Uzbin Parault

tuypo1's page

Organized Play Member. 74 posts (76 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Kthulhu wrote:
tuypo1 wrote:
im afraid i dont understand what retconing does a spellcaster do

Well of course I have [insert spell here] prepared! (Despite never having mentioned it before.)

Well of course I have a scroll of [insert spell here]! (Despite never having mentioned it before.)

Well of course I have a contingency active! (Despite never having mentioned it before.)

Well of course I keep my spellbook in a waterproof bag! (Despite never having mentioned it before.)

Etc, etc, etc.

that seems easy fixed by making players show you what they prepare each morning

im afraid i dont understand what retconing does a spellcaster do

hm come to think of it has paizo come up with anything similar to the warweaver from heroes of battle

that is an odd request indeed

im guessing they wanted to make them seem androgynous or something

you know what they say there are no original ideas

im impressed

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Joe Hex wrote:
Extra-dimensional-humans, from a layer of the layer of the Abyss named "TLC" have began documenting the life of a female Goblin child named "Honey Poo Poo".

the society for the protection of good taste is mobilizing a massive army to remove this threat crusaders glad for reinforcements

Fuligin wrote:
tuypo1 wrote:
Fuligin wrote:
They are blind in the dark. I believe the sage Dilberts advice has been followed, and they've been promoted to positions where they will do the least harm walking into things.
there pathfinders they have ways to create light

Brilliant idea! Perhaps they should be covered in barbeque sauce to hide their scent and make the sound of wounded prey to avoid being detected.

One of the mysteries I'll never understand is why they haven't gone extinct... must be their fecundity.

no i mean there wayfinders

have fun

Robert Hetherington wrote:
Nice to see this getting some love, haven't updated it in a few years though. Maybe I'll add some more goodies in April if I can find the time.

that would be awesome

Fuligin wrote:
They are blind in the dark. I believe the sage Dilberts advice has been followed, and they've been promoted to positions where they will do the least harm walking into things.

there pathfinders they have ways to create light

Christopher Dudley wrote:
Xethik wrote:

Kalindlara wrote:

The funniest part? In 3.0's Defenders of the Faith, an armor enhancement was created that gave the wearer a constant haste, the very one you've quoted there. Guess what the cost was:
** spoiler omitted **
At the same time, the haste bonus to AC from that armor enhancement wouldn't stack with another casting of haste, so you could theoretically lose AC if he took the normal +3 enhancement bonus and then had haste cast on you. But I see what you mean.

But the Haste enhancement for armor being +3 doesn't mean you get +3 to your AC if you have it. It means that you pay for it as if adding +3 to the enhancement bonus. So you could either:

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

i would say jump distance is worth quite a bit

Wayne Reynolds wrote:
tuypo1 wrote:
what spell is ezren holding in his hand in his main image
Whichever spell the designers decide it is.

well lacking an offical answer im going to go with its arcane mark because arcane mark is always cool.

oh wait of course the level adjustment is where the problem lies

they have half dragons dont they thats good enough for me

although i dont think those are legal for society play

what spell is ezren holding in his hand in his main image

oh god help me im stuck in an endless loop of briefing

Jeff Merola wrote:
Blackfoot wrote:
? - Female Half-Orc
Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry. Her lodge is a boat.

wait calisro is female how did i miss that

i do want to know how the Grinning Pixie got its name though

sure why not monkeys are probably smart enough to do that

correct races of the dragon

if you are a fan of the old 3.5 dragonborn avoid the 5e ones i have not seen them but are told they are completely different from the old ones

of course if you do decide to put them into a home game you will need a new deity to base them on

a couple of feats from the inner sea world guide and its no longer a concern


ah children

hai new captain

why arent wayfinders that tell the time a thing

tuypo1 wrote:
Joseph Kellogg wrote:
tuypo1 wrote:
ive never understood the point of wasting the 50 gold on the continual flame when your wayfinder something you will buy anyway serves the same function

A continual flame cast by a cleric (3rd level spell) will keep shining even in a darkness spell (but not deeper darkness). If you can get it Heightened to 4th level, it works even then.

Also, put it on your sword for style points.

that is a good point

although if you want a bright sword many magic items glow you can just buy one of them (or did that not make it over from 3.5 i will check) (although the continual flame still of course shines brighter)

of course the best way to get light coming from your weapon is to have a weapon that can burst into f%#%ing fire on command

Joseph Kellogg wrote:
tuypo1 wrote:
ive never understood the point of wasting the 50 gold on the continual flame when your wayfinder something you will buy anyway serves the same function

A continual flame cast by a cleric (3rd level spell) will keep shining even in a darkness spell (but not deeper darkness). If you can get it Heightened to 4th level, it works even then.

