[Research for paizo Product] Inner Sea Horse breeds

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Hello everyone!

I'm working on something for an official Paizo product (sadly I am forbidden from discussing exactly what product).

As part of that work, I need to track down every kind of horse breed mentioned in the Inner Sea. I've got fell ponies in Amaans. What else is out there? What would you hate to see me miss?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

In Artume (River Kingdoms, my fav location), there is mention of intelligent horses bred there.

I remembered a horse from Rivers Run Red (Kingmaker, 2nd fav AP), Arangin. But I don't think it is a breed, but rather a specific horse.

Would be interesting to see any special horses the Imperial Union of Breeders might have.

At first when I saw the title of the horse I started to wonder about Sea Horse breads and thinking "what the hell?!"

The Qadira Player Companion mention genie-boon horses (like celestial, but descended from genies), and the nomads on the Plains of Paresh are horse-breeders.

And a second group of horse-nomads can be found in the Velashu Uplands of Varisia (mentioned because I seem to recall one of the Second Darkness adventures made a passing reference to their horses being regarded as good).


Dave Gross's Prince of Wolves has an interesting business where regular horses can't stand Radovan, but Varian summons up a Phantom Steed for him and it becomes rather interestingly red, flavoring itself for the rider.

There's also a mule who is a named character in the book. It would be nice if the horse breed info also covered mules and donkeys.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:

Dave Gross's Prince of Wolves has an interesting business where regular horses can't stand Radovan, but Varian summons up a Phantom Steed for him and it becomes rather interestingly red, flavoring itself for the rider.

There's also a mule who is a named character in the book. It would be nice if the horse breed info also covered mules and donkeys.

I agree. And miniature horses, and maybe the fun prehistoric ones. I want riding zebras and a discussion of pegasi and their mating habits as well.

Seriously though, mules and donkeys are far better for dungeoneering or exploring craggy mountains with.


All of the below information is taken from The Wiki I have included the citations from their respective wiki pages when I haven't included links to said pages.

Mountain Horses
Indigenous to the Aspodells, these long-haired, massive equines are popular with miners for their easy temperaments and flexible diets. - Mike McArtor. (June 4, 2008). The Vale's Biology, Paizo Blog.

Imperial Union of Breeders specifically Zulran's Equines

Artume is known for some of the finest livestock and leather work in the region, a fact that bandits and cattle rustlers are also very aware of. The local ranchers also breed intelligent and well-trained horses and ponies. - guide to river kingdoms page 10

Kamelands - Horses of the region are much valued (and highly expensive) for their strength, speed, and surefootedness. Guide to the River Kingdoms, p. 52.


The Stockyards is Kaer Maga's biggest and most well-known place to buy, sell, or rent beasts. Located in the Varisian city's public Downmarket district, it deals predominantly in horses and aurochs to serve as mounts or draft animals. These creatures are generally sold by (or stolen from) local Shoanti tribes of the Storval Plateau. City of Strangers, p. 17

Taldor's cavalry raises its horses in huge horse farms in southern Taldor. - Taldor, Echoes of Glory, p. 12.

Cloud Horses are mentioned on page 291 of master of devils

Don't forget Lastwall!

Inner Sea World Guide p99 wrote:
Dotort Ranch: Owned by the same family for 11 generations, this 6,000- acre horse ranch (...) They raise Lastwall palfreys (a breed known for its smooth, ambling gait), Taldor jennets (known for their gentle disposition), Dort chargers (second only to Vigil's breed for use as warhorses), and a small number of mixed-breed workhorses.
Inner Sea World Guide p101 wrote:
The horsemasters of Vigil breed and train the mighty destriers and swift coursers that bear Lastwall's finest into battle, and the pastures around Vigil are known for the quality of their bloodlines.

I'm sure Taldor have something in this vein themselves, too.

Scarab Sages

Thanks everyone, these are great! Keep 'em coming!

If you happen to know page or chapter references, feel free to include those, but even just book and region names are a big help!

More info I found on the wiki castle overwatch in Vigil has an extradimensional stable. Omash in qdria has horse cavalry. Serpents run in magnimar has horse racing. Stephfir Ostlery has horse fighting.

Cities of Golarion has this paragraph in the section on Vigil on page 48:

Vigilants also love their horses, central as they are to the crusader tradition. Legendary for its thick-legged chargers and destriers, Vigil is equally accomplished in breeding swift coursers and rounceys, popular for scouting, pursuit, and racing. Civilians love the smooth, ambling gait of the sleek palfrey and the compact Taldor-bred jennet, now a rare line but much-loved for their gentle disposition. Vigilants proudly recite the lineages of their favorite horseflesh, matching wits and wagers on the monthly Strander Stakes run along the Path River, and the grueling Sophronia Steeplechase held every Midsummer’s Day.

