Items with Shield and Deflection bonuses


I have a two-handed fighter whose AC I'd like to be able to bump down the road, but I've already effectively maxed out the armour modifier route. (Magic full plate) The PRD search function is not particularly well-suited to searching by effect.

Other than a Ring of Protection, are there any other items that give either a shield bonus or a deflection bonus that might be appropriate to the flavour of a straightforward bash-em-up fighter? (By that, I mean that while Wand of Shield with UMD might be effective, it's not the right fluff for this character.)

amulet of natural armor

Check out the Shield of Swings Feat.

Well, if you are a fighter, eventually an item the increases your dex would allow you to increase ac when armor training gives you a higher max dex in full plate (assuming you already have at least a 12 dex). Also you could get a dusty rose ioune stone, which gives you a +1 insight bonus to AC. You could also get boots of speed, which when active you get the ac bonus haste gives you which is a dodge bonus.

In addition as cornielius mentions, an amulet of natural armor is an option, or potions of barkskin.

Anything that can give you a luck bonus is good. Also look at Dodge as a feat.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

If you use a weapon with the blocking property (Sansetsukon is the best choice for you) with Crane Style, that gives you +4/+5 AC for a -2 attack penalty (+1 shield, +3 dodge, or +4 dodge with some Acrobatics). This would require a single dip into Master of Many Styles, however, but it is an idea. Plus the sansetsukon (or three section staff) is just an awesome weapon in general :P

You could get a weapon with the Defending property (note that it specifically states that the Defending Enhancement AC boost does stack with all others).

There's the Thunderstriker archetype that allows a buckler to be used with a 2H weapon, but you don't get the shield boost for a while (it does open up shield bashes at least for an offensive boost).

Finally, there's the similar Thunder and Fang feat that allows you to use a powerful 2H weapon AND a shield bash while retaining a shield bonus. Not an item, but it is a pretty sweet setup if you have the feats for the prerequisites and can be taken as early as level 2 (or 3 if you're not human).


Thanks for the advice, all. Shield of Swings is an interesting feat choice; I'll have to do some more investigation into that. I wasn't sure about the Amulet of Natural Armour, because for some reason I got it in my head that natural armour bonus didn't stack with armour bonus. On more detailed research, it appears I was out of my mind for a moment.

She's a two-handed fighter archetype who fights with an Elven Curve Blade, which means no Armour Training, and no Sansetsukon.

rpgsavant wrote:
Anything that can give you a luck bonus is good.

Can you be more specific? This suggestion has the same problem as my original search - I can't search the PRD by effect type.

Just keep in mind the stacking rules. You can only get one shield bonus, and one deflection bonus. You can stack multiple dodge bonuses, untyped bonuses, and add on any other types of bonuses you can find (insight, etc).

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There's an Ioun stone that gives you a Luck bonus I believe (not the Dusty Rose Prism one - that one gives Insight bonus as Kolokotroni said). Try and look at the ioun stones in the PRD...

Derwalt wrote:
There's an Ioun stone that gives you a Luck bonus I believe (not the Dusty Rose Prism one - that one gives Insight bonus as Kolokotroni said). Try and look at the ioun stones in the PRD...

I thought there was one. I couldn't find it with a quick look. Thanks for the assist

Silver Crusade

Not a bonus to AC, but be sure to check the Pushing Assault feat. It basically forces an enemy to move and thus denies him a full-round attack if you take a 5ft step... useless to say that it does marvels to augment your survivability.

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