Dawn R Fischer Frog God Games |
I haven't received my shipping email yet, but then it's only been a couple of days since you've begun. However, how long should I wait before I should send a note w/current mailing address?
You should have received one by now. Send Bill an email stating this and also make sure you have your current mailing address listed as well.
Bill's email: bill (at) talesofthefroggod (dot) comDawn R Fischer Frog God Games |
I got Petrefax' same problem with the attachments... I sent an email the moment I read it, to notify the problem of course.I want to pay (for oversea delivery to Italy), but I can't because there are no buttons and no links.
Should I wait till someone answer me via email?
Sorry, I know Frogs are very busy right now...
I don't know what the email looks like as I did not receive one (and probably should have since I subscribed way back when).
I can only guess what the problem is. All I can tell you to do is to email Bill [bill (at) talesofthefroggod (dot) com], if you haven't already, explaining your difficulty.
Skeeter Green |
Not to speak In the Name of Our Frog God, but his earthly avatar (known throughout the land as "Bill") has been pretty darn busy since returning from the mighty jungles down south.
He will reply to everyone, he makes customer service a priority.
Humble Minion of All that Is Slimy and Amphibious
Dawn R Fischer Frog God Games |
I never assume that someone knows where to send their email. So, I am happy to let them know where to send their questions.
I've been in the Frog God's abode and know how he meticulously processes and prioritizes each email. I don't know how he does it and has time to sleep.
Skeet is right, he will get to each and every email. I know it is hard, but please try to be patient.
Frozen Frog of the North
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
tburke0 |
I had the same issue. if you read the "Service Description" inside each of the 3 attachments, it will tell you which payment it is:My email seems fraked. The attachments contain the html code, no buttons at all.
I did send Bill an email.
- International Shipping 1 2 books
- Canada Mexico 1 to 2 books
- USA Shipping 1 to 2 books
Find the email for the payment you need to make, hi-light, copy, and paste into a new browser tab/window the https: URL in the paragraph after the amount:
<https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?-paypal-gobbletygook-highli ght-everything-to-the-greater-than-symbol> Description: Pay Now
That should bring you to payPal and let you login and complete the transaction...
Hope this helps...
Itchy |
I got the email and was able to figure it out. I have paid via paypal and am eagerly anticipating the day before my mail carrier curses me and Frog God Games while filing a workers comp claim for back injury received delivering this massive tome of awesomeness to my door. I'll be sure to have a hand truck available to help me get it into the house.
poizen37 |
Hi Dr. Fever. I did not use HeroLab for the Tsar stat blocks unfortunately. I just crank them all out by hand. That said we have been in talks with HeroLab (though I don't know where Bill is with that). My understanding is that we are moving forward with the maps for d20Pro, though. So those should be available at some point. The HeroLab thing is still up in the air at this point, though.
Not saying that I have the time or inclination, but would you or Bill object to a community project that takes up this monumental task? There's quite a few instances where a company has expressed an interest but not the capacity for Herolab. Psionics Unleashed comes to mind, and there was a whole slew of Super Genius community files prior to SGG hiring on a herolab coder.
Just a thought.
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Dawn R Fischer Frog God Games |
Kthulhu wrote:I also wonder when this will be made available.Dawn R Fischer wrote:There is indeed a single pdf for the entire Slumbering Tsar Saga.When will this be made available?
I stand corrected. I thought there was one, but it is the chapter by chapter files that all subscribers should already have. I apologize for reading more into what Bill and Greg told me months ago.
Actually this makes sense as the entire thing would be a hefty chunk for any small platform utility such as an ipad or similar device.Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Dr. Johnny Fever |
So, there won't be a single .pdf for the version of Slumbering Tsar that was sent to the printer? That's a little depressing, to be honest. I was hoping for one that had any error corrections that have been caught since the first module was released. If there won't be a single massive .pdf will there at least be updated versions of the .pdfs with any errata that has been identified?
I apologize if I'm misunderstanding the situation...
Itchy |
I stand corrected. I thought there was one, but it is the chapter by chapter files that all subscribers should already have. I apologize for reading more into what Bill and Greg told me months ago.
Actually this makes sense as the entire thing would be a hefty chunk for any small platform utility such as an ipad or similar device.
@Zarathos: If I am understanding Dawn's message here, she is saying that there will NOT be a single compiled pdf without the bonus chapter. Subscribers who ordered before the deadline will receive the following:
-14 individual chapter pdf's
-a physical, dead-tree book which includes the bonus chapter.
Regarding fixes for Tome of Horrors page numbers; I would recommend jotting down the page number errors as you find them, compile them into a single email and send them in to Frog God Games. They can then make corrections and reissue the pdf's. I have done this with another 3pp and mistakes were fixed.
I used this sort of formula:
In The Adventure on page #WW, the Monster is listed as appearing on page XX of the Tome of Horrors. The Monster is actually found on page YY of the new Tome of Horrors.
I'm willing to bet that the Frogs would LOVE to fix those sort of errors, but don't currently have the time to comb through to find and correct them all. If you send them the info, I'd bet money that the fixes would come through on the pdf's; maybe not right away, but after things slow down there a bit.
Zarathos |
Bill mentioned specifically the following: "as soon as we can work out details and have time to convert files and the bonus chapter is ONLY for the hardcover book buyers of the 1st edition....it is NOT in any pdf files." Dawn thought the complied pdf was available immediately for download.
Hence, my belief that there will be eventually a single compiled pdf without the bonus chapter.
If I don't hear anything else, I will ask Bill about at NTRPG Convention in June. Yes, the Frogs are engaged in great and wonderful project so everybody get those pledges in.
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Zarathos |
Bonus chapter will never be a pdf--same for bonus level book w/ RA--they are intentionally collectable--as a bonus to folks who did us a solid by making the products possible.