Edit: There's also a sidebar on page 53 about Vigil's Greatest Horses.


There's also a part in Chapter III of "The Secret of the Rose and Glove" where there's this horse-related line:

Norret paged back through the book to the part where Aballon, the Horse, fastest of the planets and symbolic of quicksilver, sends the youngest filly from his herd as both herald and wedding gift, there to act as page and messenger in the happy couple's hall. Rather than being played by the child of some nobleman or other powerful friend, this part was given to the daughter of the duke's stable master, a remarkably pretty child with her hair braided with ribbons, a happy smile on her face, a hobby horse in one hand, and dreams of one day being a great bard or entertainer.

Could be useful for flavor if nothing else.

I'm not going to lie, this is one of the stranger requests I've seen on the boards and really gets the imagination going for what it could be for.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Animals Revisited...

I was thinking either Inner Sea Horsies, Goblin Enemies Revisited, or Ultimate Equines. But yours makes some sense.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My Little Pony - Golarion Edition.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
I'm not going to lie, this is one of the stranger requests I've seen on the boards and really gets the imagination going for what it could be for.

I remember requests a while back for a book that was about mounts of Golarion as a player companion. I was one of the people that thought it would be a good idea. Animals revisited could be it also.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I keep reading this thread title as "Inner Seahorse Breeds."

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Vic Wertz wrote:
I keep reading this thread title as "Inner Seahorse Breeds."

All in preparation for the Undersea World Guide!

Will there be Sea Vanaras? They do have invisibility as a spell-like ability, I believe.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I keep reading this thread title as "Inner Seahorse Breeds."
All in preparation for the Undersea World Guide!

Weren't there some voices asking for that in one of the "what would you like to see" threads?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Drejk wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
I keep reading this thread title as "Inner Seahorse Breeds."
All in preparation for the Undersea World Guide!
Weren't there some voices asking for that in one of the "what would you like to see" threads?

Yes, mine was one of them!

Dark Archive

The Valashan Destriers that Kajehase mentions from Second Darkness are also mentioned on Hook Mountain page 69.

Plague Steed (Lost Cities page 32) isn't really a breed, but it is mentioned as a type of undead horse.

Al'Aldane Zulran, guildmaster of the Imperial Union of Breeders, has a sprawling horse ranch called Zulran's Equines in Katapesh. It's on page 30 of Dark Markets, and his horses have their base speed raised by 5 feet.

ha! I remember reading "Horse Breeds of the Realms" and the horse breeds listed in Champions of Valor. I always love that attention to setting details.

Perhaps you could get access to the complete pdf line (unless you already do, if not...ask for it) and do a search for "horse", "pony", "charger", and so on in each and every file. Even if it took 2 minutes on average it would be the swiftest method I can think of to go with. I expect this is for Ultimate Equipment which surely has many pages to fill with new stuff.


Jeff de luna wrote:
Will there be Sea Vanaras? They do have invisibility as a spell-like ability, I believe.

Expect to have your "sea vanara" itch scratched by the end of Skull & Shackles.


Rule of Fear's entry on Amaans mentions something about Ustalavic fell ponies (fell ponies being a real, cool looking thing).

It's not in any of the books, but it'd be cool to see some Golarion version of the Icelandic horse (because they're that cool).

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Jeff de luna wrote:
Will there be Sea Vanaras? They do have invisibility as a spell-like ability, I believe.
Expect to have your "sea vanara" itch scratched by the end of Skull & Shackles.

HA HA! Pirate monkeys! OOk.

Scarab Sages

These have all been very helpful, thanks! I'm wrapping up research on this one, so this is my "last call" for info on equines of the Inner Sea.

I believe Prince of Wolves talks about a type of horse from Ustalav. I'll have to double check though. I don't think they were the fell ponies.

It also talks about how the spell Phantom Steed has the horse personalized for the *recipient* of the spell, which could have some interesting connotations.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
These have all been very helpful, thanks! I'm wrapping up research on this one, so this is my "last call" for info on equines of the Inner Sea.

Did this product ever see the light of day?

I have a horse-riding PC in my campaign and want to add some *fluff* to the description of his mount.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I would be surprised if it weren't for Animal Archive - It's the most significant animal related book released recently, and Owen is one of the Authors

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was thinking it was probably Knights of the Inner Sea, as that had a big list of horse, but then Owen didn't have a writing credit in it.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
I would be surprised if it weren't for Animal Archive - It's the most significant animal related book released recently, and Owen is one of the Authors

D'oh. Thanks Enlightened Bystander.


Well there isn't anything in the Animal Archive about horse breeds.

I will have to check the Knights of the Inner Sea next.


Since the thread is in the Campaign Setting forum, my hope is that it will be part of an upcoming Campaign Setting project. I haven't see anything like this materialize in the Companion line thus far.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

There's a nice list of horse breeds in the back cover of Knights

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