Time Stop and Epic Levels


So I'm running an epic level game with an Time Oracle and a Divination Wizard that like to cast Time Stop. The problem is this: they really don't know what to do with the free rounds of combat. I said summoning, self buffing and positioning is what makes it very good, but I would like to see what other would suggest what to do or add to the list of what to do during Time Stop. We are also using Spell Compentium, but they don't have very many spells from it.

Forgot to mention the party lvl is 20 right now, and they are about to become lvl 21. Using the Epic Level Handbook (that I have revised for the most part.)

The Exchange

Force Cage, followed by cloud kill, followed by incendiary cloud...

healing is a good choice for the oracle.

Pretty much everything you already said is a good way to use Timestop. Summoning and ongoing battlefield control spells are ideal with timestop. Using time-stop and then dropping 3-4 terrible ongoing AoEs like stinking cloud, cloudkill, and black tentacles into the same area is a mean, mean thing to do. Summoning multiple enemies into the battle is bad news. Chaining time-stop together can make for a rather frightening nova, as you can flood the field with all manner of summoned creatures.

Time stop is also a good method to buy some time to buff, or break bad effects. Someone cast dimensional anchor on you so you can't teleport away? Time stop, dispel magic, teleport.

The only thing you can't readily do with Timestop is do a lot of blasting or pummeling foes directly with effects; and yet even delayed blast fireball is classic example of how to really screw up some folks with Time Stop + Blasting.

When you begin going epic levels, options like quickened timestop, empowered, or even maximized timestop become possible, which can give you some breathing room to drop lots of summons on the field, project image, ethereal jaunt, and effectively wage war without actually being able to be struck in combat or effectively targeted.

S'good stuff.

Honestly, if your players can't come up with some nice uses for time-stop, then they're probably not ready for epic levels. Epic levels is where you bring your A-game. They require the players (and the GM) to have a firm understanding of what they are capable of, and in many cases an epic level battle is like a very dynamic game of chess; with each side working to counter what the other team is doing.

Shadow Lodge

Hold a tea party in the middle of battle.

TOZ wrote:
Hold a tea party in the middle of battle.

That too. :D

I agree that epic levels you need to bring that A-Game. The wizard has a very firm grip on the rules and uses Time Stop very well, my Oracle is having problems. I'm forcing him to look at his spells to figure out combos, just wanting to see if others have some good uses for the spell at that level. Celerity is an awesome spell to use with Time Stop when your about to have bad things happen.

I'm not sure if Force Cage will work since they really dumb down the spell and it allows a save now. Healing as an Oracle only helps yourself out in Time Stop.

DM MoggZero wrote:

I agree that epic levels you need to bring that A-Game. The wizard has a very firm grip on the rules and uses Time Stop very well, my Oracle is having problems. I'm forcing him to look at his spells to figure out combos, just wanting to see if others have some good uses for the spell at that level. Celerity is an awesome spell to use with Time Stop when your about to have bad things happen.

I'm not sure if Force Cage will work since they really dumb down the spell and it allows a save now. Healing as an Oracle only helps yourself out in Time Stop.

Well I personally think Oracles kind of suck, and that Time Stop is way less useful for oracles than for arcane casters. A time-stopping cleric or oracle traditionally use this moment to be all like "by the power of Grayskull..." and turn into CoDzilla-prime, with full on warbuffs like Divine Power, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance, Greater Spell Resistance, an appropriate Aura spell (like Holy Aura), Freedom of Movement, Magic Vestment, Greater Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield, True Seeing, and Death Ward.

Alternatively, summoning a horde of angels always works pretty good too. :P

Scarab Sages

TOZ wrote:
Hold a tea party in the middle of battle.

Draw a mustache on the BBEG.

Or, if he already has a mustache: shave it off.

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