Shizvestus |

I have been in Midgard, Journeys to the West (Midgard's ocean exploration project) and now Tales of Midgard or Mythology Anthology :) Lots of fun and great learning for anybody who wants to learn to write stories, write gaming adventures for your friends and for people who want to buy :) and just for self improvement :) Or just for fun :) I have learned allot of things about self, gaming, writing and mythology :)

Joseph Wilson |

Nic's involvement has led to me signing up for my very first Kickstarter (and Open Design) project. :-)
Feel kind of dumb asking, but as a newbie to these things, how/where do I gain access to the project's forums? Do they exist yet?
I tried clicking the link posted in the update section of the project for a poll in the open design forums and it just said that post doesn't exist. I seem to be missing some key, probably obvious, piece of intel...

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Feel kind of dumb asking, but as a newbie to these things, how/where do I gain access to the project's forums? Do they exist yet?
I tried clicking the link posted in the update section of the project for a poll in the open design forums and it just said that post doesn't exist. I seem to be missing some key, probably obvious, piece of intel...
You just have to wait a day or two for Open Design to add you to the private sections of their forums as a project patron.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

Joseph Wilson wrote:Feel kind of dumb asking, but as a newbie to these things, how/where do I gain access to the project's forums? Do they exist yet?
I tried clicking the link posted in the update section of the project for a poll in the open design forums and it just said that post doesn't exist. I seem to be missing some key, probably obvious, piece of intel...
You just have to wait a day or two for Open Design to add you to the private sections of their forums as a project patron.
Yeah, please give it a day or so. Wolfgang's been swamped, so he likely hasn't had a chance to get you set up yet! But, welcome to the project!

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Worth adding to Joseph's comment: If you don't want to participate in the behind-the-scenes elements, the first couple rewards are just the basic PDF support or the PDF and a pile of extra goodies.
Also, we're about $250 away from adding another 32 pages to this project, making it a 192-page book, plus a 32-page supplement and a great set of 1" scale battlemaps.
The deal keeps getting better, but only for 12 more days. No matter when you sign up, if the project hits the next goal, you get the extra materials.
EDIT TO ADD: I do want to sweeten the $150 deal a bit. If you have ideas (character naming, your face used for art reference in an illustration, something else), let me know what you'd like to see!

Oceanshieldwolf |

And we made it! Every backer gets 224 pages of Midgard Tales goodness!
So, if you want to be part of the Midgard Tales kickstarter, lets see if we can reach the next stretch goal of 16 extra pages of art handouts OR gods forbid, the ultimate funding goal - a 16 page standalone Wolfgang Baur written adventure, "The Raven's Call"!!!
We've got Nic Logue and Richard Pett pitching in with lead designers Christina Stiles, Ben McFarland and Wolfgang Baur!

AndrewMitchell |

AndrewMitchell wrote:We might be able to open a slot! Let me check with the Overlord!I'm interested in this project but the rank I'm interested in is sold out. Is that final?
I see you made your 15,000 goal. Congratulations. I was going to put you over.
I'd like $250, but I will do $150 if he says no.
PS. I like the broader level range.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

ChristinaStiles wrote:AndrewMitchell wrote:We might be able to open a slot! Let me check with the Overlord!I'm interested in this project but the rank I'm interested in is sold out. Is that final?
I see you made your 15,000 goal. Congratulations. I was going to put you over.
I'd like $250, but I will do $150 if he says no.
PS. I like the broader level range.
Andrew, I've sent Wolfgang an inquiry about adding a Legend slot (possibly a few). One of us will respond back here.

Christina Stiles Contributor |

@Christina: I know a couple of people who backed at Archmage level expressed an interest in the Legend tier, but had missed out - you might want to give backers advance warning if you guys are expanding the tiers... :)
Good point. I hadn't realized we had several interested. I haven't heard back from Wolfgang yet. Do you have any idea how many were interested?

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Thank you! And now, of course, one of the Legends seats has opened up. Watched pot and all that.
Also, we're closing in on the next goal, which would net the backers a book of "you see this" art to show off to players. I always find handouts helpful, and art especially. Heck, in Ye Olde Days I kept a file of magazine pictures that could inspire adventures.
I would love your support. Project details linkified

Christina Stiles Contributor |

We officially opened up the Sultana's Chosen tier. This one allows you to pitch for adventures from 1st -12th level. Plus, you get to write for future related pdfs--after the project completes. We have 4 of 7 slots left, and 2 have opened at the Legends tier: Midgard Tales
Oh, and if you've been looking to get your hands on a copy of the limited-edition Halls of the Mountain King or The Wrath of the River King, the new tier offers you that chance!

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Rooting for that one last tier...would love to see what Wolfgang has in store for that adventure!
@Yukigono - for Open Design, the other big thing you miss out on is the ability to help shape the product. This depends on what level you join, but if you pledge $35 or more, you get voting rights on the adventure pitches for the compilation. You also get to participate in the brainstorming that provides the seeds for those adventures, so you may see your ideas realized in the final product.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Ok - we are getting closer to reaching the final stretch goal - Wolfgang Baur's "The Raven's Call" - a 16 page standalone adventure!!! You can see the standby cover here The Raven's Call
The cover alone has me salivating...
So - if participation by Richard Pett, Ben McFarland, Nic Logue, Wolgang Baur and Christina Stiles has you interested - why not come and be a part of the project. Check the rewards - this is great value and a wonderful experience...

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Thank you Ravenmantle!
To possibly win over a few additional backers, there's one last surprise for this project: Paizo author and Tales of the Margreve designer Tim Connors has accepted an invitation to pitch an adventure for this collection.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Wow, the pedigree continues! There are still four positions open at the Legend level, which, along with getting you the Midgard Tales goodies currently on offer, also gets you an autographed copy of the Midgard Campain setting and the opportunity to pitch to lead the next Open Design project!
We are less than a thousand dollars away from making the Kobold Overlord write his "Raven's Call" adventure!! Come on folks - help create a legend!!!

Christina Stiles Contributor |

ChristinaStiles wrote:We are about $600 away now! We have 3 days to get to the next tier! Help some kobolds out, folks. :)Once payday rolls around tomorrow.
With Kickstarter, you are not charged until the project ends, and only if it funds successfully. That's one of the nice things about it.
So, don't you want to sign up as Vizier? Lol! :)

Sethvir |

Sethvir wrote:ChristinaStiles wrote:We are about $600 away now! We have 3 days to get to the next tier! Help some kobolds out, folks. :)Once payday rolls around tomorrow.With Kickstarter, you are not charged until the project ends, and only if it funds successfully. That's one of the nice things about it.
So, don't you want to sign up as Vizier? Lol! :)
Have to balance the checkbooks first to ensure I can contribute! Medical bills...
I did contribute to Journeys to the West project already.