Multitalented Half-Elves?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

How does the multitalented racial trait for half-elves work? Those this mean a can have a level 1 ranger/rogue at first level and then a ranger for the other levels, so, say I could have a level 1 rogue and level 4 ranger at level 4?

The Exchange

LOL! I just realized it said "favored class" so guess that means is not multiclass!

Dark Archive

It doesn't mean you get to pick two classes at level 1 to become at level 1. What it does mean is that if you were to multiclass, you would have two classes to which you could apply your favoured class bonus. Normally if I make a fighter and then take a few levels of ranger, I would not be able to choose an extra hit point or skill point for those ranger levels. A half-elf gets one multiclass option where they still get the favoured class option.

Grand Lodge

No, it just means that you can declare two preferred classes instead of the normal one. This means that if you choose to multi-class, you can get the +1 HP or +1 skill point for taking a level in either class. Other races only get one preferred class so if they multi-class, they only get the bonus for one class.

This is no way grants bonus levels in a class. At first level, you have one class level, say rogue-1. At 2nd level, you can take another level in rogue, or take a level in ranger. Either way, you'll earn the preferred bonus. As long as you take levels in either of those classes as you advance, you'll receive the bonus. If you choose a third class, you will not receive the bonus whenever you take a level in it.'d

Grand Lodge

Also, just FYI, a prestige class can never be a favored class. :)

Bob Jonquet wrote:

At first level, you have one class level, say rogue-1. At 2nd level, you can take another level in rogue, or take a level in ranger. Either way, you'll earn the preferred bonus. As long as you take levels in either of those classes as you advance, you'll receive the bonus. If you choose a third class, you will not receive the bonus whenever you take a level in it.

Isn't this a bit off? If a half-elf were to eventually multi-class into three classes, the first two chosen are not automatically the favored classes unless the player declares so. For example, if the player is going to do a one-level dip as the first or second class for a character, it would be silly to make that class one of the favored classes.

Grand Lodge

I was assuming that the first two classes were selected as the preferred. No discussion is likely to cover every rules nuance in a single post.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

It's a shame I can't take the same favoured class twice. I don't plan to multiclass my half elves. :-)

Liberty's Edge

Matthew Morris wrote:
It's a shame I can't take the same favoured class twice. I don't plan to multiclass my half elves. :-)

Check on the alternate half-elf racial trait instead of the Multitalented.

@Bob: Better to say that no other race, out of the box, can have two favored classes.

To be honest, while I think a feat is an expensive price to pay for it, Humans have the, which lets them add another favored class.

Although it might need to be updated to allow the alternate Human favored class bonus, as appropriate for the class, as well as the choice of hit point or skill point.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Isn't this a bit off? If a half-elf were to eventually multi-class into three classes, the first two chosen are not automatically the favored classes unless the player declares so. For example, if the player is going to do a one-level dip as the first or second class for a character, it would be silly to make that class one of the favored classes.

I have a human PC on his way to Eldritch Knight who is very happy that his favored class doesn't have to be the one he takes his first level in. :D

Liberty's Edge

Jiggy wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Isn't this a bit off? If a half-elf were to eventually multi-class into three classes, the first two chosen are not automatically the favored classes unless the player declares so. For example, if the player is going to do a one-level dip as the first or second class for a character, it would be silly to make that class one of the favored classes.
I have a human PC on his way to Eldritch Knight who is very happy that his favored class doesn't have to be the one he takes his first level in. :D

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you cannot select a prestige class as your favored class. From the Core Rulebook on character advancement. (emphasis mine)

"Favored Class

Each character begins play with a single favored class of his choosing—typically, this is the same class as the one he chooses at 1st level. Whenever a character gains a level in his favored class, he receives either + 1 hit point or + 1 skill rank. The choice of favored class cannot be changed once the character is created, and the choice of gaining a hit point or a skill rank each time a character gains a level (including his first level) cannot be changed once made for a particular level. Prestige classes (see Prestige Classes) can never be a favored class."

ilovelamp1985 wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

I have a human PC on his way to Eldritch Knight who is very happy that his favored class doesn't have to be the one he takes his first level in. :D

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you cannot select a prestige class as your favored class. From the Core Rulebook on character advancement. (emphasis mine)

"Favored Class

Each character begins play with a single favored class of his choosing—typically, this is the same class as the one he chooses at 1st level. Whenever a character gains a level in his favored class, he receives either + 1 hit point or + 1 skill rank. The choice of favored class cannot be changed once the character is created, and the choice of gaining a hit point or a skill rank each time a character gains a level (including his first level) cannot be changed once made for a particular level. Prestige classes (see Prestige Classes) can never be a favored class."

True, but Eldritch Knight is usually 1 level of a fighting class and 5 levels of Wizard. If you take the fighting class at 1st level for survivability, you can still take the Wizard (arcane caster class) as your favored class for levels 2-6 (or so depending).

Liberty's Edge

If that is what he meant then cool. I just got the impression from his post that he intended to have Eldritch Knight as his favored class.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ilovelamp1985 wrote:
If that is what he meant then cool. I just got the impression from his post that he intended to have Eldritch Knight as his favored class.

I did mean choosing Wizard as my favored class but taking Fighter at level 1. Sorry for the confusion.

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