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Hey all,
I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for throwing some CR 5ish fey at my party who may be taking a detour into the first world for a little while. I am having difficulties finding any fey above CR 2 so I guess I am just looking for input.
Nymph Lurker in Light Dryad Pixie Satyr Redcap
(And you can always give an Atomie or Quickling some Class Levels.)
An advanced Faerie Dragon can be fun too. As well as a dweomer cat.
You can also throw the Fey Creature template from Bestiary 3 on just about any CR 4 monster you want.
Thanks for the advice guys
Advanced faerie dragon is very nice, and with the right alignment twist can be extremely scary to the players.
Master Arminas
Spring-heeled Jack is CR3 and a good candidate for some class levels: