Doctadud |

Liam Warner |
It looks very impressive but is there instructions anywhere as I'm not sure if I'm clicking the wrong things or its just not working on my computer. Some things that I've noted so far . . .
1) On the caravan worksheet if I click any of the spell caster jobs such as guide it puts a little dot next to it but I can't remove the dot say if the spellcaster died or left the caravan.
2) I can't figure out how to use spells to reduce consumption. Similarly I can't figure out how to select the feats
4) I get an uknown scripting error whenever I click reckless tactics.
Don't get me wrong its really impressive you did all this its either just a little complicated for me to use or not working on my computer and I'm not sure which.

Doctadud |

It looks very impressive but is there instructions anywhere as I'm not sure if I'm clicking the wrong things or its just not working on my computer. Some things that I've noted so far . . .
1) On the caravan worksheet if I click any of the spell caster jobs such as guide it puts a little dot next to it but I can't remove the dot say if the spellcaster died or left the caravan.
2) I can't figure out how to use spells to reduce consumption. Similarly I can't figure out how to select the feats
4) I get an uknown scripting error whenever I click reckless tactics.
Don't get me wrong its really impressive you did all this its either just a little complicated for me to use or not working on my computer and I'm not sure which.
1. if a character leaves the caravan you will have to remove him from the travelers page.
2. If you want your cleric to cast Create Food one time per day. put a 1 under Create Food and Water. this will produce 3 provisions. and reduce the amount of Real Provisions you use per day. Hero's Feast will provide your CL in provisions for each time you cast the spell.
3. Selecting Feats: on the Feats tab. on the left hand side there is a gray box for each level your caravan is currently at. The gray box has a drop down that lets you pick from feats you currently qualify for. if your Offense is not at 5, you will not see Reckless Tactics. setting your Caravan stats and level is done on the first page.
4. are you getting a Excel unknown scripting error. or is the red box next to the spell caster job selection coming up. If it is the red box it is just telling you that you do not have the required feat.
I was thinking about your question about dead characters and i am going to add DEAD to the types of Characters you can pick from. This would let you keep a character on your Travelers worksheet and in stead of being a PC, NPC, Hireling. they could be dead. they would not add into the totals for any of the stats. but you don't have to take them off and then add them if you bring them back from the dead.

Liam Warner |
Never mind just realized the computer I was using was set up with open office not Excel so its probably just program conflicts. Your reply however does show its almost definately a problem there and not with the sheet itself as things like chanign the caravan level doesn't effect the points to spend on things like offense and defense. Thanks for the help.

Doctadud |

Never mind just realized the computer I was using was set up with open office not Excel so its probably just program conflicts. Your reply however does show its almost definately a problem there and not with the sheet itself as things like chanign the caravan level doesn't effect the points to spend on things like offense and defense. Thanks for the help.
quick note: leveling the caravan only adds more feats. to get more points to spend on offense and defense you have to take the enhanced caravan feat.
I will try and get an updated version out soon. I am also working on a Trade Roots: Enhanced Caravan version.

Liam Warner |
Sorry that wasn't clear at all due to my mistaken idea. The issue is I put up caravan level to say 5 but I still can't select enhanced caravan in the feats. So obviously this program isn't going to run on office and the only computer I have access to that uses Excel isn't something I can run personal things on. Shame though, hope it works for everyone else as it seems like a really good program.

Craig Hackenmueller |
Great job on the spreadsheet! I was looking at writing a program to do all of this stuff, but now, I probably won't have to.
A few other things I've noticed, or questions I have:
1) I don't believe Spivey is supposed to count toward any traveler or consumption slots. She can fill a job roll, but doesn't use up any space or consumption resources. I assume this is why there is that checkbox to say if Spivey is with the group? My group has her as an NPC, not a PC. I'm not sure if you had something else intended for that checkbox.
2) What is your intention of the Spellcaster Job section on the Caravan Worksheet tab. It looks to assign all travelers of type Spellcaster to that specific job. Our crew has multiple spellcasters, but they do different things, 1 might be a guard, and 1 might be an entertainer. Would it be better to just assign them to that specific job instead of as a spellcaster? Another option is to list the job as Spellcaster - Guard, Spellcaster - Scout, Spellcaster - Entertainer, etc. and maybe just remove that section from the Caravan Worksheet section. I assume the Spellcaster chooses the job/role they are taking for a 24-hour period, and can't switch during the day.

Craig Hackenmueller |
Under the Scout job section there is a section "A caravan can
have up to three scouts working for it at any one time." I don't believe the worksheet enforces this.
Also, under Spellcaster section it states "Bonuses granted by spellcasters stack with those granted by any other job, but as with all jobs, any spellcasters in excess of five do not provide additional bonuses." So does that mean you can have 5 guards giving +5 bonus to attack, and also have 3 spellcasters acting as guards giving an additional +3 for a total of +8? Or, does it just allow a spellcaster to be qualified to be a guard still limiting the total guard bonus to +5?

