The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:

It's funny how when we say, "Some issues, like Trans Women Are Women, aren't debatable", what they see is an invitation to start an in-the-weeds argument about, sure, Trans Women Are Women isn't debatable, but some issues are. You know, vague, unspecified other issues.

I swear, some cis dudes just get scared when they don't actually have anything to contribute, so they just make junk up.

To date, I can't find a single "issue" that hasn't been easily overcome or can easily be overcome if people would just stop and listen for a moment. That's not to say that there may not be something out there, but for the time being, I haven't found any.

There certainly aren't any when it comes to playing games and how we're treated by the companies that created the games. There aren't any insurmountable issues when it comes to running the company either.

This is just noise and it's meant to irritate us while shielding them from criticism and lets them pretend that there are two sides to this. Don't take their bait. It's not worth the hit to your mental health.

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This is going to sound a little salty, but I think I need to make my own decisions about my mental health. Bad faith as most all of it is, ignoring it and letting it dominate discourse and overtake threads doesn't feel any better than engaging a lot of the time.

Paizo Employee

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Grankless wrote:

I just wish there was more being done.

As the kids say, "big same."

Liberty's Edge

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My thinking is that if I don't get in there and say something, someone else has to. And if no one else does, then they're the only voices in the room. If they're the only voices in the room, people will start to think that their views are mainstream, and that is enough to make them mainstream.

Sometimes it gets folks to take a step back and reevaluate their positions, and other times it baits the really nasty ones into going mask off and getting banned.

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Yeah, not to mention, dogwhistles and stuff are effective because they work. If we don't shut them down, well-meaning cis people get drawn in. Like that "what about trans women in the military" post.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Losonti wrote:

My thinking is that if I don't get in there and say something, someone else has to. And if no one else does, then they're the only voices in the room. If they're the only voices in the room, people will start to think that their views are mainstream, and that is enough to make them mainstream.

Sometimes it gets folks to take a step back and reevaluate their positions, and other times it baits the really nasty ones into going mask off and getting banned.

I too live that paladin life. I step in because I don't want others to be hurt.

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*Sending hugs and affection to those what needs em*

It got really bad there for a bit. This might be a rough night.

The mods really should've banned that guy.

Silver Crusade

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A grandmotherly tengu clad in shiny full plate sets up some nice tea for everyone that wants it. Because it's almost bedtime here, it's a nice soothing one, not something like builder's tea.

"Let me tell you kids about living a 'paladin' life. A: Ya kiddos gotta take care of your own health, too. B: This idiocy y'all are dealin' with is nothing new. In Kwanlai, I lost more kin than I can count on one pass of my fingers, to even more stupid things, like the color of one's plumage. C: Andoletta is stern but fair, and she expects me to hold to an even higher standard than those I'm dealing with. D: You'll get through this. It's another step on the journey, and it's by pullin' together in tough times that we all move forward. Even if we are having a rough night."

Liberty's Edge

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Cori Marie wrote:
I too live that paladin life. I step in because I don't want others to be hurt.

Plus, I don't want the folks who are already in the fight to feel like they're alone. Because we're not.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Andrietta Ebonfeather wrote:

A grandmotherly tengu clad in shiny full plate sets up some nice tea for everyone that wants it. Because it's almost bedtime here, it's a nice soothing one, not something like builder's tea.

"Let me tell you kids about living a 'paladin' life. A: Ya kiddos gotta take care of your own health, too. B: This idiocy y'all are dealin' with is nothing new. In Kwanlai, I lost more kin than I can count on one pass of my fingers, to even more stupid things, like the color of one's plumage. C: Andoletta is stern but fair, and she expects me to hold to an even higher standard than those I'm dealing with. D: You'll get through this. It's another step on the journey, and it's by pullin' together in tough times that we all move forward. Even if we are having a rough night."

Don't worry, I'll take my rest when my focus points run low.

Silver Crusade

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"You kids these days and your fancy 'can-trips' and 'focus'. Why, back in the day, we had Lay on Hands and Smite, and we were HAPPY for it." Despite the crotchety words, there's a note of admiration and respect behind the elderly bird-woman's ramble.

"Speakin' of, y'all want me to smite anyone nasty, or is it just misguided idiots thinking they know how the world works? 'Cause the first one is a calling, the second one gets a whack upside the back of the head with a quarterstaff." It's a bit of a shrug to indicate a well-crafted and traveled quarterstaff made of darkwood hung over her back.

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It’s messy out there in the thread-trenches. Hope folks are staying safe.

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Rysky wrote:


*hugs tightly*

If there is any post worth cloning, it's this one.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
I just got an email retracting the formerly assured approval for my surgery, so life is a hailstorm of torment right now.

I am so very sorry. This is awful.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:


*hugs tightly*

If there is any post worth cloning, it's this one.

Close enough?

*channeling positive energy and offering hugs to all who want or need one.*

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I'm clearly not active on the Paizo forums (or much of anything Pathfinder-related anymore really) but...

