Midnight_Angel |
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After all, a Chelish credo is "Cheliax doesn't serve Hell, Hell serves Cheliax".
And mating with some being that is supposed to be under your control is regarded as something between a perverse fetish and an indication of a weak will. None of which goes well with the 'better-than-anyone-else' attitude Chelish like to cultivate... and Tieflings are nothing if not a living reminder of these transgressions.
Extra Bonus points for being a Tiefling that displays non-devilish heritage... but I doubt these poor sods even make it up to being second class.

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Cheliax might be a thrall of Hell, but it's still a human supremacist regime that figures itself to be the last bastion of Aroden's legacy and through Aroden the final desperate sigh of Azlanti glory.
Bastards don't figure into that glory of old and the way Cheliax treats half-elves beckons to the same fear of spoiling the bloodline, becoming weak through outside influence. Blood intermixing, miscegenation, etc. Kinda like Rome in it's heyday or across the pond in the early 20th century.

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If Cheliax is like Rome, then it has slaves, gladiators and... Spartacus?
It totally has, though I'd argue that Cheliax is less occupied with martial and masculine self-image than Rome was. Opera is the likelier national past-time du jour. Maybe the art of duel as well? I'd figure bloodsports to be more in fashion in a place that places a lot of respect on martial matters and has a strong recruitment drive thanks to recent military history. Ulfen gladiators in Taldor, blood pits in the River Kingdoms and Ustalavian vendettas in dueling rings, etc

voska66 |

Those infernalist in Cheliax use devils though I'd think the Devils view the same thing about infernalists. The tiefling is a tainted human and not ever half devil that the Devils care nothing for and they have no power to offer the power hungry infernalist. As for those in society that are not infernalist the tiefling is a freak. So the tiefling really just doesn't have place in Cheliax society and therefore are second class citizens.

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As others have said
Although tieflings are more common in Cheliax than in most other places on Golarion, they are despised and unwelcome, second-class citizens who bring shame on their houses. Cheliax strives for purity, and though one might think the infusion of infernal blood into a mortal’s family tree might elevate that family, exactly the reverse is true—the official line of Cheliax is that power comes through controlling and binding devils, and actually mating with one is a perversion at best and a show of weakness at worst.
Now that said, I've been wanting to play a tiefling sorceress* for some time now.
"Back, Devilspawn!"
*sigh* "It's demonspawn. Please if you're going to slander me, do it correctly." *fireball*

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Matthew Morris wrote:Now that said, I've been wanting to play a tiefling sorceress* for some time now.Given the fact that a demonspawn tiefling sorceress has a +2 to Cha while getting the full bonus of Fiendish Sorcery (Abyssal), this can become quite powerful.
Yeah, but I'd rather play a 'normal' tiefling (or beastborn) the -2 to INT hurts my nomral playstyle (having at least some skills). That's one reason I love the sage bloodline, INT for spont casting? Yes please.

Freehold DM |

Meh. In my golarion, it's the type of devil, not that you are their get. More powerful devils equate to more respect, but few tieflings look exactly like their devilish parent(although they always know their own bloodline and the bloodlines of others at a glance). Families with a preponderance of tieflings are regularly mocked as they are considered to br attempting to rut their way up the social ladder. Tieflings born of demons are openly discriminated against, those borne of weak devils are treated little better.