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The recent discussion regarding a possible adventure where you get to be the Venture captain inspired me to write this little choose your own adventure.
It's very much in an alpha stage at the moment but hopefully it will provide some entertainment. Don't take it too seriously and let me know how your quest for coffee works out. Feel free to post any bugs you encounter, or email me axey@shadowsofcommand.com
Pirate Rob, I have died of dysentery.
Then I was eaten by a grue.
But that is awesome. Well done.
Those are definitely endings I should find a way to ads :)
I think there are 14 terminal pages at the moment, and more then one way to get your coffee, although most endings are bad.
This is awesome and some of the endings are truly great! Let us know when more endings/options are up.
That's awesome. After a few tries, I got coffee!
this is absolutely hilarious!
I fixed a couple of typos and added a couple more endings. I also added a version # to the front page. I'm sure there are more typos I haven't caught yet.
I'll post whenever I update it.
The life of a Venture-Captain is truely one of trials and tribulations.
Succeed on my first try, although I did have to recall the first team after seeing team 2 lol.
Congratulations Michael, the odds are against success and there's not really a logical way to figure out how to succeed.
hmm seemed pretty logical the path I followed
I really enjoyed this... thanks for putting it together!
LOL this is amazingly funny.
Your second team finds the remains of the first team and fights off three ghouls.
They manage to return with a single coffee bean and are upset when their fame doesn't increase. You hear them complaining about unclear missions as you kick them out of your office and go back to sleep.
No coffee for you :(
Alright, I fixed a bunch more typos and added some more options. Now you can meet the Decemvirate, other venture captains, form your own party and other surprises as well.
The party forming currently has 5 different exits, can you find them all?
hmm recruited my own party (Pal,rogue,sorc,cleric) got a blank screen and now all I get is "This quest has already ended." even after reloading the page regardless of the option chosen
Opps, sorry about that. Should be fixed now, looks like the cleric link didn't really go anyway.
The Party thingy still seems some more polishing, was pretty tricky to get right without adding 213498327463287 different pages.
Thanks Foster.
"I fall from exhaustion from lack of coffee." Nice.
Well at least you knew how to defeat a swarm.
It's a step up from the other ending it's next to.
yay I won with a custom party, although damn my 4 bard party they are traitors and should be hunted down (leaving me to fight alone beat the swarm but passed out).
Kyle Baird wiped my team out. That's hilarious.
Good good :)
Anybody have any thoughts on Iconic PFS deaths/failures/encounters/situations/etc that I should include in the next update?
Pirate Rob wrote: Anybody have any thoughts on Iconic PFS deaths/failures/encounters/situations/etc that I should include in the next update?
Well, you seem to have forgotten to mention me.
Did I mention that I summon balls of *fire* in my hand?
This thing is super cool.
Thanks for the old skool text adventure.
I was a poor VC, but eventually found at least 2 ways to win.
Way to make me suffer.... curse that swarm!
Alright, I've added Thorne, some sewer dragons and other surprises.
I'll be expanding some of the shorter paths and adding some fun stuff like a dogsled race, escort-able goblins and such.
Thanks for the kind words everybody. The encouragement helps inspire me to keep working on it.
played it again. Lost against coffee golems. Seriously? Coffee golems? Killing me.
But the third time I played, I had my party go out and fight a black dragon for coffee. And they brought it. Huzzah.
Yay Coffee and Pie on a solo mission :)
although I did die to empowered shocking grasp once ouchies
EDIT: Wasted resources teleporting pathfinders to the middle of nowhere, but I still got coffee with another VC :)
hey! I didn't give you permission to use my druid in that story! :)
oh god help me im stuck in an endless loop of briefing
I ask Kyle Baird to go get me coffee. He kills me. Game over.
I gotta admit, this realism is amazing.
I found pie! :D
(And coffee, of course.)
PS: This is eerily similar to the adventures I have at local conventions, when us Venture Lieutenants gather on Sunday morning to hear the words of our Venture Captain and get sent out to find him some coffee.
Nice to see this getting some love, haven't updated it in a few years though. Maybe I'll add some more goodies in April if I can find the time.
Lol! My Pathfinder Team got killed. No coffee for me.
I got the coffee!
+1/2 XP +1/2 Fame +1/2 for my faction mission
My team did not pay attention to my briefing (sounds like many of my scenarios) thus I get no coffee. At least I lived to brief another non attention paying party tomorrow.
Washed away in a flood and eaten by a dragon.
Call in a batch of new recruits.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
First team got mah Coffee..
Haz a cookie!
Robert Hetherington wrote: Nice to see this getting some love, haven't updated it in a few years though. Maybe I'll add some more goodies in April if I can find the time. that would be awesome
this is awesome! really love the sewer dragons that was a great touch (theirs a special place in my heart for those guys). some things that i would love to see if you are planning on updating this:
Sending a coffee retrieval team for the first team of pathfinders that you lose
send your VL to get you coffee
send you agents on actual mission
Also after sending countless teams against the ancient dragon I correctly guessed i mean researched the correct color and got my coffee.........hey wait a second there is no creme or sugar in this quickly get me seekers we must retrieve them before my coffee gets cold
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pirate Rob, nice work, I had quite a few laughs, so true!
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