a feat count as a 'cost'. ![]()
![]() my thought was to have (i have 7 followers) 1 cleric for out of combat healing, 2 warriors (npc class) for intimidation factor and to keep the rabble off of my robe hem, 1 expert (npc class) for basic work and construction, and 3 commoners, each with a craft/profession: cook, weaponsmithing, armorsmithing. Basically those should cover all the bases i need. Oh and the cleric is like my Steward, handling the other followers, arranging my day to day things etc. ![]()
![]() as the player in question, I would like to flesh out DrRant's post a bit. The story is that he created was that Brienne, elf, was a Royal Guard that was captured by giants and we the party rescued. DrRant gave me the stat array, and told me that her goal is to become an Eldritch Knight. So based on that, I figured that her first goal as a guard was to be fairly viable in combat, therefore i gave her 5 levels of fighter, and 2 levels of wizard with the understanding that I, the wizard, would take her as my apprentice and guide her further on her journey toward her goal. She will start the role of EK at level 10, she is lvl 7 now. Considering her previous job, i gave her a few things that, in our current situation, will be useless. She has Weap Focus elven curved blade, which we dont have, because as a royal guard i figured that the preferred weapon would be that. I gave her power attack and improved sunder, PA as a pre-req, figuring that as a fighter trained to defend someone else, she would attempt to incapacitate someone as quickly as possible and imo making a guy naked and cold staring at person who did it would pretty much do that. I also gave her the bodyguard feat, which was purely for flavor, but hey, it might come in handy. Also, considering her desire to be a self buffer, i gave her the Transmutation school considering that is where alot of the self buffs are, Cat's Grace et al. I've also offered to DrRant a few other things for her, such as paying her a stipend from my portion of the loot, making her stand guard over me in battle and therefore not entering the fray unless something approaches me or threatens me. her feats are as follows: Weap Focus ECB, Power Attack, Imp Sunder, Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, Weap Specialization, and arcane armor training. her bonded item is a Royal Guard Signet and her school is Transmutation, opposed by Divination and Necromancy |