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On my agenda for this game:
Save the galaxy from Reapers once and for all.
Bring the sapient species of this galaxy closer together, to build a brighter future for everyone, not just humanity.
Do all of that without compromising who we are.
Bone everyone.
Oh, oh, please, while you're at it, could you smash the teeth of that smoking bastard from cerberus in so hard he hears a piano play in his behind?

magnuskn |

Tali had better be bisexual this time around.
If that'd be the case, I might consider playing a female character this time around ( after playing through with my male import, of course ), to see what the whole "Jennifer Hale is so much better than Mark Meer" thing is really about. From what I've seen, I still prefer Meer, but maybe playing through a whole game would at least make a dent in my conviction.
No idea if I'll have time for a second play-through, though. The multiplayer demo is really addictive and if the full game has even more options, I'll be playing that for a good time.

Ryuko |
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So i managed a run-through of the demo and... I'm not buying it. I just don't get the feeling of "epic space opera that really explores deep questions and interesting viewpoints" since everything now is "Shepard, Spacemarine Badass and savior or the galaxy". I was very disappointed at the direction of the last game and didn't want to see this game continue it, but since they have I will be voting with my wallet and sadly walking away from the adventures of Zeke Shepard, redheaded renegade vanguard.

magnuskn |
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Alongside the "shooting other aliens in the face" component, of course.
But I don't know, the parts you mentioned where in part two, too and in part one. Part three will very apparently have a lot of diplomacy and finding out stuff about the Reapers ( and maybe the other races, too ). That was in all in the first two parts, too. So I have no idea why Ryuko thinks that the games have moved away from what the first part was.

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All I know is that I am stoked to see the Rachni come charging in like some galactic cavalry. Noveria, you had some really slow spots but you were worth it in the end.
God, I am so looking forward to seeing the running crew Full Paragon Shepard has managed to gather.
One thing I'm definitely looking forward to with my Sole Survivor Shepard that's been spoiled by one magazine:
Even remembering what happened on Akuze for Sole Survivor Sheps, that's a @#$% YEAH moment just waiting to happen.

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Really looking forward to the game. Can't wait to get my CE.
And Magnuskn, I agree about Meer. My main Shep is a paragon and he's great at it. I never really played him as renegade but did do a few of the ren interrupts in 2.
I think both did a very great job overall as did the rest of the voice actors.
I'm excited to see where they will take the story and how it will end.
Question for you Shepard, what're you gonna do when you run into Kalisa Bint Sin Al-Jilani and/or Conrad Verner?

Commander Shepard |

Oh, her. I'll do what I've done with her thus far, be honest and forthright. She's a sensationalist. I'm not going to give her what she wants and dance for her audience.
Though if Many Worlds Theory has any truth to it, I'm probably also going to knock her the @#$% out once I've had enough of her incredulous postulations.
As for Conrad Verner...the man seems to have turned his energy towards something truly positive. Honestly, I'm honored by what he's done. And it's certainly a safer life for the man.
I just hope I don't find him snooping around back alleys and playing at being a Spectre again.
Of course he's probably hatestalking Ms. Al-Jilani over the extranet. I in no way endorse his actions if that's the case, which it probably is. You can't choose your fans, folks.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

I play mixed morality Femsheps. As for Al-Jilani, I alternate between public humiliation of her on some play throughs and a fist to the face on others. I haven't played with the Verner sidequest lately.
I want Wrex back in my party. He was WAY better than Grunt. I also hope that Mordin remains as a party member.

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Man, I've been worried Mordin may have passed away between 2 and 3. Same for Thane.
Honestly, I don't care if he can be taken into missions or not. I just want him on my ship, giving me awkward advice.
I hope Wrex is really back in the party. It would be awesome to get the whole surviving original crew together again. Then again, I want all of my ME2 alumni back as well. Geez, now I really want to know what's going on with Jack after her ParagonShep therapy.
Okay, I can live without Miranda and Grunt.
If we can trade those two out for Blasto the Hanar Spectre, it's an overall win.
edit-Elcor Hamlet better be viewable in its entirety. Or at least give us a mission set in a theater that's showing it.