But how about having Chuck strip out the bonus chapter of the book recently provided to the printer and giving the pdf of said book to only subscribers of the hardcover?
Thanks for the response, Bill - James R.
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
Dawn R Fischer Frog God Games |
Will this product be available for purchase through local gaming stores? I usually only buy products through gaming stores as I am an old grognard who believes in supporting the gaming hobby by buying from gaming stores which enable gamers to use their facilities for role-playing.
...This is what happens when I am running on three hours sleep. I thought this question appeared in the Rappan Athuk thread. So I apologize for confusion.
ST is not going to be (as far as I know) available in most gaming stores, with the exception of a few who have already placed their orders with Bill.
Leonal |
Will this product be available for purchase through local gaming stores? I usually only buy products through gaming stores as I am an old grognard who believes in supporting the gaming hobby by buying from gaming stores which enable gamers to use their facilities for role-playing.
Unless such stores preordered the book themselves, I highly doubt it.
Slumbering Tsar was originally a pre-order only (from FGG at least with the lower price tag), but then Paizo bought X amount of copies too.
Get it while it's still available! :)
Leonal |
Martin Kauffman 530 wrote:Will this product be available for purchase through local gaming stores? I usually only buy products through gaming stores as I am an old grognard who believes in supporting the gaming hobby by buying from gaming stores which enable gamers to use their facilities for role-playing.One of our reasons for using kickstarter to help fund this book was to get it available, through distribution, to gaming stores. We haven't gotten as far as determining which distributor(s) might carry the book, yet. But we will!
I think this is about Tsar and not Rappan Athuk. ^^
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:The combined dead-tree book does have the updated TOHC page numbers for the stat blocks that you're speaking of.Most excellent, which is all the more reason that I would love to have pdf of the combined book minus the bonus chapter.
Thanks, Greg
Just got off the phone with Bill. We officially ARE going to do a combined pdf of the whole book minus the bonus chapter. It will be available:
--For free to subscribers
--For free to those who purchase the big dead-tree book without subscription
--AS a pdf for sale to those who haven't bought the big book (don't know the price yet)
It will include all the errata we have compiled and the updates of stat block references to the TOHC, plus all the little add-ins I included in the final editorial pass that will appear int he big book.
Once again, it will NOT include the bonus chapter. That is a special subscriber, dead-tree thing only
One final note: Since we had our wires crossed and hadn't gotten started on this pdf, it is likely to not be ready at the time we ship the book but will trail along some time after due to the work crunch we've got right now with the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/froggodgames/rappan-athuk).
So that's all good news, I think. :-)
Bill Webb Frog God Games |
Have any game store you want contact me. We simply have production costs too high to sell through normal distribution. It just costs us more than 40% to make books like we do--else we would hav eto dramatically increase prices. I sell direct to many brick and mortar stores--but not through distributors (yet:))
Zarathos |
Zarathos wrote:Greg A. Vaughan wrote:The combined dead-tree book does have the updated TOHC page numbers for the stat blocks that you're speaking of.Most excellent, which is all the more reason that I would love to have pdf of the combined book minus the bonus chapter.
Thanks, Greg
Just got off the phone with Bill. We officially ARE going to do a combined pdf of the whole book minus the bonus chapter. It will be available:
--For free to subscribers
--For free to those who purchase the big dead-tree book without subscription
--AS a pdf for sale to those who haven't bought the big book (don't know the price yet)It will include all the errata we have compiled and the updates of stat block references to the TOHC, plus all the little add-ins I included in the final editorial pass that will appear int he big book.
Once again, it will NOT include the bonus chapter. That is a special subscriber, dead-tree thing onlyOne final note: Since we had our wires crossed and hadn't gotten started on this pdf, it is likely to not be ready at the time we ship the book but will trail along some time after due to the work crunch we've got right now with the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/froggodgames/rappan-athuk).
So that's all good news, I think. :-)
That is most excellent news, Greg. Also I sent you a PM in case you read this first. Thanks again!
Chuck Wright Frog God Games |
Kthulhu |
Martin - Yeah, and unless you make the owner of your store aware of Rappan Athuk, I wouldn't put hard money on it appearing there either.
It's all well and good to support your FLGS (assuming you have one), but one thing you have to accept is that they probably will not stock everything you have an interest in.
Dr. Johnny Fever |
Just got off the phone with Bill. We officially ARE going to do a combined pdf of the whole book minus the bonus chapter. It will be available:--For free to subscribers
--For free to those who purchase the big dead-tree book without subscription
--AS a pdf for sale to those who haven't bought the big book (don't know the price yet)It will include all the errata we have compiled and the updates of stat block references to the TOHC, plus all the little add-ins I included in the final editorial pass that will appear int he big book.
Once again, it will NOT include the bonus chapter. That is a special subscriber, dead-tree thing onlyOne final note: Since we had our wires crossed and hadn't gotten started on this pdf, it is likely to not be ready at the time we ship the book but will trail along some time after due to the work crunch we've got right now with the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/froggodgames/rappan-athuk).
So that's all good news, I think. :-)
Greg, this is EXACTLY the kind of good news about ST that I was hoping for. While obviously I'd have been thrilled to find out that this .pdf would be available when the hardcover shipped, I totally understand that FGG has a lot of very big irons in the fire right now. As long as this great updated .pdf of the complete ST saga doesn't get pushed TOO far onto the backburners then I'll count myself lucky and thankful that it's getting released at all.
Not to mention I'll have a little time on my hands before I GM ST anyway, thanks to the Skull and Shackles AP being next up on my group's campaign list (my players are going to be wishing a pox upon Richard Pett very soon methinks :P ).
Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |