Celestine8 |
I've DMed for the vast majority of my roleplaying experience, from 3.0 to pathfinder. I'm now taking a turn on the other side of the table and am ha ving some issues with the DM. I'd identify the person as sort of a problem player that I've been playing with for a while, but I'm seriously beginning to dislike playing. A little while before the campaign, during my Carrion Crown game, he kept being pushy and overstepping a bit, but whatever. Now, during his Jade Regent campaign, he's forbidden me from developing my backstory further, down to the fact that he feels the need to not let me design my own family crest, but other players have been from half-real spirit villages, been able to do pretty much anything with their backstories. I was opening a door in the first adventure and he dictated what I did for the first round of combat. I had to take care of my child for a short while and he continued a pretty significant part of the adventure without me. The icing on the cake is that he gave us a loot sheet, after overcoming the boss fight and had the +1 weapon, the best piece of loot, mysteriously be in the one mook that escaped us' possession and not on the boss. It's session two and I could go on further as to my complaints about the game, but the truth is that I'm not enjoying it at all, but host it.

Sean Mahoney |

The first thing I would do if I were in your shoes is try to really step back and make sure it isn't a, "he isn't running the game how I would, so it isn't right." kind of thing. (From your description, this does not sound to be the case, but it is a very real possibility for someone who hasn't been a PC in so long... it can be hard to shift back for people).
Next I would ask one of the other players whom you are presumably friends with if they are seeing the same issues. It doesn't sound like he is restricting them but just you... again, another perspective helps. Ask him to be honest and make sure the guy isn't pushing back at you because of your behaviors at the table (like correcting him constantly or something).
Assuming you are fairly confident you are not sharing in the blame and your other friend agrees the issue is there and not partially your fault, the next step kind of depends on your relationship with the GM.
Then I would take him out to lunch somewhere and discuss your concerns. I would talk about the stuff you do like in the game as well and then ask how you guys can get it to where it is fun. If he is interested in working with you (and what friend wouldn't be?), then great! If not, I would be prepared to say, "I understand. I think this group just isn't a good fit for me right now then so I will be bowing out of the games." Don't mention the hosting thing at all... if you are prepared to walk then it isn't your problem. Don't try and use that as a stick to get your way.

Dosgamer |

Our group of 6 + DM includes two mothers and two fathers. We don't stop the game to put the kiddos to bed. If we're doing something (combat) that involves someone not at the table, another PC does what they think that PC would do.
It sounds like you prefer the game to pause while you take care of your child, and that's great if you want to run it that way. But you're not running. Many groups employ the "majority rules" strategy. It sounds like the new DM may be employing it. If it is a deal breaker for you, address it with the group (not just the DM).
If you have only played one session with the new DM I would suggest you give it more time. If, after 2 or 3 more sessions, it still isn't fun then discuss with the DM away from the game about what you like and don't like and see what compromise you can come to. It may require changes from both of you, just FYI. Good luck!

blahpers |

Blahpers- Yeah, I do expect game to stop when my child starts crying and needs something.Or at least not proceed without me. I stop for my player's cell phone calls, bathroom breaks, etc. My child gets hurt, I expect a little bit of time to deal with that.
Does the rest of the group have this same understanding, or was it an unspoken rule? If the latter, you may find that the rest of the group didn't know about this rule.

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Aside from iterruption issues, it sounds like the GM may be turning the tables on you now that he is in control of the game. You said he was a "problem player," which leads me to believe that there is a history of conflict between the two of you. It may not be serious, but if there is lingering resentment not everyone is mature enough to disconnect the player from the character. From his point of view, he may be thinking that it's time you know what it feels like. I'm not saying this is true, only that there must be more to the story. The suggestion to ask the other players is a good one. Do the other people at the table realize you are getting the short end of the stick? If so, it's a good indication that your feelings are justified.
Can you just ask the GM what the deal is when the group is together? "Bill got to create his backstory, why can't I? What parameters of my character's history am I allowed to design?" Then make sure it is the same for everyone. If not, bring it up with the group. Any imbalance should be obvious when everyone looks at the facts together. If the GM continues creating imbalances or simply gives a lame answer ("That's the way it is bacause I'm the GM and I say so.") then it may be time to leave the group, at least until there is a different GM.