The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Silver Crusade

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Morning, John. Welcome to Friday everyone.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Bob_Loblaw wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad, when I had my polyps removed they did the same thing. I was told not to worry because they didn't need to talk to me as soon as I woke up. Hopefully that's what you will have happen too.

Same here, had several colonoscopies done because I have serious terrain for tumors there, had any number of polyps removed over the years, never had a malignant one... I pray it goes on like that year after next when the next colo is due.

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Took a 5-lap walk in the hall for exercise. Everyone here, from the Doctors on down, says that it's a good idea to keep mobile. Besides, being in bed all day doesn't feel right for an active person like me. Since my problem involves the Pituitary, they have to make sure my hormone levels are normal. And they have to get my blood pressure and blood sugar under control before any surgery can be done. Breakfast will be served in less than ten minutes. I'll post again when I'm done. :)

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And, I'm back. Pleased to report that my appetite hasn't suffered. :)

Silver Crusade


:) Double Yay. Should be good until Lunch.

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Glad to hear that it sounds like you're feeling alright, John.

I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

Silver Crusade

Eat delicious food.

Never been there, but how about the Space Needle?

Mecha, yeah, I'm doing alright. The double vision is mainly an inconvenience right now. But I'd like to get this tumor gone before things get worse. Not even going to speak about my employer right now. I don't want to spoil the positive feelings everyone is sending my way. That's a problem for after I recover. :)

Liberty's Edge

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Even more positive feelings sent in the general direction of this thread. Aimed at John but nobody is safe from the splash effect :-)

I blame perusing AA2 for the metaphor


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mechaPoet wrote:

Glad to hear that it sounds like you're feeling alright, John.

I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

I only made it to the west side once when I lived in Washington, but the Chihuly Museum was really cool! (You could also drive 6 hours east to Pullman for The Best Hot Wings Ever, but that's one of the only things the town's got going for it)

Also, a sincere thank you to those who share their experiences and perspectives, and who stand up against aggressive and exclusionary activity on these boards and elsewhere. I appreciate the work and energy it takes.
We're starting to organize Pathfinder Society in my city, and my first priority is working to make it a welcoming community; I hope that I can live up to the examples I see in this community.

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Just remember that we're all Human Beings, and you'll do fine. :)

mechaPoet wrote:

Glad to hear that it sounds like you're feeling alright, John.

I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

I love the Underground Tour. You will also want to visit the Market. If you do go to the Market, there are a couple of places that make their own jelly. There is one at the north end next to a guy who sells almonds. Buy his stuff. There is one that is in a corner area that has more options, but the other guy's tastes better to me (There's is good, his is better). He also has some really good spicy jellies.

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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mechaPoet wrote:

Glad to hear that it sounds like you're feeling alright, John.

I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

This might be helpful. Have fun!

Mecha, are you going to be strictly in Seattle or are you going to be in the surrounding areas as well? If you can get up to Arlington, I would suggest the Kangaroo Farm. You can go in and pet the kangaroos and wallabies. It's really neat.

There's also the Reptile Zoo in Sultan.

Managing Editor

mechaPoet wrote:

Glad to hear that it sounds like you're feeling alright, John.

I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

Consider hitting up some of Three Dollar Bill Cinema's free Pridefest film showings!

Scarab Sages

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*Happy and exhausted from spending the whole day with a friend I was very close with at school, then not seeing her for almost ten years (except for her wedding that made me / us feel hopeful about reinvigorating our friendship - but that has been two years ago...) and feeling almost as if no time had passed :-)*
*Have fun, mechaPoet!*
*More positivity for John*

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*Bright and shiny, cozying up the place for smiles, hugs, companionship, conversation, gaming and merryment*
*Hot and cold beverages at your leisure*
*all in a stand-in*

Silver Crusade System Administrator

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mechaPoet wrote:
I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

My suggestion for touristy crap is to go do the Underground Tour in downtown Seattle near Pioneer Square. There's a great cajun place just around the corner there, Marcela's. The guy that owns it is a transplant from new orleans where he was a host for many years. He picked up right up where he left off with his own place and they do some pretty great food. They do bananas foster at the table and it's worth it to share with a friend or just have it all to yourself.

