CptTylorX |
You vastly under-rate the power of the Serpentine Bloodline, so much so, that it's a joke.
I dont want to be mean, but just because you have no clue how to effectively use charm person, or monster, or have mind effecting / compulsion work on about every creature in the bestiary if you understand how to affect magical beasts etc.
Sad day.
gustavo iglesias |
I gave Serpentine Bloodline Orange value, which is not that bad, you know. It means it is situationally good. A Bloodline is to be rated by a sum of its parts, and Serpentine has a few things that aren't that good. Their feat selection is not very nice, and some of their bloodline powers aren't either, including the capstone.
The bloodline arcana, which you mention, is a DM call. The wording of the power is:
"Bloodline Arcana: Your powers of compulsion can affect even bestial creatures. Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell, it affects animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids who understood your language "
Charm person is not a compulsion. It's a charm. The power does not mention charms, but compulsions. This interpretation restricts the effect largely. Other compulsions, like Confusion, work on magical beasts regardless of this bloodline. If your DM interpretation is that it work in any mind-affecting spell, regardless of the compulsion mention, the power is better.
Besides that, there are a lot of things in the bestiary that aren't magical beast, animals or monstrous humanoids.
Sean FitzSimon |
Bloodline Arcana: Your powers of compulsion can affect even bestial creatures. Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell, it affects animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids who understood your language "
Charm person is not a compulsion. It's a charm. The power does not mention charms, but compulsions. This interpretation restricts the effect largely. Other compulsions, like Confusion, work on magical beasts regardless of this bloodline. If your DM interpretation is that it work in any mind-affecting spell, regardless of the compulsion mention, the power is better.
Besides that, there are a lot of things in the bestiary that aren't magical beast, animals or monstrous humanoids.
Ah, now I see why you did that. You've actually misunderstood the bloodline arcana. The first line, as you bolded, is the fluff text. The second line expands on it and includes the actual rules. If it were only meant to affect the (compulsion) subschool then you'd see wording similar to the Fey bloodline arcana. Instead, this one lets you treat animals/magical beasts/monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids speaking common for the purposes of every mind-affecting or language-dependent spell you cast.
Likely candidates include: Charm Person, Suggestion, Hold Person
One of the biggest obsticles that a spontaneous caster faces is a lack of diversity. This bloodline makes an entire series of spells much more versatile in who they can affect, and that's great. This is a very solid bloodline.
Yes, not every monster is a magical beast/animal/monstrous humanoid, but now you can affect 3 more types of creature with spells that originally only hit one. This is a green, if not blue ability.
gustavo iglesias |
They didnt mark compulsion as (compulsion), but they didn't mark mind-affecting as (mind-affecting) eiter. You might take any of them as fluff, or as rules (one of the problems that happens sometimes when you don't use keywords strictly).
If your group take it as if the first part is fluff, and not rules, then yes, the ability is probably blue. Dominate Monster is a level 9 spell (and a good one). This ability makes Dominate Person being *almost* as good as Dominate Monster. That would be very powerful, yes.
But I think it is DM-dependant. If I see any official errata or ruling about it, sure, I'd rate it higher, and will make the bloodline green. It's not blue, in my opinion, becouse even having a good Bloodline Arcana, they still lack in other issues. The feats aren't very good, and the bloodline powers aren't over the top. The Creeping doom is very good, but the rest is below average compared to other bloodlines.
Black Powder Chocobo RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
Salis Clement |
I'm actually a bit of a fan of the heal skill -- for the sorcerer it's still not great, but as a general skill it is much more useful than it was in 3.5 and can save some spell power.
Between offering a better bonus on save throws against poison and disease (something that stacks iirc with anti-toxin or anti-plague) and the ability to actually restore hit points with it now it isn't perfect, but it has good stop-gap usage. It's especially nice for poisons and diseases if it gives enough of a bonus for the character involved to save the affliction out without resorting to a neutralize poison (a 4th level spell slot).