Dal Selpher |

I am also very much looking forward to my paragon import Shepard's reunion with Ash. Honestly, the most emotionally packed pre-Omega Relay cut scene (for me) was the one where Shepard paces in his cabin all nervous like and then walks over and looks at Ash's picture on his desk.
Subsequent alternate play throughs/romances I found a little bit meh.
There's just something about the way Ash quotes poetry and calls Shepard "Skipper" all the time that I find so endearing.

BenS |

I really, really hope Mordin and his fast-talking wisecracks is back as a crew member, whether I take him on missions or not.
There's a nice new CG trailer out now about "Taking back the earth" or some such thing.
My hopes for the game: same great characters, voice-acting, gameplay and overall plot resolutions.
My fears for the game: a shorter single-player campaign now that they've added multiplayer; not living up to the insane expectations I have for it, as I loved ME 2.
I think I've already read there will be fewer playable PCs (to tag along) in this game. Not sure if that's good or bad yet. Certainly they'll do cameos for those not fully playable.

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I'm sorry to disappoint but Wrex, Moradin, and most of the other ME2 crew will not be back as party members. But if they survived the suicide mission they will make appearances. Some will be temporary squad members others will be cameos. Nothing is really known.
For actual members they are: Garrus, Tali, Kaidan or Ashley (depending on which on lived through Virmire), James Vega, and 2 mystery squadmates.
Sad thing Michael Beattie, Mordin and other characters' VA, isn't voicing Mordin either.

Dal Selpher |

I tried getting through Mass Effect 1 twice now. Both times I hung it up just past the Citadel (after a few planet side-quests, I did finish the Bring Down The Sky DLC though).
Yeah, I feel your pain. I finished 2 or 3 full playthroughs a couple years ago. Every subsequent attempt I've stalled on Noveria.

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Sunderstone wrote:Yeah, I feel your pain. I finished 2 or 3 full playthroughs a couple years ago. Every subsequent attempt I've stalled on Noveria.I tried getting through Mass Effect 1 twice now. Both times I hung it up just past the Citadel (after a few planet side-quests, I did finish the Bring Down The Sky DLC though).
I loved Noveria. The thing I really enjoyed about 1 was that you didn't get pushed along on the story like in 2.

Sunderstone |

Meh, I'm giving up for good. ME1 is a tad boring for me.
Got past the too-long Citadel portion, did some system missions (not the main plot ones) yet again, and I'm done. All the buildings (on planetary drops) seem to have mostly the same layout, also kinda dull.
i really wanted to like the series, but I got bored on three occasions already. /sigh.

Werthead |

Got past the too-long Citadel portion, did some system missions (not the main plot ones) yet again, and I'm done. All the buildings (on planetary drops) seem to have mostly the same layout, also kinda dull.
MASS EFFECT's 'optional' missions are pretty much completely awful. They have no redeeming value, they add very little EXP to your character and they involve driving around in the Mako, which is possibly the single most inept vehicle ever to feature in a video game.
You can either avoid them and focus on the main storyline (which is decent, if a little cheesy in some places and a little too reminiscent of the superior KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC in others) or simply go with the GENESIS online comic thing which rushes you through ME1's story, allows you to make a few big decisions from the first game and then start with ME2.
MASS EFFECT 2 is a much better game on almost every single level and well worth playing. There are no totally random, repetitive side-quests, everything is hand-written and crafted and every single quest is good to excellent. Also, whilst the DLCs for ME1 are okay (Bring Down the Sky) or awful (the space station), the big DLCs for ME2 (Shadow Broker and Arrival) are excellent, and will have big impacts on ME3.
I want Mass effect 3, I really do, but I am going to be boycotting it. EA's/Biowares the at launch pay to purchase DLC has me pissed me off.
I'm conflicted on this. It's a clear money-making exercise, especially because the bonus character actually interacts with the backstory in a major way. So it's not like Kasumi or Zaeed from ME2, who had cool backstories and loyalty missions but ultimately were just extra characters for your roster. Yeah, you can play it without the new character, but it feels it takes something away from the game.
I think the best approach is to look at the money situation. Because of the inept way the EA/BioWare points system works, I have quite a lot left over from getting the ME2 DLC, so it wouldn't be a significant outlay to get the DLC. Plus the base game itself will likely be discounted heavily after release. I'd be surprised to not see it on sale in GAME for £19.99 at some point in the initial month after release.

