Change of Plans


Sovereign Court

I'm currently running my first Pathfinder campaign; I joined at level 4, and now I'm a Rogue 5/Shadowdancer 1. My original plan was to get up to Shadowdancer 4 then go back to Rogue for the rest of my levels (not sure how high this campaign will go). But recently, I had a new thought.

Here's the character as is - a skirmisher/scout/party face, fragile but very stealthy, and without many options in combat besides "stab them."

Reynard, Human Rogue 5/Shadowdancer 1
Str 10
Dex 21 (including magic items and stat boosts)
Con 10
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14

Quick Draw
Two Weapon Fighting
Dodge/Mobility (our DM combined them)
Combat Reflexes

Rogue Talents:
Weapon Finesse
Fast Stealth

+1 Shocking Burst shortsword
just found another magic shortsword, unsure of qualities
2 Hand Crossbows (handy for mid-range sneaks, but relatively low to-hit)
Mithril Chain shirt (+4 AC)
Boots of Speed
Hat of Disguise
Handy Haversack
Gloves of +2 Dex
Cloak of Resistance +2
Wand of Grease
2 Tanglefoot Bags
1 Smokestick

Maxed Stealth, Bluff, Disguise, Acrobatics, UMD, Disable Device
Good at a decent number of others, since I was getting 11 skill ranks per level (8 rogue, 1 human, 2 int bonus)
(I have no idea how I'd manage to play a sorcerer that dumped int and gets 1 skill rank per level)

So, the previous plan for my next level was take another level of Shadowdancer, with Spring Attack as a feat. (DM ruled I can spring from and back to stealth, which should help survivability; I know it's not quite optimal with TWF.)

But I had a new thought: My character, of low strength but keen intelligence, has decided to increase his strength... with the power of SCIENCE!

Take a level in Vivisectionist Alchemist.
I get:
-Mutagen - for 1 fight/day, +4 dex, +2 AC, -2 Wis
-Formulae - likely will be used to cast Reduce Person twice/day; +2 dex, -2 strength (doesn't affect attack rolls thanks to weapon finesse), +1 to hit, +1 AC, +4 stealth bonus; slightly lower damage, because of a smaller weapon and lower strength, but most damage comes from sneak attack and shocking anyway
-Throw anything, for the lulz
-Ability to use Cure Light Wounds and other wands without a UMD check

Feat: Master Alchemist
Buy a Portable Alchemy Lab & Alchemist's Kit
Assuming my DM lets me take 10 on craft checks, I can craft ~90GP of alchemical items per day. Craft bonus = 7 skill ranks + 3 class skill + 2 int bonus + 1 alchemist bonus + 2 Master Alchemist + 1 portable lab = +16. So every day I can make a Tanglefoot Bag and, say, 2 smokesticks, or a thunderstone, or a smokestick and alchemist's fire, etc.

Also, with the rest of my money, get my Mithril Chain upgraded to a +1 Shadow Mithril Shirt (+1 to AC, +5 to stealth checks)

So I get a much bigger bag of tricks via alchemical items and formulae, plus a pretty darn decent stat boost if I have 2-3 rounds notice to buff. I'm thinking after the 1st level of Alchemist, I take 3 more levels of Shadowdancer to acquire all of its good tricks, then go back to Alchemist for the rest of the game.

What do you guys think? Obviously it's not really optimized, but I think this is the best option for continuing this campaign.

I think you have a fun alternative here. Vivisectionist is also your best choice of alchemist archetype so you can keep the sneak attack bonus climbing. I just finished as GM in 2 different Pathfinder campaigns and in both the rogues who could just tumble through for their flanking attacks were a great nemesis, as the sneak attack damage eventually blows past most levels of damage reduction.
Have fun with it!

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