What do you do with all your GM Chronicle Sheets?

GM Discussion

Shadow Lodge Event Coordinator - Dragon's Lair Comics & Fantasy®

I mostly ask out of plain curiosity, because it will likely be a very long time before I get a chance to play again (I'm GMing as a store employee), so I've got a stack of GM-credit chronicle sheets building up that I'll probably never use.

So you guys that have been running tables for years and have dozens of tables' worth of GM credit, do you actually use it all on your own characters, or do you just let it pile up in your closet, lol?


honestly I don't keep a hard copy of the chronicle .. it would get lost. I have a spreadsheet that I keep track of what I've played, Gmd taken credit for and which ones need to be applied to a character. When I'm going to use the credit then I print out the chronicle and put the date on it that the scenario was GM'd

I have a hard personal rule that credit doesn't get used past lvl 5. and I generally don't create characters under level 3. The last two have been created at level 5. High level Gm credit doesn't get used generally

Grand Lodge 5/5

Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:

I have a hard personal rule that credit doesn't get used past lvl 5. and I generally don't create characters under level 3. The last two have been created at level 5. High level Gm credit doesn't get used generally

I try to stick to that, too, though occasionally I break it. :/

Shadow Lodge Event Coordinator - Dragon's Lair Comics & Fantasy®

Any particular reason for that personal rule? I'm relatively new to this, only have three tables under my belt, and I've been devouring all the FAQ, info, and etiquette I can find XD


that's just my rule .. I like to play my characters, but loathe the lower few levels. at level 5 I can begin to enjoy them and if I want to play them more at level 6 I can go slow progression and get just as much play time as someone that builds at level 1

Shadow Lodge Event Coordinator - Dragon's Lair Comics & Fantasy®

Ah, cool. I've been really enjoying just GMing for the store, honestly, and I'm busy enough the rest of the time that like I say, I'll probably never get to actually play at my own PFS events. The chronicles don't expire, do they, haha?

Silver Crusade 2/5

I also loath the low levels (1-2) but I use my credit on characters until they become viable or get an ability that just makes the class a joy to play. For example, my Magus will not be played until it is 3rd level because that is when it gets dervish dance as a feat, and he becomes a boss at that point.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I actually Use all of my GM credit, I have gotten about 59 GM Chronicles spread across 7 characters.

They are good for making a wide range of Level PCs so you can sit at any table no matter what Tier is playing.

Sczarni 4/5

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I'm the opposite of Thea. I keep one character at each tier, just to fill in tables. Its no fun to be a player after level 5 for me though, so none of my low level stuff gets used.

The Exchange 3/5

I have about 30 or so GM credits in a folder.

They'll never be used officially since I prefer to play my yahoos and enjoy them almost as much as possible rather than credit them to retirement.

I think when I get 33 or so GM credit across all tiers enough to level a character to 12, I'll burn them all in a bonfire and sing a dirge.

That never-played, never-loved character will be Vyle Bard. He's a good-fer-nuthin' and I'll be glad when he's gone.

Burn Vyle, burn!


p.s. Also, too, at a certain point, when you judge a lot, GM credits don't mean much.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Painlord wrote:
p.s. Also, too, at a certain point, when you judge a lot, GM credits don't mean much.

Not all of us feel that way Pain.

95 PFS games and I still love getting GM credit.. I doubt that will veer change.

Edit: Went to you link..

Vyle Bard
Fey-yeah Beaters

I get who they are... but who the hell is FlagnGoon?

The Exchange 3/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
95 PFS games and I still love getting GM credit.. I doubt that will veer change.

For some people, this game is a destination. The important thing to them is the destination (levels? retirement?).

For others, it is a journey. And the journey is one that you share with others, creating shared memories as you walk a path as a character of your creation.

I'll leave you to decide which one is right.


Edited for clarity.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Painlord wrote:

For some people, this game is a destination. The important thing to them is the destination (levels? retirement?).

For others, it is a journey. And the journey is one that you share with others, creating shared memories as you walk a path as a character of your creation.

I'll leave you to decide which one is right.


Edited for clarity.