Overland flight is quite frankly a horrible spell choice for a sorcerer. Once a day is all you should need it and you can't use it on anyone else. It's complete and total crap for a fifth level spell slot. Either get an item or a bloodline, don't waste a fifth level spell known on fly speed.
For non-core spells I also recommend break.
Finally I would recommend looking at the archetypes next -- Salis Clement here is an example of a sorcerer that can turn people's concept of what a sorcerer is supposed to be on its head. As is he's currently replacing the rogue in a party and offers options outside of the 'traditional' spell caster, using skills to make up for a lack of spells.
Having spells is great (especially for a rogue type character) but it's even better when you can save them for key spots instead of using them to do what skills can allow you to do instead.
gustavo iglesias |
Why the Darkwood buckler for a shield when a Mithril buckler/ light shield offer no Arcane spell failure? Far cheaper boost for Shield AC than using a Ring slot.
Because an oversight :P. Darkwood bucklers don't have armor check penalties, but they still have ASF. Yes, you can use a mithril buckler for a cheap bonus to AC, but it won't work if you cast spells. So it won't work 99% of the time.
gustavo iglesias |
Overland flight is quite frankly a horrible spell choice for a sorcerer. Once a day is all you should need it and you can't use it on anyone else. It's complete and total crap for a fifth level spell slot. Either get an item or a bloodline, don't waste a fifth level spell known on fly speed.
It's a waste as first 5th level slot. But at 11, you have 3 5th level spells. At 12, you have 4 (if human), and at 13th, you have 6 5th level spells. Using one of those to have a permanent fly speed isn't a waste, in my opinion. Of course if you have a bloodline with wings, you won't need it.
pad300 |
Black Powder Chocobo wrote:Why the Darkwood buckler for a shield when a Mithril buckler/ light shield offer no Arcane spell failure? Far cheaper boost for Shield AC than using a Ring slot.Because an oversight :P. Darkwood bucklers don't have armor check penalties, but they still have ASF. Yes, you can use a mithril buckler for a cheap bonus to AC, but it won't work if you cast spells. So it won't work 99% of the time.
I think you are incorrect here. Casting only requires 1 hand free. "To cast a spell with a somatic (S) component, you must gesture freely with at least one hand." For example, a wizard can cast while holding a staff in one hand. Note that a buckler does not occupy a hand, and you can hold something in the hand of an arm with a buckler on it. Further most GM's allow hand to hand juggling as a free action. For example, consider a mage with a buckler on their left arm and a staff in their right hand. He can shift the staff to his left hand, freeing his right hand to cast, and then shift the weapon back after casting.
As a further note to this, cesti, gauntlets, and spiked gauntlets are all very practical weapons for arcane casters. They allow the mage to be armed (with the associated benefits eg a threatened area), while retaining the ability to cast with the hand in question. Note that none of these weapons have an associated concentration check or ASF%...
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
I gave Serpentine Bloodline Orange value, which is not that bad, you know. It means it is situationally good. A Bloodline is to be rated by a sum of its parts, and Serpentine has a few things that aren't that good. Their feat selection is not very nice, and some of their bloodline powers aren't either, including the capstone.
The bloodline arcana, which you mention, is a DM call. The wording of the power is:
"Bloodline Arcana: Your powers of compulsion can affect even bestial creatures. Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell, it affects animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids who understood your language "
Charm person is not a compulsion. It's a charm. The power does not mention charms, but compulsions. This interpretation restricts the effect largely. Other compulsions, like Confusion, work on magical beasts regardless of this bloodline. If your DM interpretation is that it work in any mind-affecting spell, regardless of the compulsion mention, the power is better.
Besides that, there are a lot of things in the bestiary that aren't magical beast, animals or monstrous humanoids.
As I always state when commenting on things I've written for Paizo, my statements express my authorial intention and do not constitute official errata for the purpose of PFS and the like.
That said, the other poster is correct when he says that "Your powers of compulsion" is not the same thing as "Your compulsion spells." Compulsion spells is a rules term. Your powers of compulsion is flavor text, as you will see in the first sentence for the bloodline arcana of almost all bloodlines.
The second sentence describes the actual effect of the ability, and it stipulates quite explicitly "Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell..."; it does not say "Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent compulsion spell..."
Sorry for any confusion and thumbs up for all the hard work putting together a guide!
FWIW, it is my opinion that you cannot use a lesser metamagic rod to affect a spell that is using a spell slot higher than 3rd, including by metamagic (as in, a fireball that has been empowered, etc.). It is a bit fuzzy in the rules, though, and I flagged your earlier post about it as a FAQ candidate.
Icyshadow |
And I was dumb enough to take Craft Wand as a feat, and ignore Intesify Spell when I had the chance to take it. Then again, I've made some good choices when it comes to my spells, and I kinda had to take some less useful Divination spells since I wanted to make my Sorcerer into a Harrower.
Anyway, was taking Spell Focus on Enchantment spells a bad idea?
Mergy |
Black Powder Chocobo wrote:Why the Darkwood buckler for a shield when a Mithril buckler/ light shield offer no Arcane spell failure? Far cheaper boost for Shield AC than using a Ring slot.Because an oversight :P. Darkwood bucklers don't have armor check penalties, but they still have ASF. Yes, you can use a mithril buckler for a cheap bonus to AC, but it won't work if you cast spells. So it won't work 99% of the time.
Incorrect. Hold your metamagic rod in your buckler hand and cast your spell with the other hand; you keep the buckler AC.
What's more, rather than grabbing a dueling dagger, use a dueling cestus. You can keep it in hand all the time, and you can cast spells with the cestus hand with no difficulty.
will_asher |
I didn't see any mention of the Rakshasa Bloodline.
I recently played a PF game where we were starting at character level 10. I built a crossclass sorcerer /rogue with the Rakshasa bloodline. I could bluff the party paladin even while he used his lie-detecting class features. I can see the Rakshasa bloodline probably has only this kind of niche usefulness though. (Unfortunately, that game didn't last more than one or two sessions before the GM found a new job and had to cut the game short. Good that he found a new job though...)
In our current game, I'm the GM, and I have a NPC sorcerer with the Giant (3rd party) bloodline. That's a powerful bloodline, especially for this character who going to be a sorcerer who also fights in melee.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines -from-3rd-party-publishers/spes-magna-games---sorcerer-bloodline/giant-bloo dline
The down side is that the rules for some of the giant bloodline features aren't very clear:
"Powerful Build (Ex): At 3rd level, you become particularly large and muscular. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier, you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you."
- I was wondering if this size bonus can apply to CMB. Looks like it can.
Thanks for the guide, I'm sure that'll come in useful at some point (especially with choosing which spells to take).
gustavo iglesias |
As I always state when commenting on things I've written for Paizo, my statements express my authorial intention and do not constitute official errata for the purpose of PFS and the like.
That said, the other poster is correct when he says that "Your powers of compulsion" is not the same thing as "Your compulsion spells." Compulsion spells is a rules term. Your powers of compulsion is flavor text, as you will see in the first sentence for the bloodline arcana of almost all bloodlines.
The second sentence describes the actual effect of the ability, and it stipulates quite explicitly "Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell..."; it does not say "Whenever you cast a mind-affecting or language-dependent compulsion spell..."
Sorry for any confusion and thumbs up for all the hard work putting...
thanks! That increase the bloodline versatility quite a bit. Having a 9th level spell at 10th is indeed powerful :)
Let's see the faq, but RAW it works I think. If it doesn't, it pretty much forbid blasting as aviable strategy beyond 15. It can't simply keep the pace with other damaging classes.
gustavo iglesias |
gustavo iglesias wrote:Black Powder Chocobo wrote:Why the Darkwood buckler for a shield when a Mithril buckler/ light shield offer no Arcane spell failure? Far cheaper boost for Shield AC than using a Ring slot.Because an oversight :P. Darkwood bucklers don't have armor check penalties, but they still have ASF. Yes, you can use a mithril buckler for a cheap bonus to AC, but it won't work if you cast spells. So it won't work 99% of the time.Incorrect. Hold your metamagic rod in your buckler hand and cast your spell with the other hand; you keep the buckler AC.