Gah, from one queer gamer to the others, I'm hoping the best for all of you who are still around here. <3

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I didn't even realize it was Transgender Awareness Week until like a day ago? Wild.

...Wait, does this cancel out my Bi Invisibility buff? Dang it, stealthing is gonna be way harder during this week's session >:/

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Trans Awareness Week still grants partial concealment. It's Trans Day of Visibility in March you have to worry about.

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The combination of trans awareness week, celebrating one year of HRT, and starting a new job where for the first time I'm open about my lgbtq+ status has me feeling a little *extra* visible this week; no partial concealment for me I'm afraid.

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Ooh, Happy <3iversary!!!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh hey, we're around the same ballpark! I started mine in late September last year!

Happy HRTversary!

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VixieMoondew wrote:

Oh hey, we're around the same ballpark! I started mine in late September last year!

Happy HRTversary!

And I just started mine around that time this year. Something about fall, I guess!

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I actually finally went and looked it up, and I'm two days from my... 2.5-year heartiversary. Something about early summer that makes you wanna add two heavy heatsinks to your chest, I guess?

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I passed five years since coming out last month! Congrats to everyone; every milestone we live to see is another win.

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Thank you all for inspiring and walking an incredibly difficult road!


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I am back on the forums after a few weeks of taking a break due to the lack of moderation :) I honestly didn't think these forums would ever feel safe again, but am willing to give it a shot now that the new moderation is a thing.

I hope everyone is doing well :)

Silver Crusade

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I just woke up and don’t have to cover anyone today, so enjoying the warmth and chill with my kitties.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone who wants or needs some*

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Recently bought the book Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe. It was on a list of books that some districts are trying to ban, and I wanted to see for myself what the fuss was about as well as see if there was something I could learn from it.

It's a graphic novel/illustrated read on the travails of a person attempting to find their identity.

The author was blessed with a supportive environment (for the most part) and it has given me a lot to think about.

I can, however, understand if grade schools did not have it in their curriculum, as there are adult themes and scenes that venture along the edge of porn.

I'm still digesting it, but thought it important to mention in case folks were wondering.

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Following these transgender threads is really helping me keep a list of people I know I need to never engage in conversation with. Not only do I get to see the posts, but I get to see who likes those posts. It's very telling.

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Yeah, I'm starting to think that Desna's Avatar guy has some interesting opinions about trans people! :P

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I'm so fascinated by the idea of there now being 2 other StuntMonkeys (accounts that only like "interesting opinion" posts and have no posts).

7 people marked this as a favorite.

In more related conversation, uuugh I need to get off my ass and think about talking to someone about HRT stuff now that I'm on work insurance but like, man, spending money.

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Go for it.

We are in the time of the great resignation. I have never seen this level of chaos before professionally. If there is ever a time to make use of work ANYTHING, it is now.

Liberty's Edge

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Yeah, I'm starting to think that Desna's Avatar guy has some interesting opinions about trans people! :P

as a desna aficionado, i am extremely offended that this person would sully her good name

Silver Crusade

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Given they made another account or two impersonating two other posters I'm pretty sure they picked the name intentionally for that purpose.

Desna's Avatar was the first account where they actually made posts, got banned due to them and I'd say because their "reviews" veered into outright slander.

Then there was another short lived one.

Then came the longest with StuntMonkeys (note the last s) impersonating a venture critter.

Then recently Dante's Inferno.

And now were back to Desnasavatar with no space.

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Grankless wrote:
In more related conversation, uuugh I need to get off my ass and think about talking to someone about HRT stuff now that I'm on work insurance but like, man, spending money.

Finally getting over that initial worry and talking to a doctor about HRT was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Here's to hoping things line up to let you do similar soon!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Grankless wrote:
In more related conversation, uuugh I need to get off my ass and think about talking to someone about HRT stuff now that I'm on work insurance but like, man, spending money.

This was my biggest concern and the main reason I didn't go for it earlier, since I fully expected my work insurance wouldn't cover it, but it turned out it totally does and my workplace HSA even covers the cost for a full year of refills. There was literally no reason not to and I let my own doubt stop me from trying to get HRT for a whole year. Don't be like me, go for it!

Liberty's Edge

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The forums are so much better this past week it's unreal.

Silver Crusade

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This is true, it's just talk about the game aside from the the recent updates to the pertinent blog.

Funny how that worked out.

Liberty's Edge

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One of the people who got banned permanently suspended went to one of the FB groups to complain about it, but I think he only ended up getting banned and his post deleted.


Silver Crusade

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*debeverages* XD

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Losonti wrote:
The forums are so much better this past week it's unreal.

Like night and day.

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I see a couple certain posters are still not suspended (somehow) but we'll see if they trip over the line at any point...

(And thank you to you two re: the HRT stuff. Part of it is I also just don't know how work would react, lol, Ohio is right-to-work so I could be annihilated at any time.)

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I'm thankful for everyone here, even the folks I butt heads with every so often.

Silver Crusade

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Same, love y’all ^w^

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone who wants or needs some*

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Hope people are staying safe and careful out there.

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