Feat- Crushing Embrace- Where is it?


In the Ultimate Combat book, there is a monk varient called Tetori. They are grapplers and get the Crushing Embrace fear at 2nd level.

Problem. I cannot find a description of Crushing Embrace in any book. Does anyone know what book it is in, and what page it is on?

Right now I'm winging it, and assuming it means you do grapple damage equal to your unarmed damage.

The tetori monk archetype has three bonus feats that do not exist: 2nd level—Crushing Embrace; 10th level—Twin Lock; and 18th Level—Backbreaker. What feats should replace those missing feats?
Official Update: Change "2nd level—Crushing Embrace" to "2nd level—Stunning Pin"; change "10th level—Twin Lock" to "10th-level—Pinning Knockout"; and change "18th level—Backbreaker" to "18th level—Neckbreaker."

Shadow Lodge

Andrew Jensen 488 wrote:

In the Ultimate Combat book, there is a monk varient called Tetori. They are grapplers and get the Crushing Embrace fear at 2nd level.

Problem. I cannot find a description of Crushing Embrace in any book. Does anyone know what book it is in, and what page it is on?

Right now I'm winging it, and assuming it means you do grapple damage equal to your unarmed damage.

Andrew, if you're wondering, what Theos posted was from the FAQ which you can find in the upper right hand corner, just so you know he wasn't posting his opinion.

Also, when grappling and choosing to deal damage, you already get to use your unarmed damage. If you've been adding it whenever you roll a grapple check, that's constrict, which a tetori gets at 15th lvl. (And a really awesome ability for a grappler)

Andrew Jensen 488 wrote:

In the Ultimate Combat book, there is a monk varient called Tetori. They are grapplers and get the Crushing Embrace fear at 2nd level.

Problem. I cannot find a description of Crushing Embrace in any book. Does anyone know what book it is in, and what page it is on?

Right now I'm winging it, and assuming it means you do grapple damage equal to your unarmed damage.

Thanks bunches!

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