A little bit of blasphemy: A LFR rule I'd like to see in PFS

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Grand Lodge 5/5 ****


Pre-gens turned PCs at my tables are quite common.

Kyra 2* level 6 and 8 approx by now. Two different female players

Valeros 3* level 5 (my son), level 4 (junior league) and a Valeros turned Magus, Fighter1, Magus 2 (also junior league)

Merisiell - my daughter, level 4 or 5 now

These are the currently active PC characters.

In my experience a PreGen offers a much better basis as first character for someone introduced into the game compared to a character done without massive help.

I'm talking here new players who hardly have skimmed the CRB. There is a lot you can do to ruin a character. All the four pregens might not be regarded well here - but they are solid and middle of the road. With a little bit of help / modifications along the line they are in my way a good way to start the game.

And in the list above I'm missing some characters from players no longer in the area. I might have several other Valeros clones that started with me as GM. I did have a few pregens when I introduced he game at the local university, I never know what happens to the PCs when I hand pregens out at conventions like Dragonmeet. Guess the second year I was handing out at least ten of the sheets and I have no clue how many kept playing / carried on with the original character.


The Exchange 5/5

Thod wrote:


Pre-gens turned PCs at my tables are quite common.

Kyra 2* level 6 and 8 approx by now. Two different female players

Valeros 3* level 5 (my son), level 4 (junior league) and a Valeros turned Magus, Fighter1, Magus 2 (also junior league)

Merisiell - my daughter, level 4 or 5 now

These are the currently active PC characters.

In my experience a PreGen offers a much better basis as first character for someone introduced into the game compared to a character done without massive help.

I'm talking here new players who hardly have skimmed the CRB. There is a lot you can do to ruin a character. All the four pregens might not be regarded well here - but they are solid and middle of the road. With a little bit of help / modifications along the line they are in my way a good way to start the game.

And in the list above I'm missing some characters from players no longer in the area. I might have several other Valeros clones that started with me as GM. I did have a few pregens when I introduced he game at the local university, I never know what happens to the PCs when I hand pregens out at conventions like Dragonmeet. Guess the second year I was handing out at least ten of the sheets and I have no clue how many kept playing / carried on with the original character.


sigh... yeah. I've know they were workable characters,

and it would be character # 7 or #8 for me. But still... I was figureing on doing it as close to the Pregen progression as possible, including equipment buys. seeing if I can match it, as levels are added. We'll see.
THanks Thod

Liberty's Edge

What the campaign could use more of are "rainy-day Saturday"-length scenarios of the sort which take you straight to a designated level.

(I'd also like to see a loosening of prestige requirements for magic items in the lower-mid levels, since that's were most players have most of their characters. It's an interminable grind getting tertiary characters to the point of acquiring a +2 "signature" weapon.)


Mike Schneider wrote:
What the campaign could use more of are "rainy-day Saturday"-length scenarios of the sort which take you straight to a designated level.

I think the best we can hope for is the sanctioned modules, which played start to finish jump you one entire level. Some of them might be tight to get done in one day, but they're probably doable.

More than that is a problem, IMHO. After all, if you've invested (3 scenarios * 4 levels * 4 hours = ) 48 hours with one of your characters to hit level 5 and someone else has played a special scenario to fast-forward their character to level 5, it would breed resentment, don't you think? Especially since they have the option to play the character with a pregen and apply the chronicle at a later date.

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