What's more, rather than grabbing a dueling dagger, use a dueling cestus. You can keep it in hand all the time, and you can cast spells with the cestus hand with no difficulty.
great idea with the cestus. It forbids the use of Golves of storing though. But great idea.
About the buckler, I'm not that sure, but I'll check the wording in buckler later. i think it says you lose the AC if you cast spells that turn, period. If so, by RAW it doesnt work.
gustavo iglesias |
I see that you recommend haramaki armor in the guide. In that case you should probably also mention armored kilt as well. It's slightly worse with a cost of 20 gp, a max Dex of +6, and a weight of 10 lb., but on the other hand it works in campaigns that don't allow eastern equipment.
a Haramaki is a an armored belt. Several cultures used that. Roman gladiators for example. They just did not name it "haramaki". Just like a Daikyu is a longbow with another name, an armored belt is a haramaki with a fancy japanese name. Kikko is just a brigandine armor with another name for example, and I would allow it in western settings advanced enough to have brigandines. That said, you are right, it should be mentioned, becouse some DM would not allow to re-skin it.
gustavo iglesias |
I didn't see any mention of the Rakshasa Bloodline.
I recently played a PF game where we were starting at character level 10. I built a crossclass sorcerer /rogue with the Rakshasa bloodline. I could bluff the party paladin even while he used his lie-detecting class features. I can see the Rakshasa bloodline probably has only this kind of niche usefulness though. (Unfortunately, that game didn't last more than one or two sessions before the GM found a new job and had to cut the game short. Good that he found a new job though...)In our current game, I'm the GM, and I have a NPC sorcerer with the Giant (3rd party) bloodline. That's a powerful bloodline, especially for this character who going to be a sorcerer who also fights in melee.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/bloodlines/bloodlines -from-3rd-party-publishers/spes-magna-games---sorcerer-bloodline/giant-bloo dlineThe down side is that the rules for some of the giant bloodline features aren't very clear:
"Powerful Build (Ex): At 3rd level, you become particularly large and muscular. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier, you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you."
- I was wondering if this size bonus can apply to CMB. Looks like it can.Thanks for the guide, I'm sure that'll come in useful at some point (especially with choosing which spells to take).
there are several bloodlines that aren't covered yet. I don't own all the books, so I have to use the PSRD for some of them, and it takes some time
gustavo iglesias |
And I was dumb enough to take Craft Wand as a feat, and ignore Intesify Spell when I had the chance to take it. Then again, I've made some good choices when it comes to my spells, and I kinda had to take some less useful Divination spells since I wanted to make my Sorcerer into a Harrower.
Anyway, was taking Spell Focus on Enchantment spells a bad idea?
Craft Wand is practically useless for a Sorcerer. They can't build wands of spells they don't know, and they rarelly need wands of spells they know. A way to get a little bit of usefulness from it is taking a spell, building a wand, then swaping that spell for another one as soon as you can. It's not something you would do normally, but as you took the feat, if your DM does not allow you to rebuild, you can at least take something from it.
Divination spells aren't bad. Actually, I'd rate them high as a wizard. They are just not that good for sorcerers. You have limited spell slots and using one in a spell you might, or might not, need, is a little bit dissapointing. However, they can, and often are, very powerful, if your DM does not nerf them (we had a DM that always -and I mean always- gave the same answer to augury-like spells: "big threats bring big rewards". Whatever was the question)
Enchantment is a great school to have spell focus in. It's campaign dependant. To use Paizo¡s AP as example: it would be powerful in Shackles and Skulls, it will be weak in Carrion Crown. Just because SnS has much more humans to charm and dominate, while CC has a lot of mind inmune undeads. That said, save or lose spells are a "all in or nothing". If you want to use them, you should take as much as you can in the DC. You don't want to cast them and target get it save, because they often do nothing in a sucessful save.
Spes Magna Mark |
The down side is that the rules for some of the giant bloodline features aren't very clear:
"Powerful Build (Ex): At 3rd level, you become particularly large and muscular. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier, you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you."
I was wondering if this size bonus can apply to CMB. Looks like it can.
Does being larger grant an advantage with CMB? If so, then, yes, Powerful Build applies.
KaptainKrunch |
It's the part that I think is more important too. I often see "blaster sucks" discussions in this forums, who are biased because the very good Treantmonk guide, and his personal opinions. Blasting sucks, when done bad. Blasting is a valid strategy, when done properly.
I think this is where a big difference between Wizards and Sorcerers comes into play.
Wizards have to memorize ONE spell for every slot, and as you mention Sorcerers have a pool they can choose from and can cast whatever they want from that pool, even the same spell 6 times.
A Wizard is stuck with that slot once he memorizes it, so preparing for combat is a meticulous affair, and each spell chosen for combat has to be versatile in its performance. This is why Grease and Glitterdust are such popular spells. They both do multiple things and one even has some utility.
If a Wizard memorizes a Fireball, sure in the right situation it's the best thing he could be doing, but it's a one-shot deal. He's probably better off memorizing Summon Monster 3, because that lasts for rounds after he casts it, so he gets more value out of his slot.
The Sorcerer can have Fireball and Summon Monster 3 in his knowledge pool and never cast Fireball, but has the versatility of being able to if that occasion where it's "the best thing he can do" comes up.
This is the inherent advantage a spontaneous caster has, and I almost think that a Sorcerer SHOULD consider a blast spell for every spell level, even if it's to get diverse elemental coverage where he can.
So for Wizards, Blasting is generally bad without Metamagic. For Sorcerers, taking a blast spell doesn't even mean that you're blasting, it just means that you're ready to.
Egoish |
If you check out the prolific number of blaster optimisation threads and the infathomable number spontaneous vs prepared threads there is more than enough discussion on blasting and sorcerers in general.
I'd like to avoid derailing the thread so i'll just quickly mention that without the crossblooded dip static damage boost blasting is considered inefficient due to the fact that it does not keep up with monster hit points, this is the main reason for TM's dislike of blasting in his guide.
As the guide the OP has writen discusses crossblooded is a terrible archtype for pure sorcerers and works best as a dip for a wizard to blast with, in the interests of not derailing the thread any more if you would like to discusz this further i would recommend making yet another blaster or spont vs prep thread.
gustavo iglesias |
If you check out the prolific number of blaster optimisation threads and the infathomable number spontaneous vs prepared threads there is more than enough discussion on blasting and sorcerers in general.
I'd like to avoid derailing the thread so i'll just quickly mention that without the crossblooded dip static damage boost blasting is considered inefficient due to the fact that it does not keep up with monster hit points, this is the main reason for TM's dislike of blasting in his guide.
As the guide the OP has writen discusses crossblooded is a terrible archtype for pure sorcerers and works best as a dip for a wizard to blast with, in the interests of not derailing the thread any more if you would like to discusz this further i would recommend making yet another blaster or spont vs prep thread.
While that's true, Sorcerers can get *half* the crossblooded trait with no pernicious effect. They only need to select Draconic, Primal or Orc as his bloodline, and be just fine.
Evoker with a dip can do more damage, and be more versatile in their energy selection. However, Dragon's Breath often keep the versatility base covered fine enough. They can also dip one level into evoker just like the Wizard does into crossblooded.
There are advantages and disvantages in both spontaneous and prepared magic. Sorcerers can get metamagic on the fly, and that's a real advantage in the real game table. Sometimes you don't want to nuke with a maximized fireball, but with a dazing fireball instead. Sorcerers can do that on the fly. Somebody comented about Spell specialist, being able to cast a spell spontanously. That's true. By the time the wizard can cast his fireball spontanously, while memorizing haste, fly, slow and dispel magic instead (which is 9th level), the (human) Sorcerer has *six* 3rd level spells, which he can cast 7 times. That means he can cast haste, fly, slow, dispel magic, displacement, invisibility sphere and then fireball twice. Or he could cast 7 fireballs, or 7 dispel magics. Or 4 fly, 1 invisibility sphere, and 1 haste, to skip the guards in the entrance and gank the guys in the tower.
The wizard, on the other hand, would have 5 3rd level slots, which allow him to memorize haste, fly, slow, dispel magic, invisibility sphere (but not displacement) and cast 5 fireballs, or each of he memorized spells *once*. They can't dispel magic twice, and they can't make the whole party to fly. On the other hand, they can switch any of those spells for a spell in their spellbook (like rope trick) with the bonded item, which is cool too. If the Wizard does *not* dip, he can cast 5th level spells (and that's the real strength of wizards in the wizard vs sorcerer argument), but he will do 9 less damage than the sorcerer. If he crossblooded, then he will do about 9 more damage than the sorcerer, but will lose the 5th level spell advantage.
Wizards can cover a wider array of things, thanks to spell book swaping (with arcane bond), and can, with a feat tax, blast for a long time. Sorcerers have a narrower choice (sort of... at 9th level I have more 3rd level different spells ready to be cast as a sorcerer than as a wizard), but can focus on those as much as needed. A sorcerer never says "I can't dispel this trap, I already dispeled one. We need to sleep". On the other hand, a Wizard can sleep, and cast break enchantment. A sorcerer can't, because he didn't get the spell, and never will do. He has to buy a scroll.
STR Ranger |
So I've read the guide and wanna make an Optimised SODaze Blaster. As in primarlily use blast spells but with judicious use of Dazing Spell to have foes take damage AND be Dazed as well.
SODie kills the target and makes the melees feel bad cause you killed the bad guy.
SODaze softens him up and makes him stand there and do nothing while the fighter kills him.
Str 8
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 17
Human- Extra Spells
5 skills per level
Traits: Magical Lineage (Fireball), Reactionary
1- Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Specialisation
3- Craft Wonderous Item
5- Intensify Spell
7- B- Improved Initiative, Improved Familiar- Nosoi
9- Empower Spell
11- Dazing Spell
13- B- Still Spell, Quicken Spell
15- Spell Perfection
17- Spell Penetration
19- B- Iron Will, Gtr Spell Penetration
The Idea is to Use Spell Spl at Early levels for damage.
Then Magical Lineage, Spl Spl, Intensify Spell on Fireball
Then Dazing Fireballs when it comes online.
Persistent Spell is for my other (non- evocation) Save or suck spells
Now the Big Problem is Fireball is commonly resisted.
So would Dragon's Breath be a better selection?
Also would the 15th level ability (School Power) be worth putting on evocation?
Also I'll be back with a Potential spell list later.
STR Ranger |
This was only quick, but opinions on this spellist would be appreciated.
Still not sure if magical lineage is best on fireball or dragon's breath.
School power should probaby go to evocation. 2+1spell focus might seem like overkill cause your targeting a weak save to Daze but remember I'm using a low (3rd or 4th) level spell.
Also wondering if Sage Bloodline is worth it to free up my point buy a bit and thats losing my bloodline arcana...
0- (9)Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Mending, Ghost Sound, Prestidigiation, Open/Close (No Read Magic- done with Spellcraft and take 20)
1-(5,1,2)Identify, Enlarge Person, Feather fall, Deep Breath, Protection against Evil, Benign Transposition, Color Spray, Grease
2-(5,1,2)Invisibility, Detect Thoughts, Mirror Image, Alter Self, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray, Minor Image, Glitterdust (swap for See Invisibility at 6)
3-(4,1,1,2)Dispel Magic, Resist Energy, Fly, Haste, Deep Slumber (swap for Sleet Storm at 8), Slow (swap for ????at 10), Gtr Magic Weapon, Fireball
4-(4,1,,2)Dimension Door, Boneshatter, Resilient Sphere (swap for Enervation), Dimensional Anchor, Black Tentacles (swap for Arcane Eye at 14), Confusion, Dragon's Breath
5-(4,1,1,2,2)Overland Flight, Wall of Force, Dominate Person, Hungry Pit, Teleport, Lesser Planar Binding (swap for Telekinesis at 14), Major Creation, Feeblemimd
6-(3,1,2) True Seeing, Flesh to stone, Gtr Dispel Magic, Cold Ice Strike, Chain Lightning, Planar Binding
7-(3,1,1,2,) Gtr Teleport, Limited Wish, Gtr Arcane Sight, Spell Turning, Project Image, Waves of Exhaustion, Plane Shift
8-(3,1,3) Power Word Stun, Discern Location, Polymorph any Object, Gtr Planar Binding, Maze, Clenched Fist, Horrid Wilting
9-(3,1) Wish, Summon Monster 9, Time Stop, Mage’s Disjunction
STR Ranger |
Actually I'm really feeling this build.
I'm thinking AC 10+ Haramaki+Mithral Bucker+ Belt of Dex+ Amulet+ring= 37 AC which is not a melee char AC but not bad, considering having Mirror Image up as well.
Outfit with a shield and Duelling Cestus and you can have great initiative AND look cool.
Picking Spell Specialisation spells.
1-3 Magic Missile
4- ? Maybe Scorching Ray
6- Fireball
8- Dragon's Breath
Mergy |
I'm interested in making a sorcerer with the marid bloodline, using the Rime Spell metamagic feat that I only just discovered because of your guide. She would also be focusing on fireball, but with the option to make it a cold fireball when needed (and once she picks up Rime Spell it will be the norm). Because I believe all spellcasters are better with a familiar, I'm going with the Tattooed archetype.
I should mention that this would be for PFS if it were made.
Str 7
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 19
Favoured Class: 3 hp then extra spells
Traits: Magical Lineage (fireball), Reactionary
1 Toughness, Improved Initiative, Varisian Tattoo
3 Elemental Focus (Cold)
5 Rime Spell
7 Improved Familiar
9 Empower Spell
11 Spell Penetration
The beauty is that barring creatures with evasion, anyone hit by a cold rime fireball is entangled for three rounds whether they save or not, so long as they aren't immune to cold. If they are immune to cold, hopefully they're vulnerable to fire so that she can throw an empowered fireball at them.
Any thoughts?
pad300 |
a Haramaki is a an armored belt. Several cultures used that. Roman gladiators for example. They just did not name it "haramaki". Just like a Daikyu is a longbow with another name, an armored belt is a haramaki with a fancy japanese name. Kikko is just a brigandine armor with another name for example, and I would allow it in western settings advanced enough to have brigandines. That said, you are right, it should be mentioned, becouse some DM would not allow to re-skin it.
Rules wise, I assure you that a Haramaki and an Armored Kilt are quite different. I actually left armored kilts out of my comments, because they are quite controversial...For example, you can add an armored kilt to another set of armor. In theory, a sorcerer could wear a Haramaki (or Silken Ceremonial Armor), and Armored Kilt and a Buckler all at the same time. It gets confused quickly...
In general,(as you can afford special materials - mithril), I find that using armor(s) and buckler is actually a better deal for almost any character, than using bracers of armor.
Mergy |
(imo) Piercing Spell > Spell Penetration + greater
I've used all 3 feats in conjunction before, though. Rolling a 2 to beat SR? I'll allow it
Actually, looking at Piercing Spell, it seems great for a sorcerer. The ability to adjust on the fly for spell resistance with a +5 seems better than just always having +2.
