QXL99 |

Any thoughts on the various classes? Any points of no return like the Reaper IFF mission?
To unlock containers, you need high electronics and decryption. As long as someone in your party has these, you're OK--but if you want maximum flexibility in who to take as squadmates, play Infiltrator, Engineer or Sentinel so these skills are your own.
Also, make sure to max out charm or intimidation--there are a couple times when you'll really be glad you did--right from the beginning (hint).

magnuskn |

I don't think so. The chance to do so happens very early in the game and you haven't established anything at that point. Also, both female options suck. Wait for Tali in ME2. Or Garrus if you are playing FemShep. ^^

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Scott Betts |

Sorry, i prefer to be able to munch on my girlfriend's meal without getting a fatal allergic reaction to dextro-amino food.
Underwhelmingly, it's just a digital manipulation of a stock photo available for royalty-free commercial use purchase on GettyImages.

magnuskn |

Still, better than spiders.
Spiders, spider, spiderrrrrssss!
Also, that shot was further photoshopped by whomever posted that version of the picture. Here's the real picture.

Scott Betts |

Still, better than spiders.
Spiders, spider, spiderrrrrssss!
Also, that shot was further photoshopped by whomever posted that version of the picture. Here's the real picture.
I wonder why anyone would mess around with it like that. I mean, I can understand screwing with the levels a little bit, but changing the spacing of her fingers?

Rakshaka |

I always had problems wanting to start a relationship with Miranda because she looks like Michael Jackson. No really, look at her. Ashley's too much of a racist for my taste, so its usually between Tali or Liara for me. On my current playthrough, it's Liara. As for Jack.. well, my Shepherd's in it for the long term, and Jack ain't that.
Oh, and I agree, ME3 multiplayer kicks ass.

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She kinda does, bot nothing happens during the game, although she makes it quite apparent that she has feelings for Shepard.
Miranda looks like michael jackson? Really? Because i think that Yvonne Strahovski is one of the prettiest girls in the world. Especially when she smiles.
"michael jackson"

magnuskn |

Liara, Liara... Quarter krogan blood rage, all hot! Plus, she's BLUE! What is not to like?
a.) She's not Tali.
b.) Liara really came off as a creepy stalker in part one and mostly seems really milquetoast most of the time. Outside of threatening to flay people alive with her mind, of course.Also, BioWare heavily pushed her in all three parts to be the "official" love interest and kark that.
Miranda looks like michael jackson? Really?
Yes, really. ^^

magnuskn |

But you are still wrong. Deeply wrong. Blue is the colour of lurve.
And of obsessive creepy stalkers, it seems.
There is another reason. The Packaged purple flumph isn't up for a bit of femshep romance.
Well, there's always Garrus for the FemSheps. Dextro buddies don't interfere with dat.

magnuskn |

<monotone voice> "Shepard, I sense a deep connection between us. Despite only having had several completely non-romantic conversations." "Uuuh, okay, crazy lady, I now want you to stay at the other side of the room from now. Forever."
Not to mention the numerous instances where its made obvious by the scene direction of the next two games that she isn't at all over you, although you've made it clear that you are not interested.
I may be going a bit overboard here, but I can tell you that her breathy monotone voice has given me the creeps for a long time. At least her dad had some verve in those vocals!

Sissyl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

<monotone voice> "Shepard, I sense a deep connection between us. Despite only having had several completely non-romantic conversations." "Uuuh, okay, crazy lady, I now want you to stay at the other side of the room from now. Forever."
Not to mention the numerous instances where its made obvious by the scene direction of the next two games that she isn't at all over you, although you've made it clear that you are not interested.
I may be going a bit overboard here, but I can tell you that her breathy monotone voice has given me the creeps for a long time. At least her dad had some verve in those vocals!
Liara has some CLASS. Not as much as Samara, but still. Miranda felt flat to me, and her smile was ten kinds of weird. Jack is a bit too trash for my liking, Tali is a bona fide dork, and Ashley is too much of a goodoleboy. No, paint it blue.

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Really? Liara was nothing more then a close friend to me when she shows up in 2 and 3. A little bit of admiration, but pretty much the same dynamic as Garrus. No stalking at all. Tali was too much the hero worshiping little sister. Way too creepy.
Ashley is super easy to get over her prejudices (which are far from actual speciesism and make perfect sense with her backstory) with some paragon sweet talk in the first game. Her response in 3 after having a fling with Miranda in 2 is great.
Although romancing Miranda in 2 does leave you with some tap dancing to do in 3 if you want her to stay alive and pursue a relationship with someone else.

Scott Betts |

Tali was too much the hero worshiping little sister. Way too creepy.
Tali is pretty clear about it being hero worship, too. IIRC, she has a bit of dialogue making fun of how you could possibly be surprised at her falling for you, given that you're the dashing hero of the galaxy who swept in and saved her life, etc. Ironically, in terms of the social dynamic between Shepard and Tali, Tali's romance is the most traditional. Bioware likes a fair amount of subverting expected norms in its relationships, but with Tali that subversion comes in the form of her native culture and her physiology, not the relationship itself.

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Krensky wrote:Tali was too much the hero worshiping little sister. Way too creepy.Tali is pretty clear about it being hero worship, too. IIRC, she has a bit of dialogue making fun of how you could possibly be surprised at her falling for you, given that you're the dashing hero of the galaxy who swept in and saved her life, etc. Ironically, in terms of the social dynamic between Shepard and Tali, Tali's romance is the most traditional. Bioware likes a fair amount of subverting expected norms in its relationships, but with Tali that subversion comes in the form of her native culture and her physiology, not the relationship itself.
Pretty much all of the romances are pretty darn unsubverted cliches.
Ashely: Tsundere solder girl in distress.
Kaiden: Supportive sensitive guy.
Liara: Rescued naive princess.
Tali: Wide-eyed teenager.
Miranda: Sexy, strong on the outside, emotional wreck in need of saving on the inside. Or, as Jack puts it, cheerleader.
Jack: Bad girl.
Samara: Milf.
Morinth: Femme fatale. Literally.
Thane: The tragic consumptive green skinned Lord Byron.
Yeoman Chambers: Sexually harassed... intimate servant.
Jacob: Boring, safe guy on the rebound from the cheerleader.
James: Bruiser with a heart of gold.
Javik: Embarrassing, condescending one night stand.
Diana: Media star, affair has to be kept secret from her fans.
Really, the only vaguely impressive writing on the romance front are Cortez and Traynor and that's gosh damn faint praise because it's only because they're so mundane and normal and reflect a world where no on ethiing shomosexuality is important.
Honestly, the writers at BW are borderline competent on a good day. They just look amazing because they're infinitely better then most video game writers.

Scott Betts |

I rather think it's both of us. Going by a lot of people on BSN, I'm far from the only person who noticed her obsessive behaviour.
magnuskn is like that girl who calls you a stalker and gets you thrown in jail just for asking her out on a date and also maybe because when you asked her out you were perched on a tree branch outside her bedroom window and you promised you'd give her back the diary you "borrowed" earlier that day if only she'd just say yes.