Pain, I was only commenting that your view on GM Credit is not the same for everyone, That does not make it wrong to "your" right. It just makes it Different.

Can we keep it at that?

Not right or wrong? but just Different?

Sczarni 3/5

thequickhoof wrote:

I mostly ask out of plain curiosity, because it will likely be a very long time before I get a chance to play again (I'm GMing as a store employee), so I've got a stack of GM-credit chronicle sheets building up that I'll probably never use.

So you guys that have been running tables for years and have dozens of tables' worth of GM credit, do you actually use it all on your own characters, or do you just let it pile up in your closet, lol?

Technically, you have the option of not taking the chronicle for GMing.

For reporting, all you have to do is not enter a numerical suffix in the second GM PFS ID# box. You'll still get the table credit for running, but it won't credit you with PA.


Painlord wrote:

For some people, this game is a destination. The important thing to them is the destination (levels? retirement?).

For others, it is a journey. And the journey is one that you share with others, creating shared memories as you walk a path as a character of your creation.

I'll leave you to decide which one is right.


Hmm. Option A! Definitely A. Wait.. unless you want us to think it's A because the answer's really B! So it's B! No. That doesn't make sense either. *confused*

Can someone please start a 400-post thread discussing these two answers so we can all decide the correct way to play this game? Thanks!


My personal rule, similar to Thea's, is that I won't level a character unless I've played at least one scenario with them at that level.

That is, no more than 2 GM credits per level for a given character.

I also opt not to take GM credit for scenarios most of the time. For me personally, at the end of a scenario, I decide if I've got someone who can use a given chronicle right then - if not, then I don't take it. Generally, I figure that I'm going to end up GMing those scenarios again someday, so I might as well get the credit the second time around.

Please note: I have been called insane for this attitude on more than one occasion.

4/5 ****

I apply all my GM credits. In fact I'm such a crazy person I'm going to apply GM credits form running Eyes of the Ten in May.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

I apply all of my GM credits. I love to make/level characters, I love playing them too, but I have so many ideas for characters that I tend to make a bunch just for fun. Currently I have 10 characters (one for each faction) and I think all but one have at least one GM credit.

Liberty's Edge

For me your characters retire too quickly to even take GM credit. I enjoy playing a character from start to finish. So I don't even take a chronicle for the scenarios I judge.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

It may just be me, but I think it would be hilarious to take a failboat of a character intentionally statted and feated out to be an atrocious wreck then burn off unwanted GM credit to max level and retire him.

"Come young ones and here the tale of Weaky McGee, the slowest and sickliest adventurer you ever did see...wha!? No! He's not dead! That's his Absalom Townhouse, tavern and ship right over there!"

Silver Crusade 4/5

Sammy T wrote:

It may just be me, but I think it would be hilarious to take a failboat of a character intentionally statted and feated out to be an atrocious wreck then burn off unwanted GM credit to max level and retire him.

"Come young ones and here the tale of Weaky McGee, the slowest and sickliest adventurer you ever did see...wha!? No! He's not dead! That's his Absalom Townhouse, tavern and ship right over there!"

Use GM credits to get the wimp character up to level 10 or 11, then actually play him.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:
that's just my rule .. I like to play my characters, but loathe the lower few levels. at level 5 I can begin to enjoy them and if I want to play them more at level 6 I can go slow progression and get just as much play time as someone that builds at level 1

That was pretty much my though when I saw how PFS levels went; Use slow advancement to get more time to explore how characters work at any given level. Currently I have the bar set pretty low (3rd or 4th level), but I expect I'll push it a bit higher eventually.

GM credit (what little of it I currently have) is useful to run a character up through lower levels (or at the least to skip over level 1), and to start with a budget that lets you purchase at least one shiny.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

Sammy T wrote:

It may just be me, but I think it would be hilarious to take a failboat of a character intentionally statted and feated out to be an atrocious wreck then burn off unwanted GM credit to max level and retire him.

"Come young ones and here the tale of Weaky McGee, the slowest and sickliest adventurer you ever did see...wha!? No! He's not dead! That's his Absalom Townhouse, tavern and ship right over there!"

After 8 ever increasingly less thought out characters I am planning a 12 class character for exactly that purpose: Bernie McBurnerson of the Scenario Eater Clan.


I apply my GM credits as I earn them, but I try to play every character at least once per level. I find that if I don't, I lose touch with the things they need to survive a scenario. Stuff like "oh, yeah, I'm 5th level now, I should really have a weapon that can overcome x DR".

Silver Crusade

at my table i am the only one that wants to run society; the players are all my fellow dm's for 20 years, 200+ years of DM/gaming here. there are 8 players in the adventure path another guy dm's. we decided to do society until the last two guys got there, as they arrive the same time.

Im going to be taking full credit for the adventures that I did GM for. Only way ill be able to level a character up. i enjoy making characters as much as playing them.

Dark Archive 4/5

Hmm an idea. Take a character and try to put as many classes on him up to 12. Obviously you can't do Samurai/Cavalier, Ninja/Rogue, Barbarian/Paladin/Monk.

Abilities start out at all 13s and one 14 before racial modifiers.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

So far I've applied all my GM credits. I try to use them to get my characters past the two humps of PFS - the extremely low levels (1-2) and then again when they hit sixth to push them to seventh. It was worse when there were more lvl1-5 mods and 7-11. That gap really hurt for a while.

I also do slow progression for a lot of my characters though 'cause I like playing them. So I apply GM credit and slow them down at the same time. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing...


The Exchange 5/5

I don't really LIKE the high level games... so I'm thinking of appling GM credits to my double digit characters... you know get the guy past that bump at 10 to 12 strait on into retirement.

Just a thought so far...

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I have a folder for each of my characters. I put the chronicles in there. Then I put the folder on a bookshelf.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I made a mistake in the beginning, and put about 15 or so into one character.. When I found out that was a no-no, I created new characters and they are now allocated amongst 10 characters in every playable tier. As for now, I am on a light GM schedule as I actually wish to play a little more and at least balance my playing credits vs. my GM credits.

As for that one character, she's on PFS leave until I can find some high tiered tables to play. (I play in a young society area so we have very few players over level 5 right now.)

I can understand the bummer about getting stuck GMing all the time, but as you are a store employee, start talking with your players so that you can rotate your GM time and get some play time in. Playing is fun, but being the story teller is just as fun. And it would be good to have a few spare GM's in your group just in case you are sick or something.

My advice concerning your question, is utilize your chronicle sheets so long as you meet GM chronicle rules..(Of course Intro's Games are all exempted as they are Tier 1's) And DEFINATELY utilize the special ones that Master Brock releases, or conventions gifts for GM's.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Myron Pauls wrote:
I apply my GM credits as I earn them, but I try to play every character at least once per level.

That's what I do as well. A few of my local VOs recommended that, so I tried it and I like it. It seems like a good way to keep things balanced. I've thought about skipping 1st level, but that feels like cheating.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

DougSeay wrote:
Myron Pauls wrote:
I apply my GM credits as I earn them, but I try to play every character at least once per level.
That's what I do as well. A few of my local VOs recommended that, so I tried it and I like it. It seems like a good way to keep things balanced. I've thought about skipping 1st level, but that feels like cheating.

Better that, IMO, than grinding yet another character through "First Steps".

Grand Lodge 3/5

I fold them into paper airplanes, and throw them at annoying players.
I jest, of course. I try to apply them to a character the moment I get them. The issue is deciding which of my nine characters to apply it to, unless it's a higher level chronicle.

2/5 *

I use them to level PCs to level 2, I don't really like level 1. Sometimes I'll use them to get to a higher level if I really want to play a scenario and I'm 1 chronicle away.

Mostly I keep unused GM chronicles in a folder on a shelf, but it's pretty easy to see which GM credits you haven't used with the website interface.

Sovereign Court 3/5

I keep them in a folder to be used at my leisure later.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

I use them to get around levels that won't affect my tier, kicking level 4 PCs up to 5, or to assign credit to squishy PCs so they won't die the first time I play them.

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