TarkXT |
Zolthux wrote:Actually, looking at Piercing Spell, it seems great for a sorcerer. The ability to adjust on the fly for spell resistance with a +5 seems better than just always having +2.(imo) Piercing Spell > Spell Penetration + greater
I've used all 3 feats in conjunction before, though. Rolling a 2 to beat SR? I'll allow it
Well yes and no.
A full round action and a higher level spell slot for the ability to do it on the fly. Really I think having that +2 to +6 handy at all times on all spells metamagicked or not makes it superior in all the ways that matter.
Mergy |
Pretty much as soon as I see any build with a 7 dump stat @ 20 pt build, you have lost me.
It's not like strength does anything for the build. She has a 23lbs light load, which is enough to carry her equipment without any issue. With a wand of ant haul (and later just learning the spell) she'll be laughing with a 15 strength for carrying capacity.
Climb? She'll be flying by level 7. Swim? Touch of the sea baby.
Zolthux |
Zolthux wrote:Actually, looking at Piercing Spell, it seems great for a sorcerer. The ability to adjust on the fly for spell resistance with a +5 seems better than just always having +2.(imo) Piercing Spell > Spell Penetration + greater
I've used all 3 feats in conjunction before, though. Rolling a 2 to beat SR? I'll allow it
Piercing spell is a very situational metamagic feat, sure; but when you use it, you'll be happy you had it. I think that's what makes it great for a sorcerer. A wizard would not really know when to prepare it, and on which Spell.
I personally think thats where Sorcerer shines when it comes to metamagic: situational feats that can be applied when needed
Zolthux |
btw, i didnt find you putting the Verdant Bloodline there.
Entangle and Barkskin are good spells a sorcerer would otherwise not get, Tanglevine does more than the other "ray" lv1 powers other bloodlines have, the AC buff can be useful (esp for gish builds), the photosynthesis helps more than you'd think at first glance, and it can lead to some great control scenarios
STR Ranger |
Hang on you guys.
So on my build ( a few posts up) I should dump my 17th and 19th level feats (Spell Pen and Gtr Spell Pen) for Piercing Spell and Maximise
Since I'm taking Spell Perfection at 15 I could fire of a Piercing, Empowered, Intensified Fireball (Layering Dazing for free) using a 6th level slot at 11th level dc (1 For spl focus, 2 for school power, 1 for bloodline arcana then doubled from spell perfection) For 21d6 plus save or Daze targeting reflex?
Well that's ave 63 damage (crap) with 3 rounds of Daze (Yay!)
Is it worth all those feats? Probably better than a normal 6th level spell( chain lightning) but by then I could cast wish?
Still I guess it serves it's function (softening up the enemy, while laying down control)
If I make an item of Fire Immunity for my fighters I could blast away without ever hitting him
Now I'd have to wait longer but Dragon's breath seems a better spell to do this with.
Multiple Shapes and energy types.
Intensified will do 20d6 vs 15d6(fireball)
evilash |
4- ? Maybe Scorching Ray
You should look at burning arc from Humans of Golarion.
This spell causes an arc of flame to leap from your fingers, burning a number of enemies nearby. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). For every additional target the discharge arcs to, reduce the number of damage dice by half (rounded down). Therefore, at 9th level, your burning arc deals 9d6 points of fire damage to the primary target, then 4d6 points of fire damage to a secondary target, then 2d6 points of fire damage to an additional target.
Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. The Reflex DC to halve the damage of the secondary bolts is 2 lower than the DC to halve the damage of the primary bolt. You may choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 15 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum.
Icyshadow |
How good would this spell be for a Sorcerer who has Dispel Magic? And I suspect my DM would say Burning Arc is only for a Keleshite (or in places where they live such as Katapesh or Qadira), while my Sorcerer is a Varisian-born Changeling currently in Cheliax (it's Council of Thieves).