Also, put it on your sword for style points.

that is a good point

although if you want a bright sword many magic items glow you can just buy one of them (or did that not make it over from 3.5 i will check) (although the continual flame still of course shines brighter)

you mean that picture in the ultimate campaign art preview was not her

oh wait nevermind i just checked and saw that was not your work still if it is indeed her it answers the question of her appearance

ive never understood the point of wasting the 50 gold on the continual flame when your wayfinder something you will buy anyway serves the same function

tuypo1 wrote:

well i dont know much about the pathfinder cosmology but i just checked the prd and none of the outer planes are minor positive so i guess its more being on a minor dominant part of the positive energy plane or a demiplane i suppose

of course in the great wheel the plane that was minor positive it did not matter a whole lot if you got killed anyway

well i suppose there is the first world but that does not grant fast healing in most places

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Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Decimus Drake wrote:
Why does Seelah's breastplate have breasts? Wouldn't that just make someone easier to kill?

I also wondered if breasts on breastplates of female characters was an aesthetic visual or if it was a necessity due to body shape?

I asked some of my armour-wearing female friends about it.
It seems the a lot of women can wear a normal shaped breastplate. However,I was told that as the bust size increases the more uncomfortable it gets. Many of them whilst training, wear protective sports breastplates designed for women that have extended areas to accommodate their busts. One friend said she needed those extra bits on a breastplate otherwise things got very painful indeed.
My conclusion is;

It depends upon the body shape of the wearer.

As for being easier to kill? No, I don't think so.
I train(Sword - fighting) with women who wear breastplates with breasts. It does not make them easier to hit than a flat - chested opponent, nor does it hinder their speed and skill with a weapon.

im pretty proud of myself for guessing because her breasts are to big to fit in standard plate


that would be a good way of saving money yes

although that would probably have to be restricted to what you find on an adventure and as always you would not be able to keep it when you go home so you would have to use it in the scenario you found it in

well i dont know much about the pathfinder cosmology but i just checked the prd and none of the outer planes are minor positive so i guess its more being on a minor dominant part of the positive energy plane or a demiplane i suppose

of course in the great wheel the plane that was minor positive it did not matter a whole lot if you got killed anyway

or it could come from being on a minor positive dominant plane

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pathfinder society to mount new expedition to Deep tolguth partys possessions to be auctioned off 3 days from now

JonathonWilder wrote:

This was the thread I was pointed to when doing a search on what as legal for Pathfinder Society... I could have perhaps spend a bit more time searching for the most up to date thread where I might voice thoughts.

I apologize if I posted in the wrong thread, can you point me to the right thread?

here you go the complete list

oh i have no idea what aspect he is resurrecting im just giving him the benefit of the doubt that its something relevant

williamoak wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Sorry, I disagree, chocolate is the fantasy and sci-fi is the peanut butter;)

HMMMM... I'm imagining a chocolate dragon stuffed with peanut butter.

OH! There should be a "Candies & sweets of golarion" player companion!

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
I would like to see a map showing the trade routes of Golarion. Both above and below ground.
JiCi wrote:

Oh, here's a point to expand immensely:

The underwater regions of Golarion.

this this and this

the rules here make enough sense in a home game you are restricted by time when it comes to making money but in the society time between scenarios is infinite and the have to pay for it stipulation fixs everything

besides a gm should not be fighting against his players

it seems to be a perfectly sensible place to bring it up to me

claudekennilol wrote:
But you can keep extra made items. So you can horde a bunch of stuff. And you can bribe NPCs with it. Just because you can't sell it for its value because you didn't pay for it doesn't mean it doesn't have value.

bribing pcs is not the example i would have used but yes things that make items can save you money in the long run just because you no longer have to buy those items

get a robe of infinite twine and bring up the your carrying capacity on each adventure every time you pick something up just discard some rope

that way when you need a bunch of rope you dont need to waste several rounds pulling it all out

hell bring enough and you can probably leave the robe at home and bring a different robe

are you allowed to leave equipment you own behind or do you have to keep everything with you at all times because carrying around your migrus locker with you everywhere you go just seems impractical.

GM - Corey wrote:

What if you "pay" the chicken for its services to lay eggs? ;)

your still only selling the eggs for half of what you payed the chicken

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ah i see

you really do put a lot of detail into these costumes

its great

wouldent it be better to just keep the chickens so they can keep making eggs

but of course in the end that still gets foiled by only being able to sell objects you purchased

what are those little things on the side of ezrens boots my best guess is they are buttons to hold the clothe of them but in that case what exactly is the point of having cloth around your boots

i dont know of any way to get magic missile but i dont know most of pathfinders character options i know there was a feat in 3.5 though

but as far as abilitys go magic missile is always a good choice

makes sense

i do wonder why they dont update the venture captain list on the pdf as soon as things change instead of waiting for the full update

oh god i just realized thats going to include the venture captains

i think i will do everything else first then once i have mastered that move onto venture captains

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