You can walk around downtown at night and head to the white horse tavern for interesting people and conversation. Or head up to capital hill for some of the more LGBTQI friendly places bars and hole in the walls.

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Lissa Guillet wrote:
mechaPoet wrote:
I'm headed up to Seattle today to hang out with a friend this weekend. Anybody have any good suggestions for what to do while I'm up there?

My suggestion for touristy crap is to go do the Underground Tour in downtown Seattle near Pioneer Square. There's a great cajun place just around the corner there, Marcela's. The guy that owns it is a transplant from new orleans where he was a host for many years. He picked up right up where he left off with his own place and they do some pretty great food. They do bananas foster at the table and it's worth it to share with a friend or just have it all to yourself.

You can walk around downtown at night and head to the white horse tavern for interesting people and conversation. Or head up to capital hill for some of the more LGBTQI friendly places bars and hole in the walls.

+1 for the Underground Tour - my husband and I did it last time we made it over to the big city, and it was lots of fun. Pike Place Market is also a fun place for casual people-watching and coolness, as is much of the rest of the waterfront. For a good and cheap way to do some sightseeing, take a ferry ride (I can personally recommend the Bainbridge Island route, but any of them are likely to be very nice).

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Good morning, everyone. No new news on the surgery front. Using a tablet right now, so I may not post as often today.

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Yay another pfs session played.

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I got to play in a Starfinder intro adventure with Owen KC Stephens today. I met his wife LJ. She's as awesome a person as he is. We were at the AFK tavern. I even got quoted a few times on his #gamenightquotes.

It was a lot of fun. I had only been there a few times and I knew that the owner is a trans woman. She's amazing. She runs a great place that's very welcoming to gamers. The only reason I mention that she's trans is because this is the LGBT thread and I had no other way to keep it tied to LGBT gaming stuff.

Bob_Loblaw wrote:

I got to play in a Starfinder intro adventure with Owen KC Stephens today. I met his wife LJ. She's as awesome a person as he is. We were at the AFK tavern. I even got quoted a few times on his #gamenightquotes.

It was a lot of fun. I had only been there a few times and I knew that the owner is a trans woman. She's amazing. She runs a great place that's very welcoming to gamers. The only reason I mention that she's trans is because this is the LGBT thread and I had no other way to keep it tied to LGBT gaming stuff.

That is was it? details?

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It was a lot of fun. They streamlined a lot of the system. I played a technomancer. I had some really interesting spells choices. I didn't get to use most of them because it was a very short (1-2 hours) adventure. There seems to be less need for a dedicated healer in or out of combat. That's a good thing. You can bring a doc along, but you don't need to. Casters don't seem to be overpowered. One guy had a drone for his character. The insectoid race (I can't remember what it's called) actually left their hive and gained their independence. They carry their larvae in a container with them. It's interesting.

The GM screen is worth having just for the artwork. It's beautiful. I really felt like every character added something different to the adventure. We had several options for dealing with each problem. Being adventurers, we always chose the one that should have gotten us killed.

I'm really looking forward to it. I think I may actually switch from Pathfinder to Starfinder. No more iterative attacks (you can still get more than one, but the -5 to each attack is gone). No more "check this table to see what provokes attacks of opportunity." No more threat, confirm, roll some extra dice but not all extra dice for a critical hit. It's: roll natural 20. Crit. Everything is doubled. That's it.

Magic items are no longer needed for high level play. You can have a level 15 character without any magic items at all.

He said that you can run encounters and create opponents so much faster and easier than before. He said that you only really need a few stats for the encounter and that's a huge boon to the GM.

I also got the First Contact monster book for Free RPG Day.

Bob_Loblaw wrote:

Magic items are no longer needed for high level play. You can have a level 15 character without any magic items at all.

While kinda true I guess there was a blog that said something about weapons and armor having I think you do kinda have to keep upgrading your stuff..

Truthfully I am kinda getting bummed out the more I hear about Starfinder...especially when people compare it to Pathfinder...I and the people I play with just don't have the same problems other people seem to have...

Anyway I am glad you had fun.

