Statue of a person


How much would a statue of someone cost? I am making a character that is very egotistical, and I want them to carry a statue (or 4) of them where ever they go in a bag of holding.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PaperAngel wrote:
How much would a statue of someone cost? I am making a character that is very egotistical, and I want them to carry a statue (or 4) of them where ever they go in a bag of holding.

It costs as much as they want it to cost. A statue made of rough stone would probably be worth a few copper. One made of gem-studded gold could be worth thousands of gold.

Agree with Ravingdork.

Too many factors to consider.

How much does he WANT them to cost? What does he want them made of? What level of artisan is he paying to craft them and for how long?

Best he sets a figure and then work it out backwards.

Dark Archive

Make sure you have plenty of statues of yourself eating cheese. Its very important to the dwarves.

As Raving said it would matter the size, material and craftsmanship. It may even include the notoriety of the artist. (a statue made by Da Vinci is going to cost more than a statue by some no-name artist)

A foot tall statue made of stone by some no-name would be a few silver probably (since you would be commissioning it, it would be a few copper like raving said if you bought some random statue)

A 20 foot statue made of solid adamantine by a world famous artist could cost 600,000+ gp. Probably more (Price based on the cost of an Adamantine Golem)

Make it a Golem! Have a giant golem statue of yourself.

I'm more talking about a 10-12 foot statue made out of stone, depicting the character in various positions, with a degree of skill....

I figured 50 gold would be good for that type of statue, since if I got someone with a spell that modified raw materials, they could do it in about 20 mins.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

50gp sounds about right if it is made of cheap stone. Something like marble would likely cost a lot more. v3.5 tells use that, as a rule of thumb, a humanoid stone statue weighs 8 times more than that of the humanoid.

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