![]() So, my GM during at the end of a campaign said after looking into the other books offered me a rework for the Legacy of Fire campaign, saying that with what I focused my build into I'd have a really hard time since most things are immune to what I focused on. I was looking to make an Arabian like feel into a tank position, though also something that will work well in the party, racking my brain I can't think of anything currently. Probably due to lack of sleep considering I've been working at this character since the session ended. I want to keep my race, which is a witchwolf (SkinWalker), and we have a bard, a brawler/slayer (Damage Dealer), cleric, wizard, and rogue. We are level 5 currently. Any suggestions at to what class/archetype/prestige has an arabic feel without being detrimental to the party's balance? Summoner is out, I suggested up the idea that I could be a summoner that summons a genie to fight Devil Summoner style. :P TL;DR: Arabic like Tank, that has synergy with a rogue, brawler/slayer, cleric wizard, and rogue. Race: Witchwolf (Skinwalker) Level: 5 GO! ![]()
![]() Official Update: In the second paragraph, replace the first two sentences with the following: "Inquisitions are like domains. Other classes that use domains can take inquisitions but inquisitions are typically weaker than the domains those classes can already choose because they do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells." ![]()
![]() How does this Mystic Theurge look? I've heard constantly that the actual prestige class is crap and a complete waste of time, and resources, but I think this will turn out well. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=80117 It's a Menhir Savant Druid 2 / Cross Blooded Sorcerer 1 / Mystic Theurge 2
The part where it says I can use 35 level one spells is actually 3 from druid, 5 from sorcerer, 4 and 6 with ability score added in. ![]()
![]() So I have been working on trying to make Gambit from X-men, and this is the closest I could make with the feats. Haven't added in all the class features, or added skill points just trying to get the class/feats right before I go on to work on everything else. http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=77969 If anyone has any suggestions of how to work it better please respond. I thought this would be a nice little theorycraft. ![]()
![]() Skylancer4 wrote:
I cut out the rest since all it would do is fill up space since I'm quoting someone above me, the full rule would be in his post I just cut out what he was emphasizing so you could understand the flow of dialog. Just as I am choosing only the quote one area of your post because I am answering that one area. My main use of the greater hat of disguise would be to allow the cat to climb a ladder without problems, and I wanted to preemptively figure out a question that is likely to come up. If there is an easier way to make it able to climb ladders, ropes, ect., I'd really like to know. I'd like to not leave it behind every time a ladder ends up in my way as a ranger. Currently I can carry him since he only weighs 60 pounds, but once he hits medium I'm going to have some trouble once he hits 120 pounds. The hat would be convenient since I could wear until we need to travel by rope or ladder, then put it on his furry little head and let him climb down. I personally wouldn't want to have to buy weapons for me, and my little pet cat, nor do I want to really buy anything other then probably bracers of armor for it. Skylancer4 wrote:
Also it doesn't seem that obvious to me, since a kobold has a natural armor that isn't listed as Extraordinary or the like. ![]()
![]() Bob Bob Bob wrote: So the important part is Though It isn't a extraordinary or supernatural ability, is it? That's the main part I was wondering. ![]()
![]() Can you get a feat that you sometimes have available to you? Like lets say you're an alchemist with feral mutagen can you increase the damage of their claws even if you have more than 24 hours worth of mutagen? Or the same for a druid? If you only have claws when you wildshape can you increase the damage of them? ![]()
![]() http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=38202 I basically created this character around the concept of being able to give two attacks of opportunity, and deal decent amount of damage when he attacked. Someone did the math, and says I deal about 250 damage a round if everything goes off. 3d8+18(30)/14 basically means 3d8+18 for each attack after the first, 3d8+30 for the first unarmed strike, and 3d8+14 when I'm not dragon styling for some odd reason. ![]()
![]() Well essentially if you are a high level rogue, or ranger you can pull off the observed thing rather easy, so 'withdraw stealth' mixture would be very potent. Though since this is a single action you wouldn't be able to move more then your speed -5, though this raises the question, at which part of the stealth are you stealthed? ![]()
![]() In the same round can you withdraw and stealth as part of one action? I have two friends arguing both sides of it, one saying that you can't add stealth to a withdraw, and the other one taking the other side saying that it is a movement so why can't you? I want to argue on the side of the first argument, but the grounds which I do would be along the lines of referring to this action as the equivalent of a run in terms of concentration, and as a DM how I would rule. With no actual backing towards the RAW ruling, I doubt that this argument will end soon. So I wish to ask you the question for a third time, "Can you withdraw, and stealth as part of the withdraw action?" ![]()
![]() So I just had a game that we've all been playing for about 2 years now, and I'm 10 levels druid, having shaping focus so level 14 when it comes to wildshape. I went into huge Earth elemental form, and got strong jaw cast on myself.. that's when we all looked at the chart and found 2d10 turns into 4d8, but couldn't find progression after that. I haven't used wildshape with my unarmed strike yet till now, when one player told me, "Hey you know you can use unarmed strikes while in wildshape right?" So I've been primarily dealing with just Strong jaw for now. 2d10--> 4d8 ---> ?? ----> ?? ![]()
![]() So my DM wants me to make stats for a Slave that I freed, that follows me around now, I paid 500 gp for a specialized slave at the beginning, only I really wasn't planning on using her that much, except as a plot device. It happened yesterday that my DM suddenly decided she needed some stats, when all I know is she is a Sylph, not knowing at all how I should do this. I'm honestly at a loss of ideas and turning to the forums for help. ![]()
![]() Lets say someone is using enter image, could they in such a case that a caster is using glasses that allow someone to scry an area, it would create an image of the character on the glasses. So could you be able to detect, and enter the image of you that is in the glasses, basically reverse scrying on that person, and maybe influencing the image that he's seeing since you can do things within the area of the frames. ![]()
![]() First of all, thank you to all those that helped me get my options down... Okay, so Saturday we are going to be having a party which the DM stated he wanted to see an interesting party, at level 8. We're going to have someone summing golems, I think a class from 3.75, and another that is going to be a ranged Paladin. My thoughts in interesting came down to a choice between bladebound, souldrinker/alchemist, and finally the juju/gravewalker, the last one being my choice, but I still don't know how to get it to work very well. My plans so far (no equipment yet or feats): Juju (2) / Gravewalker (6)
Gold: 33k Max Hp 68
Str 5 (-3)
Curse: Haunted
Spells -0 level: Murderous Command
I'm looking for advice on feats/equipment that would be good, I'm probably going to take Weapon Finesse, just in case they come up close and personal, but other then that I'm still debating on what to take. ![]()
![]() So, I have a game starting next week Saturday, and I am split between a Bladebound, or a Rogue that I'm going to modify it's weapons and invest most of it's gold to get a rapier that is an intel. sword. Since we are starting at level 8, we'll be given basic starting gold for level 8's which is 33K if I remember right. The rogue/shapeshifter(Ranger) will use about 25k on the sword, creating a level three weapon that will have dark vision making up for the fact that my character won't have dark vision the sword telling him what's there, also speaking telepathically he'll be able to tell me without giving away my position. Also, he'll have a sneak attack (if rogue). (Sword Stats)
Or the bladebound which will not have to spend money on his weapon, so he'll focus more on armor, and other things to help himself. Allowing him to be better at survival. Sword Stats Katana +2
I can't figure out which one might have better benefits. I like not worrying about preparing spells, though if the benefits are too good to pass up I'll go into it, but I do want an intel. weapon for the roleplaying benefit.