Speaking with Owen, he mentioned that there were some problems with Pathfinder that either were legacy problems (iterative attacks where you don't have much of a chance with your last 2 anyway) or some things didn't port over as well (magic and tech don't mix well without some tweaks).

As with anything, the finished product is what we all need to wait for. For myself, I'm looking forward to a sci-fi setting that uses rules I'm mostly familiar with.

Silver Crusade

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Glad you had fun Bob, that sounds like a lot of fun :3

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Good morning, everyone. I've got good news. My blood sugars are close to where they should be, and my blood pressure is closer to normal than when I was admitted last Wednesday.

Silver Crusade

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*hugs John*

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone else that wants or needs some*

Scarab Sages

John Napier 698 wrote:
Good morning, everyone. I've got good news. My blood sugars are close to where they should be, and my blood pressure is closer to normal than when I was admitted last Wednesday.

Great News!

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*Cozying up the place by burning bright and warm, inviting to hug, smile, game, talk, keep each other company and be merry*
*Offering hot and cold beverages*
*In the stand-in*

Silver Crusade

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Hope everyone is having a decent Monday so far.

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

I've even starting off to a decent tuesday, though I'm forced to rest whether I like it or not, and avoid using my right foot too much.

Silver Crusade

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Hope you continue to get better, Klorox :3

*channels positive feelings and offers hugs to anyone and everyone that wants or needs some*

Selene Spires wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:

Magic items are no longer needed for high level play. You can have a level 15 character without any magic items at all.

While kinda true I guess there was a blog that said something about weapons and armor having I think you do kinda have to keep upgrading your stuff..

Truthfully I am kinda getting bummed out the more I hear about Starfinder...especially when people compare it to Pathfinder...I and the people I play with just don't have the same problems other people seem to have...

Anyway I am glad you had fun.

Supposedly they got rid of that according to the previews. In fact I think they're using some form of the inherent bonus system from Unchained. The upgraded items are just cool stuff.

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Something people might appreciate: Why Hollywood Needs Trans Actors

Silver Crusade

Youtube be blocked at work >_<

Hi, everyone. Sorry I couldn't post on Monday, but my hotspot ran out of time, and I couldn't buy more until today. Monday night, I was released from the Hospital. All in all, it was a pleasant experience, save for one incident. Some blood work needed done, and the nurses assigned to get them couldn't find the proper vein. So, they went digging for it.

The pain was excruciating. I was nearly in tears. It was the closest thing to actual torture that I ever experienced. But, I'm home now. The head Neurosurgeon has decided that I'm not currently fit to resume my duties. Having a Security Guard with near-constant double-vision is an OSHA incident waiting to happen.

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Rysky wrote:
Youtube be blocked at work >_<

Is this from your employer's wifi? You might want to consider getting your own hotspot, or a smartphone that can act as one.

Silver Crusade

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*hugs John*

Thanks, Rysky. It took nearly everything I had not to cry out from the pain.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Thanks, Rysky. It took nearly everything I had not to cry out from the pain.

Better person than me, sir.

Back when I was in high school, our 'family physician' thought it was a brilliant idea to use a topical freezing agent on plantar warts.

One would have thought I was being tortured. Sure the heck felt like it.

'Family physician' response "Oh, don't be such a crybaby about it, it doesn't hurt.".

I couldn't walk for two days from the pain.

No, sometimes letting out an exclamation of pain is necessary.

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Damn John. That's good and bad news wrapped together.

I was able to go back to work today. It's part time for a bit while I adjust to standing for hours a time again. We need to make sure that I don't get too dizzy.

I really hope that you get better fast.

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Get better soon John, and I hope your dizziness is not too bothersome, Bob.
<general round of hugs as desired>

Water under the bridge, Bob. I'm home now, and that's all that matters. Have an appointment with the Neurosurgeon doing the outpatient surgery next week. Also, I'm glad that you're back to work. Even if it is only part-time.

Thanks, Klorox.

Scarab Sages

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*Glad to hear things are improving for you, Bob and John - I hope they will start getting better for you too, Klorox*
I hope everyone has a good week so far.
*accepts hugs*
*offers more hugs*

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Thanks, Feytharn. I'll be fine as long as nobody uses me for "needle target practice" for a while. :)

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