The old Assassin


I'm trying to build a character that have the same feeling as the old 3.5 assassin. That nice combine of stealth rogue an that little splash of the megic that really counts for a rogue was one of the best feeling i had in a character in my long 3.5 gaming life. Sadly in pathfinder the assassins have lost everithing that made him cool (invis, DD, Glibness).

So, now i'm working on the arcane trickster. The first iteration was the obvius mage/rogue. The problem i have with that kind of approch is that you end up being a mage with sneack attack. I want the opposite. I want a rogue with some spell as aid. It must still fell like a rogue. So, last time i got the idea of going for either a rogue/magus build or a rogue/bard build. What's your thought on this? has anyone else tryed it? any suggestion?

Grand Lodge

Just use the 3.5 version?

Dark Archive

Phew! Trickster is a hard one; the closest to what you are looking for would actually be the vivisector alchemist; or, if you allow for similar without sneak attack, the archeologist bard.

The issue with the trickster is you'll be pretty bad lifetime; it's not a good prestige class.

I do believe they will make a "magus" rogue-style equivalent in a future book; but the Trickster is the wrong weapon.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Just use the 3.5 version?

I don't allow retro, nor does any of the friend with witch i usually play. 3.5 is good and stuff, but only on his owns. Pathfinder is a robust system when not infiltrated with 3.5 stuff that are clearly not balaced in the same way or with the same idea behind.

@thalin vivisector alchemyst is everithing but a rogue-like fellow, he has sneak attack but that's it. I'll get another look at the archeologist, but the first time i read it i remember that haven't appealed me.

Dark Archive

Well, he does have the spells and damage output; and you can get a solid stealth score. He also has high skill points and the spells you listed; in fact, enhance/extend potion combined with the ability to drink / spit up potions, AND poison use. They can be made a very passible assassin, including the obvious of sneak attack.

Archeologist is everything, including trapfinding and more skills than any rogue; with all spells listed. They may be my favorite bards; but no sneak attack (which is really only 1.75 damage/level anyway under special circustances).

Grand Lodge

Dekalinder wrote:
Pathfinder is a robust system when not infiltrated with 3.5 stuff that are clearly not balaced in the same way or with the same idea behind.

We're just going to have to disagree on that. One prestige class will not imbalance Pathfinder, no matter what your opinion of PF's balance is.

<-- Inquisitor?

Good class, mix with some advance rules. Teamwork feats plus couple levels of rogue. Sounds great.

Ninja ?

You have invis, smoke bomb and stuff like that. Not magic powers per se, but ki comes quite close.

What about a Bard with the Sandman archetype?

or if that's not to your liking Super Genius Games put out a PDF entitled Ultimate Options: Power of the Ninja (PFRPG). It's 3rd Party but uses the Pathfinder rules. one archetype in there lets you trade the ninja's sneak attack for a small spell list.

hope that helps.

I would recommend going rogue/witch (or if ud prefer some other spell casting class), then Splash in arcane trickster to get the ranged rogue skills stuff, and then go master spy for more rogueish supernatural infiltrator/assassin style abilities. maybe even take ONE level of assasin since ur levels of Master spy and assassin stack to determine ur death attack, and its retroactive on the master spy. This is obviously alot of splashing but most of the spells u got as an assassin in 3.5 were not verry high level spells, so only taking a few levels to get 3rd or 4th level for invis/charm/CC style spells would be easy to get without going too far. IMO the whole reason for arcane trickster is for flavor, the only thing i personaly have fun with is being able to pick pocket at range.

Also if u are going to mix spells with rogue i recomend grabing a familiar and getting ur character to the point were u can benifit from the familiar with wands feat/skill combo. that way u and ur familiar are like a team of magical rogues, which can get pretty interesting.

The red mantis assassin from Inner Sea guide gets magic as well as some nifty stuff. Just re-flavor it or whatnot if you don't like the flavor, but at least its a Pathfinder product if you're afraid of allowing 3.5 stuff in.

Lantern Lodge

A ninja can perfectly achieve your vision of the assassin. You'll still be using spells just they are now spell-like abilities that cost ki. Choose ninja tricks that best compliment the typical martial assassin and you'll be slaying from the shadows in no time.

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