Druid weapons- list?


So the core class lists X number of weapons a druid can use. Are there other weapons from later books that are Druid allowable? I can't find a list or a post about it.

There are some deities that allow druids to use their favored weapon, but that's not core. Otherwise I am not aware of any extended druid weapons, and I play a druid.

BltzKrg242 wrote:
So the core class lists X number of weapons a druid can use. Are there other weapons from later books that are Druid allowable? I can't find a list or a post about it.

A few weapons have been added to the monk's list of proficiencies (brass knuckles and the temple sword from the APG come to mind), but thus far, I don't know of any new weapons that druids are automatically proficient with.

However, it's important to note, that while druids are restricted in what armor/shields they can use, they have no such restrictions on what weapons that they can and can not use. A druid can add to their weapon proficiencies via racial features, feat, or multiclassing with no issue.

Case in point, my druid uses a compound longbow, as a racial proficiency.

So it'd be a DM's call to allow the non-metal weapons from later books then. e.g. Lasso, wooden stake and Primitive weapons...

BltzKrg242 wrote:
So the core class lists X number of weapons a druid can use. Are there other weapons from later books that are Druid allowable? I can't find a list or a post about it.

Why are you mucking about with bits of metal and wood? Bah! A Druid's weapons are teeth, claws, and bones! :)

I'm running a support/back row Joe Druid. He's a Dragon Shaman spellcaster for the most part but has had bad guys get in his face so it's nice to have options.
Plus he's from Mwangi and the Primitive weapons would be fluffy and flavorful. I guess I could just reskin the scimitar as a Terbutje (for visuals)

Liberty's Edge

Druids no longer face a religious restriction on what weapons they can use. The list of weapons for them is what they are proficient with, so there is little or no reason to add to that list. So if you want additional weapon proficiencies, you have three choices that I can see. Feats, Multi-classing, and getting the GM to grant them to you. They do still face a religious prohibition against metal armor.

All that said I personally would not be opposed to seeing some weapon types added to the list of Druid Proficiencies, if they fit thematically with the class and are not too powerful.

The Exchange

Thread rise from your grave...

graywulfe wrote:


All that said I personally would not be opposed to seeing some weapon types added to the list of Druid Proficiencies, if they fit thematically with the class and are not too powerful.

Some years and a lot of books later is there anything to add?

None that I know of. Searching for "druid" under equipment returns no weapons.

[stuck-up iron lover]Of course there isn't, because nothing fits thematically. Why does nothing fit thematically? What kind of question is that? The themes of the class are self-contradictory! What kind of nature warden deliberately avoids the material keeping the sun from blasting the planet to sterility?[/stuck-up iron lover]

there is usually not a large addition to the weapons a specific class can use. Usually, new weapons are just labeled 'simple', 'martial', and 'exotic', and that is about it. Yes, this does present a problem for classes whose weapon list is limited to specifically named items.

The monk got an update on weapons it can use because it has a restricted list and it had some glaring gaps in the niches its allowed weapons (ie- good light flurry weapon- filled in by cestus and brass knuckles, fully functional 2 handable flurry weapon- filled in by the temple sword, because the quarterstaff had the 'wood only' problem).

The druid doesn't quite had the same problem. The obvious reason why it gets ignored is 'because most druids do not use weapons, they turn into animals'.

Of course, there are weapon using druid builds. Ignoring the nature fang (which doesn't wildshape), there is the goliath druid or just a druid that turns into elemental- wild shape options that can use weapons. But even then, their weapon proficiencies (barely) work- they have a good light weapon (dagger), several functional 2 handable weapons (spear, short spear, scimitar, club), and... well, terrible ranged options (...but they have spells and various flying options, so that is a minimal concern).

So I would not hold out hope for a druid weapon update. It is not a major priority in order for them to function.

It does bring up the fact that druids, monks, rogues, and bards (and wizards) have a specialized selection of weaponry...that doesn't get updated often if at all. I guess it just isn't worth the time to say something like, 'rogues and bards are proficient with the cutlass' or somesuch. Not unbalancing for a few of the various weapons introduced to be added to class lists beyond the simple/martial listings.

The Sideromancer wrote:

None that I know of. Searching for "druid" under equipment returns no weapons.

[stuck-up iron lover]Of course there isn't, because nothing fits thematically. Why does nothing fit thematically? What kind of question is that? The themes of the class are self-contradictory! What kind of nature warden deliberately avoids the material keeping the sun from blasting the planet to sterility?[/stuck-up iron lover]

I didn't know Druids weren't allowed to use ozone . . . .

* * * * * * * *

Workaround for Humans: Military Tradition alternate racial trait.

Some Druid archetypes change weapon proficiency.

UnArcaneElection wrote:
The Sideromancer wrote:

None that I know of. Searching for "druid" under equipment returns no weapons.

[stuck-up iron lover]Of course there isn't, because nothing fits thematically. Why does nothing fit thematically? What kind of question is that? The themes of the class are self-contradictory! What kind of nature warden deliberately avoids the material keeping the sun from blasting the planet to sterility?[/stuck-up iron lover]

I didn't know Druids weren't allowed to use ozone . . . .

You're thinking too lightly (pun intended). I'm talking about the magnetic field that keeps solar wind from tearing apart the atmosphere.

^Earth's magnetic field is overrated relative to its gravitational field. Venus has no significant magnetic field, and its problem is way too much atmosphere, not insufficient atmosphere (even with a gravitational well somewhat less than that of Earth).

Venus is losing enough to have a comet tail

If NASA's twitter is enough of a source, is Mars' 100 g/s a fast enough decay rate?

^Earth has a tail too. Can't remember where I read this (I think in Science), but at some time back in the 1990s the conclusion was that since formation, Earth has lost oxygen equivalent to about 20% of that in its atmosphere (of course, dissociation of water in the oceans can make a LOT more).

Mars losing a lot of atmosphere is not a surprise, since its escape velocity (5 km/s) is much lower than that of Earth (11 km/s), and remember that escape energy per unit mass goes up with the square of escape velocity. I also read back in the 1990s (again I think in Science) that the recombination of a free electron with an O[2](+) ion (formed by the action of ultraviolet light on oxygen) causes breakage into 2 oxygen atoms that are moving fast enough to escape from the gravity well at the top of Mars' atmosphere(*), but not fast enough to escape from the gravity well at the top of Earth's atmosphere, where individual atoms persist, and can recombine on solid surfaces to produce a noticeable glow. The latter also works for dissociative recombination of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to produce escaping carbon atoms, but unlike on Mars, it doesn't work on Venus (gravity well is too deep, and Earth's is even deeper).

(*)This wasn't where I found it originally.

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