so whats everyone making?

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Grand Lodge

i have a group making chr now and was wondering what people out there have/are made/making.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

a Shirren priest mystic of pharama based on the iconic a little .... was inspiration from the war priest i had in iron gods for a pharasma

Xeenoseeker Android Technomancer


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ysolki technomancer starfarer

Scarab Sages

Well, running the risk of starting a flamewar, I've statted out an Akatonian human Solarian. He's trying to leave his old Outlaw life behind, and become more enlightened, but his old life keeps trying to drag him back in. . .

Shadow Lodge

Shirren Xenoseeker Solarian. Definitely not the most optimum build, but it should be a ton of fun.

Human soldier with the Phrenic Adept archetype and picking up all the psychic feats.

A soldier with latent psychic abilities sounds like a lot of fun.


Android Mechanic - Exocortex

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Always the GM so my players are making a mystic, mechanic, soldier, soldier, and solarion for a one shot tomorrow.

I'm super excited.

I'm making an entire playable character class. It's about being a technological shapeshifter.

What was the question?

Liberty's Edge

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Ace Pilot Android Operative - Tri'max'ion prefers to speak to computers rather than biotics. He will often speak to a persons gear rather than them.

Working in civilized society as an Engineer, MAX moonlights as a hacker. His ability to intuit navigational programming makes him an excellent pilot. He is used to working by himself, but realizes that he will need allies and minions to help establish equal respect for Androids.

First character was
Android Ace Pilot Operative (hacker) - Covers Pilot, Computers, Engineer with Spellbane. Very strong on the technical side, doesn't understand Magic

then a Kasatha Spacefarer Soldier (Blitz) - Heavy armour with Improved grapple, shoot heavy weapon then close and grapple with one hand and melee the grappled target

Vesk Scholar Armor Storm Soldier - Big old tanky sort, going to use all the feats to take the random goofy stuff. My main goal is to make him unreasonably fast with Jet Dash and leg enhancements so enemies can flee in horror as the large lizard runs them down at 300ft a round.

Android Outlaw Envoy - Because I've been listening to too much Steam Powered Giraffe and decided an android dressed like a gangster would be entertaining. And I like all the random things an envoy can do.

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Pixistik, a Shirren Xenoseeker Solarion with a weakness for alien pollen.

Contemplative technomancer that wears a tiny scientist outfit and oversized glasses to put more conventional species at ease around him.

A Lashunta Envoy. Iamgoing with the Icon, and having it be a Net identity. Basicly pulling a Peter Wiggin and trying to use a reporter to try to influence the setting outside of the adventures.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Vesk Priest Solarian. Worshiper of Oras, while he is respected by his people for his milligram prowess, they do tend to find him a bit...eccentric, at best. But he doesn't mind. Keeping people on their toes is his divine mission. Always happy to "help" apply new stimulus to a situation, usually with his void sword. Also, has a Holoskin and Voice Modulator, so can appear to be anyone at any time. Not good at bluffing, but can scare someone into not touching him to realize he isn't actually whoever he looks like, or to stop asking so many questions.

Vesk Solarian priest of Sarenrae is my first character.

Grand Lodge

Commander Shepard!

Lashunta Mystic Scholar, follower of sarenrae with healing link

the rest of the party are a elven operative (daredevil) icon (kind of web-star who releases mission videos as other release lets play videos)

and a human mercenary soldier (Kind of boring but either way a solid choice)

Balancer wrote:
Commander Shepard!

Well...that could be basically everything as long as the race is human...