Werthead |

The mining sucked, but not as much as the Mako. What's slightly more irritating is that whilst the Mako missions can be ignored, you need to do the mining to get all the upgrades for the Normandy and the crew's weapons and armour that you need to survive the game.
I thoroughly recommend the Mass Effect Wikia's guide to mining, which gives info on the best way of doing it. You actually don't need to do it that much to get what you need (I think I spent less than an hour total out of my 24-hour playthrough of the game doing it).

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The mining sucked, but not as much as the Mako. What's slightly more irritating is that whilst the Mako missions can be ignored, you need to do the mining to get all the upgrades for the Normandy and the crew's weapons and armour that you need to survive the game.
I thoroughly recommend the Mass Effect Wikia's guide to mining, which gives info on the best way of doing it. You actually don't need to do it that much to get what you need (I think I spent less than an hour total out of my 24-hour playthrough of the game doing it).
Don't even bother with that. Just use the Gibbed save editor. Just load your file and type in how much you want and save.

BenS |

The mining sucked, but not as much as the Mako. What's slightly more irritating is that whilst the Mako missions can be ignored, you need to do the mining to get all the upgrades for the Normandy and the crew's weapons and armour that you need to survive the game.
I thoroughly recommend the Mass Effect Wikia's guide to mining, which gives info on the best way of doing it. You actually don't need to do it that much to get what you need (I think I spent less than an hour total out of my 24-hour playthrough of the game doing it).
I'll agree that the mining portions of the 2 games were not that great. Though the fun thing about the Mako missions was that you could get some really beautiful skyscapes looking up. And in ME 2, there are some great hidden missions you find while exploring Timbuktu. Though of course you could get those from a Wiki or the like at this point.

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I'll agree that the mining portions of the 2 games were not that great. Though the fun thing about the Mako missions was that you could get some really beautiful skyscapes looking up.
That and running people over were the only reasons I missed the Mako in ME2. There was some genuinely beautiful scenery here and there on some of those often barren and dull planets. The light-purple sandscape with the mirrored glass-like formations on the ground sticks out in particular.
If only that damn car hadn't been designed by a madman. Because the booster rockets one needs to scale mountains always need to be hardwired to point 90 degrees downward from where you actually want to go...
First time I had to drive that thing was on Therum. Good Lord.
Without having to go through that grind and with the nostalgia filter on, ME2's planet scanning felt like it was missing some of that exploration that helped bring that setting to life. Taking the filter off, having some of those planets be a bit more varied within themselves, and interesting to actually explore, would go quite a bit further in that area.
At least planet scanning featured Tricia Helfer suffering through Uranus jokes.
edit-Repeated artificial structures everywhere were another annoyance on those planets.

Kelsey MacAilbert |

Werthead wrote:Don't even bother with that. Just use the Gibbed save editor. Just load your file and type in how much you want and save.The mining sucked, but not as much as the Mako. What's slightly more irritating is that whilst the Mako missions can be ignored, you need to do the mining to get all the upgrades for the Normandy and the crew's weapons and armour that you need to survive the game.
I thoroughly recommend the Mass Effect Wikia's guide to mining, which gives info on the best way of doing it. You actually don't need to do it that much to get what you need (I think I spent less than an hour total out of my 24-hour playthrough of the game doing it).
You can also use it to fake an ME1 play-through. I do it all the time.

Dorje Sylas |

Ya, those little monkey things are Pyjacks.
Anyways got done playing a bit of the ME3 PC demo multiplayer. Even for all the crap with Origin I'm going to get it now. The few games I got in on were a lot of fun and I'm now running a Green armored (slate striped) female Vanguard named Power Girl, because she speeds in and smashed every one in reach with her fists.
The weight system on Weapon Load vs Power Recharge is an interesting mechanic, so she's now using only the SMG and Pistol.
Best kill yet was a Charge kill against one of the Cerberus cloak-ninja people during wave 10. That felt real good.

