Multiclassing / Prestige

Rules Questions

My Wizard recently hit 5th level and I'm currently eyeing Eldritch Knight.

If at 23,000 XP (6th level) I take Fighter level 1 ... do I then have to wait an additional 12,000 XP before I can take another level of Fighter or switch over to the Prestige Class? Or can I level up to Fighter level 2 once I've accumulated 2,000 XP?

I'm pretty sure I know the answer is 13,000 (unfortunately) but I just wanted to double-check.

Liberty's Edge

You always go by character level for xp, not class level. So you'd have to wait another 12,000 xp.

ShadowcatX wrote:
You always go by character level for xp, not class level. So you'd have to wait another 12,000 xp.

Yeah, I was pretty certain that was the answer but I was hoping I'd misinterpreted the rules.

Back in the old AD&D rules my buddies and I played it that you only needed enough XP to level up per class.

MJinthePitt wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
You always go by character level for xp, not class level. So you'd have to wait another 12,000 xp.

Yeah, I was pretty certain that was the answer but I was hoping I'd misinterpreted the rules.

Back in the old AD&D rules my buddies and I played it that you only needed enough XP to level up per class.

Yep...AD&D did that. I remember those days. Of course dual classing was a MUCH bigger pain in the rear to do though.

Liberty's Edge

MJinthePitt wrote:
ShadowcatX wrote:
You always go by character level for xp, not class level. So you'd have to wait another 12,000 xp.

Yeah, I was pretty certain that was the answer but I was hoping I'd misinterpreted the rules.

Back in the old AD&D rules my buddies and I played it that you only needed enough XP to level up per class.

Back in the old AD&D rules that was the right way to play.

Back in the old AD&D rules THAC0 and saving throws from different classes didn't stack.

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