Dark Archive

CG Android Technomancer (Phrenic Adept)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Starting with an android mystic priest of Weydan, the perhaps trying this solarion thing out (theme and race TDB), all while eagerly seeking a gnome boon for SFS for a mecahnic.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've mostly been tinkering with a few concepts to get a feel for the system:

Android ace pilot technomancer

Human mercenary mystic (star shaman) with Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency (uses a tactical starknife with the Called fusion; only 230 cr!) and Heavy Armor Proficiency; planning on Longarms Proficiency at 3rd and Powered Armor Proficiency at 5th

Kasatha bounty hunter soldier (hit-and-run style) with Multi-Weapon Fighting; planning on picking up Fusillade and Suppressive Fire later on ("Four-Gun Mojo")

Lashunta xenoseeker envoy (kind of an obvious niche, but not bad otherwise)

Shirren scholar mechanic (exocortex)

Vesk priest solarion (solar weapon is a blood-red doshko) with Heavy Armor Proficiency (very tanky; starting with a flame pistol and hidden soldier armor)

Ysoki spacefarer operative (explorer) Starfinder forerunner; oodles of skills and decent in combat

A technomancer. I haven't decided on a theme yet.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Kasatha Soldier (Bombard as primary and Blitz as secondary) who holds a detonator in 1 hand and 3 grenades in the other. He runs in, drops all 3 grenades as no action, moves out, and presses detonator button (as no action) which blows up all 3 grenades.

An android blitz soldier with a focus in swords, dashing, and wall jumping, with a tiny bit of blaster on the side. Also flowing blonde hair and a sleek red design.

Human icon mechanic that uses her drone to livestream her adventures. Hopefully her adversaries don't start watching it.

As her level increases and her icon status goes up, it becomes increasingly unlikely that they won't.

At which point the rest of the party will probably shoot her drone.

Scarab Sages

Korasha lashunta ace pilot solarian for my first. Chances are I will spend too much of my credits on vehicles that will rapidly be destroyed.

Later I may try to make a warlord-like build with a vesk envoy.

Android Soldier

Awakes on Aballon, where the previous soul of this body was convicted of something in the Machine Court and they chose Renewal instead of whatever the sentence was.

Voss wrote:

As her level increases and her icon status goes up, it becomes increasingly unlikely that they won't.

At which point the rest of the party will probably shoot her drone.


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I wanted to make a Von Neumann Spacecraft/Probe named Bob... but there wasn't an option to play an A.I. ...or costs for building more spaceships.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ysoki technomancer outlaw with a love of hedonistic excess and VR games

I've got about a half-dozen concepts for Mechanics so far, mostly based more around what I'm doing with the AI than anything else. Only a couple actually have anything besides AI concept yet, such as an Android with an Exocortex that basically is just they have split personalities. My favorite has a combat drone with riding saddle, where the drone is basically a gun-toting semi-intelligent motorcycle (kind of like KITT's less advanced little brother.) While I'm undecided on race (I really like Lashunta though) and torn between a few Themes, the one thing I do know is I want him in Freebooter Armor.

I made a Vesk Spacefarer Soldier as a quick run through the rules. Pretty quick and easy, all things said.

My first is going to be an Ace Pilot Android Operative (Ghost). I like the idea of 'stealthing' around the battlefield and either knifing folks, or just blasting them in the face with my laser pistol! They see themselves more as a giant collective of personas and less about individual souls sharing the same body. No gender identify and refers to themselves as We or Us.

Second char will probably a Technomancer of some sort... or a Human Operative that is focused around exploration and pushing the boundaries of the Fringe.

Faelyn wrote:

They see themselves more as a giant collective of personas and less about individual souls sharing the same body. No gender identify and refers to themselves as We or Us.

May I suggest either Lejean or Unity as a name?

To run through this, I'm thinking an Outlaw Envoy Damaya Lashunta. But I may just go with a xenoseeker soldier. Travel interesting places! Meet interesting beings! Kill them.

Faelyn wrote:
They see themselves more as a giant collective of personas and less about individual souls sharing the same body. No gender identify and refers to themselves as We or Us.

Similar to the third gender of the Shirren.

From the first AP:

Chiskisk is neither male nor female, but host, the third shirren sex, and as such is referred to with the pronouns “they,” “them,” and “themself.”

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

A couple other concepts:

(thanks to Albatoonoe for the inspiration) Contemplative themeless (+1 Int; Culture as class skill) technomancer phrenic adept; starting with Minor Psychic Power (telepathic projectile) and planning on Skill Synergy (Perception, Stealth) at 3rd, Psychic Power (mind link) at 5th, and Major Psychic Power (augury) at 7th; also planning on acquiring a digital harrow deck to use as a spell cache (and for augury).

Dwarf scholar (Physical Science/geology) mechanic (combat drone); drone has melee weapon arm, weapon mount, and tool arm (engineering tool kit), with the Engineering skill unit; starting with Heavy Armor Proficiency and planning on Longarms Proficiency at 3rd and Powered Armor Proficiency at 5th (already has proficiency, and will gain free specialization at 3rd, in advanced melee weapons as a dwarf).

Halfling icon (probably specializing in Profession (Merchant); or Profession (Smuggler) for a more shady background) envoy; pilot and trader (possibly with a Han Solo vibe)

Human Scholar Mechanic and her drone son. The drone is a growing child AI, and her and her android spouse's effort to build an offspring, with hopes that will eventually provide a way for androids to reproduce like biological races.

Android Mechanic with an Exocortex AI. Good Dex and Int scores means plenty of high skill modifiers, plus pseudo-full BAB on tracked enemies means they're still pretty good in a fight.

I have to build a Solarion at some point, but not sure what I'll be going for. Gonna do an Operative too, and maybe a Technomancer. So much to do, and I still have to read another 350 pages D:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Darrow, former leader of the Pod Babies biker gang - CG male personality android operative 6 (spacefarer theme, daredevil operative specialization)

A real skill monkey, he's an accomplished biker, explorer, scout, sniper, and starship pilot.

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A Chaotic Neutral Shirren Solarion who believes in the forces of entropy and is also an icon for his side gig as a comedian.

Liberty's Edge

So far testing the conversion system, created a Invulnerable Rager Goblin to see how well it works out. been pretty amusing. Only other build I have done is a Human Ace Pilot Mechanic with Iron Will & Minor Psyhic Powers (the exo-Skill focus in Piloting) been doing pretty well. Although the GM seemed to need to give us a lot of gear to survive it seems O_o

Ace Pilot Android, one level of blitz soldier str based, then Solarian for the rest of the levels.
Starting stats
str 16, dex 14, con 10, int 14,wis 11, cha 8
5 level Boost
str+2, dex+2, con+2, and int+2
take the technomatic dabbler at 5th level, Mending, transfer charges, and unseen servent
10 level boost
dex+2, con+2, int+2, and wis+2
15 level boost
con+2, wis+2, cha+2, and str+1
take the connection Inkling at 15th level this will give 5 uses of mystic cure

That is my basic build.

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Mechalibur wrote:
Human icon mechanic that uses her drone to livestream her adventures. Hopefully her adversaries don't start watching it.

Literal stream snipers. Yowch.

Vesk soldier. Demolitions expert, uses explosives, heavy weapons and heavy armor in combat. Expert engineer and pilot, loves tinkering and collecting vehicles. Intends to retire before he ever has to make a DC 70 skill check for anything.

bookrat wrote:
Faelyn wrote:
They see themselves more as a giant collective of personas and less about individual souls sharing the same body. No gender identify and refers to themselves as We or Us.

Similar to the third gender of the Shirren.

From the first AP:

Chiskisk is neither male nor female, but host, the third shirren sex, and as such is referred to with the pronouns “they,” “them,” and “themself.”

Exactly! Thanks for pointing that out to me!

AnimatedPaper wrote:
Faelyn wrote:

They see themselves more as a giant collective of personas and less about individual souls sharing the same body. No gender identify and refers to themselves as We or Us.

May I suggest either Lejean or Unity as a name?

Thanks for the suggestions! I like Unity much more than the name I had been tossing around Myr'iad.

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