Dorje Sylas |

Multiplayer is really, really fun. Only the matchmaking is atrocious.
Which has been the case with almost every Console based port without dedicated servers I've ever played on PC. Devs really need to stop using randomly assigned Peer-Hosted games on PC, it just don't work well. At least it wasn't nearly as bad as Transformers War for Cybertron on the PC. Bad Co-Op matching making > Bad PvP matching making.
I think once there is a mic function (seems like it's set up to have one) and people start getting educated about how matches work (keep seeing people leave mid wave after they've "died" and I guess don't know you get revived at the end of a wave) it won't be nearly so hard to keep good matches up and running.
Paizo/Pathfinder ME3 merc squad anyone? (I.E. friends list of people to invite to fill matches)

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magnuskn wrote:Multiplayer is really, really fun. Only the matchmaking is atrocious.Which has been the case with almost every Console based port without dedicated servers I've ever played on PC. Devs really need to stop using randomly assigned Peer-Hosted games on PC, it just don't work well. At least it wasn't nearly as bad as Transformers War for Cybertron on the PC. Bad Co-Op matching making > Bad PvP matching making.
I think once there is a mic function (seems like it's set up to have one) and people start getting educated about how matches work (keep seeing people leave mid wave after they've "died" and I guess don't know you get revived at the end of a wave) it won't be nearly so hard to keep good matches up and running.
Paizo/Pathfinder ME3 merc squad anyone? (I.E. friends list of people to invite to fill matches)
Or they may be bailing because they don't want to wait until the end of the wave. I haven't tried it so I have no idea how long that is. I just know that last time I was on the Mechwarrior online forum people were screaming for re-spawns. Yeah they want to appear magically after their mech gets blown up in a simulation game. I guess its too much to ask a player to wait a few minutes for a new match. "I gots to keep playing doood!!1!!!11!!!!1111!!!!!!!"
sry for the rant yall

Sunderstone |

Semi-tangental rant.
I think Bioware has dropped the ball somewhat in the last few offerings.
Dragon Age 2 was pretty much a reskinned ME and it was out in like 8 months after DA1's release. That kinda screams "woohoo, lets ride the DA1 train and throw anything else out there while the train is still going strong!".
DA1 was near perfect, why change the formula of the game?
I havent read much about ME3, so I dont know much about the changes between 1 and 1, but the DLC launch pay stuff I'm hearing about isn't good.
Personally DLC's at launch, the ones with added missions and bigger content, not the extra guns, armor, etc., for pre-ordering. Is a blatant money grab trend that's growing. If they can prepare it for launch day, there's no reason it shouldn't have gone into the full game. Do they pull missions out and say "lets sell it as DLC and make more money the 50-60 buck price isnt enough.".
Sorry for the rant. :/

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Semi-tangental rant.
I think Bioware has dropped the ball somewhat in the last few offerings.
Dragon Age 2 was pretty much a reskinned ME and it was out in like 8 months after DA1's release. That kinda screams "woohoo, lets ride the DA1 train and throw anything else out there while the train is still going strong!".
DA1 was near perfect, why change the formula of the game?I havent read much about ME3, so I dont know much about the changes between 1 and 1, but the DLC launch pay stuff I'm hearing about isn't good.
Personally DLC's at launch, the ones with added missions and bigger content, not the extra guns, armor, etc., for pre-ordering. Is a blatant money grab trend that's growing. If they can prepare it for launch day, there's no reason it shouldn't have gone into the full game. Do they pull missions out and say "lets sell it as DLC and make more money the 50-60 buck price isnt enough.".Sorry for the rant. :/
DA1 was fun but it got so boring I couldn't finish it. I didn't even pick up DA2. I did however enjoy both ME1 and ME2 so I am hoping ME3 is at least on par with the first two games.
I agree DLC at launch is just dirty pool. This new practice is making it hard to remain a fan of gaming companies.