I'm a stereotype


Wanting to make a Paladin/Celestial Sorcerer/EK. Should I go with 2 levels of paladin or 3? Other? Thank you for your advice.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Every level of paladin is going to slow your entry into EK, so keep that in mind.

Scarab Sages

If you're a focused caster, stick with 2 levels of Paladin. As much as I like the abilities you get at level 3, and level 4, and... Those abilities will eat into your casting capabilities too much. I'd say just take the first 2 levels to get the saving throw bonuses and then get it on to Eldritch Knight.

Make sure you take the Magical Knaack trait to get back those two caster levels. Also, a one level trip into Oracle can have some crazy benefits if you plan to melee. And since you have levels in Paladin and EK, that seems likely. Take a look at the Lore mystery and the Sidestep Secret revelation. It allows you to use your Cha modifier in place of your Dex modifier for AC and Reflex saves. That has some awesome synergy, and would allow you to add your highest ability modifier twice to your Reflex saves!

@ Jiggy - I am aware of such.

@ Obirandiath - Thank you. This isn't going to be a PC, so no Oracle, but that's still a nice idea, and I am quite fond of Oracles.

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