Skull & Shackles NPC Attitude Helper (GM Spreadsheet - spoilers)

Skull & Shackles

17 people marked this as a favorite.

So, in an attempt to pre-plan much of the going-ons with the ship, I have created the following spreadsheet: (Once you've opened the version @ google docs, click File -> Download to download an xls version of this... the random function didn't convert right as a Googledocs spreadsheet, so it is available as an xls only)

In the first sheet of the spreadsheet I have listed each of the attitude-changeable NPCs, their starting disposition (given in a 0-5 scale, 0 being unchangeably hostile, 1 being changeably hostile, 5 being helpful), and their role. Further more, I have given a day-to-day breakdown of where each PC will be on the ship each day, and a place to input the party's influence change with them (below their job-for-the-day).

Since I am running a game with 7 players, I needed a way to limit the interactions each day a little bit. Each of the players (4 Swabs, 2 Riggers, 1 Cooks-mate) will only be able to influence whomever they're working with that day. The same goes for when an NPC becomes influenced enough, I now have a reference for where they are working to know if they are 'helping' the PC do their task (especially early on when a player is working with Sandra, etc). This will also allow me to track the status of the NPCs, if they've failed, etc so I can 'populate' the bloody hour with some more beatings (and maybe eventually blame the PCs if they were working with the person that failed).

I have also 'pre-rolled' the random elements associated with Grok and Fishguts. (50/50 drunk Fishguts and 25/75 locked/unlocked Grok's Quartermaster room)

Row 28 also has a line for the PCs to indicate what jobs they can/can't do that day and some other notes. I didn't replicate the entire AP's day-to-day in this line, so you'll still need to reference the day-log still.

Some mechanics about the spreadsheet:

1) The cell beneath the daily task is a place to insert an attitude adjustment (using + or - accordingly). This will tally, modify the initial attitude and change their current attitude. There is no 'error correction' built in, so it's up to you to make sure the value is in range.
2) I have already randomized the tasks and filled in the cells, this is because the random function will always reevaluate itself. I have included the formulas on the second sheet (as well as their reference tables) if you wish to re-calculate. Just copy and paste the cell next to the 'CODE' beneath the associated table. Then, once calculated, you can Copy the cell and Paste Special taking 'Values only' to 'lock in' your randomized value.
3) The tables on the second sheet are reference only for the randomized function and the number->name for attitudes.
4) I didn't really make it overly-pretty and it can be a bit rough. But it should do it's job as an attitude tracker nicely.
5) Any questions, please reply to the thread here!

To reiterate: the only cell that you should need to edit, to use the attitude tracker, is the row with the attitude associated with the character (beneath their daily tasks).

Wow, very helpful. Consider it used. Thanks.

I wanted to mention that the 'Initial Attitude' column is empty, but the 'Current Attitude' column is permanently filled. I think that's an oversight or a mistake.

With that fixed though this will be a very useful addition for my players.

Ice Titan wrote:

I wanted to mention that the 'Initial Attitude' column is empty, but the 'Current Attitude' column is permanently filled. I think that's an oversight or a mistake.

With that fixed though this will be a very useful addition for my players.

1st - are you using Excel? I do not know how it will perform in Open Office.

2nd - The initial attitude column is number only, not an over sight (specifically left blank so I could quickly ID the 'description' for attitude to not clutter the opening columns).

You can reference the chart on the second sheet to see the number -> description code. But it's basically higher = friendlier (with 5 = helpful)

3rd - You can just carry over the same cell that currently has the attitude description. The number it pulls is referential anyhow (it pulls from the cell above it).

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've combined your awesome NPC attitude helper sheet with Papa-DRB's equally awesome NPC cards in an attempt to add a little more information to your sheet. Anyone can feel free to rip it off and use it in their campaigns. You should be able to download it Here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Laxaem wrote:
I've combined your awesome NPC attitude helper sheet with Papa-DRB's equally awesome NPC cards in an attempt to add a little more information to your sheet. Anyone can feel free to rip it off and use it in their campaigns. You should be able to download it Here.

Appreciate calling the cards awesome, but they are not mine. Folks were having a hard time getting to them on, so I asked Ravien if I could host them on DropBox so they would be more universally available.

-- david

Just wanted to say thanks for these excel files--both very helpful!

Yes, great work guys!

Dark Archive

Papa-DRB wrote:

Appreciate calling the cards awesome, but they are not mine. Folks were having a hard time getting to them on, so I asked Ravien if I could host them on DropBox so they would be more universally available.

-- david

Credit goes to Ravien for the cards then :) Thanks for letting me know!


Nice if they are helpful for others. :)

Great stuff to all involved!

The Exchange

Just adding in my thanks too!

Grand Lodge

Just wanted to give a shout out to Mege saying thanks for making this. It's been a breeze, I even added a few crew members of my own and it's worked like a charm. Lets me focus more one the game play and less about the numbers.


Great work, it'll be very helpful for me!

Grand Lodge

Thank you!!

Anyone have a way I could get my hands on these NPC cards? Above link doesn't seem to be working any longer.

Paag wrote:
Anyone have a way I could get my hands on these NPC cards? Above link doesn't seem to be working any longer.

Same! I'd like it too!

Just wanted to say thanks for posting this list! I really like the pre-rolled tasks. This will be immensely helpful when I start the campaign this weekend.

Scarab Sages

A hearty "Thank You" to mege, Ravien, Papa-DRB and Laxaem. The combined spreadsheet has been incredibly helpful already, and my players are only through Day 6 of Wormwood Mutiny! Without the sheet, keeping the web of shipboard relationships consistent for so long would be really tough.

Starfinder Superscriber

Aye! I wanna be throwin' a hearty ARRRRR for these! Thank ye mates!

I am useing this and it helps a ton. When my PCs roll for there jobs I let them interact with the prerolled npcs. I also give them a bonus or minus on their job saves depending on the attitude of the npcs they are working with. +1 friendly, +2 helpful, the opposite with unfriendly and hostile. One day a pc had to work with 3 hostiles, he failed his work day and got lashes.

This sheet has been awesome! I just completed my 21 days at sea with my PCs and the sheet really let me keep everyone organized.

I even gave the PCs a blank version to keep track of how they were influencing the NPCs.

Does anyone have Laxaem's sheet? The download doesn't work anymore.

Dark Archive

If possible I would also like a copy very much.

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