Doctadud |

Great job on the spreadsheet! I was looking at writing a program to do all of this stuff, but now, I probably won't have to.
A few other things I've noticed, or questions I have:
1) I don't believe Spivey is supposed to count toward any traveler or consumption slots. She can fill a job roll, but doesn't use up any space or consumption resources. I assume this is why there is that checkbox to say if Spivey is with the group? My group has her as an NPC, not a PC. I'm not sure if you had something else intended for that checkbox.
2) What is your intention of the Spellcaster Job section on the Caravan Worksheet tab. It looks to assign all travelers of type Spellcaster to that specific job. Our crew has multiple spellcasters, but they do different things, 1 might be a guard, and 1 might be an entertainer. Would it be better to just assign them to that specific job instead of as a spellcaster? Another option is to list the job as Spellcaster - Guard, Spellcaster - Scout, Spellcaster - Entertainer, etc. and maybe just remove that section from the Caravan Worksheet section. I assume the Spellcaster chooses the job/role they are taking for a 24-hour period, and can't switch during the day.
Craig, Thanks for the questions.
1 Spivey is listed as an NPC. the drop down box will cover up the "N" until you click someplace else on the screen. I had a hard time getting her to work in the the sheet correctly. and thanks to your post i now see that the box that subtracted her out of the consumption total is missing. I will get that fixed soon.2. Spellcasters, it does assign all casters to one job. I wanted a way to be able to change the job without going to the traveler page all the time. I let my spellcasters change jobs during the day after something comes up. with discretion. if they are working as a guard and we need a resolve check they do not help. or if they are hunting and we get into combat i will let them change to guard after the first round. That is just a house rule though because i have not seen anything about it. one way or the other. if you don't want to play it this way from the way i read the rules a spellcaster can qualify for any of the listed jobs and may as well just be tagged as that job.
3. because a spellcaster assumes the role of another job the limit to the Traveler bonus would still be 5. when describing the traveler bonus
on page 19 in the Jade Regent PG. they use some the the same language saying the bonus provided by travelers "stack" but never to exceed +5.
also as a house rule i let the number of scouts and spellcasters assigned to hunting be grater than the 3 max allowed by the 3 scout limit as this does not affect combat.
4. I will add a Red Flag if the number of Scouts are exceeded soon. :)
Thanks again for you input.

Doctadud |

Seems like a great spreadsheet overall. I was wondering if you had a printable page attached to it, basically one page that would summarize everything. The Jade Regent Players Guide has a Caravan Sheet, and something printable like that would be very helpful.
I will see what i can do. Would you like all black and white?

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DM wanted me to re-make our caravan since we stopped using it for a bit. This is going to make my life so much easier :D
Edit: I noticed the feats were either not finished or not working right for me. It lists Mobility and Morale in the first drop down, second one only has a single thing, everything else is empty/white space in the drop down.

Doctadud |

DM wanted me to re-make our caravan since we stopped using it for a bit. This is going to make my life so much easier :D
Edit: I noticed the feats were either not finished or not working right for me. It lists Mobility and Morale in the first drop down, second one only has a single thing, everything else is empty/white space in the drop down.
what version of MS Office Excel do you have? The feats are finished. it is strange that Mobility and Morale would be listed in the feats drop down because they are not feats. I will look into it though. Thanks for the feedback.

Banesfinger RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

Fantastic sheet Doctadud, thanks for all the hard work!
I wanted to add some mounts & animal companions (on the Travelers tab), but the columns "Animal" and "Consumption" seem to be read-only. Is there a way to edit them?
(I'm working with v1.2 of your sheet).
~ Edit: just downloaded your latest sheet, and the "Consumption" seems to work now (but still no luck with "Animal").

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When I enter all of our info on our 6th level caravan the spreadsheet does not seem to add the +1 to the Offense number for each guard.
The caravan rules in the Jade regent players guide state "Each guard in a caravan grants a +1 circumstance bonus to the caravan's offense score...
You seem to be adding it to the Attack score which means that we wouldn't qualify for the increased damage feat that we had taken.
Other than that it looks like a great spreadsheet (although I'm hoping not to use it and dispense with the whole caravan thing completely, not my favourite piece of the AP)

Waruko |

I'm really enjoying the sheet but I have a few things that seemed odd to me.
1. It seems cooks are lowering consumption by 3 not 2. Is there a rule somewhere that says they provide their own food like scouts? If so I'm missing it.
2. Spell Casters I assumed got the same bonuses if they worked as Scouts, they seem to be missing "Scouts provide their own food" trait.
3. Is there anyway to increase the hard limit set on Stores beyond 15?

Amuny |
I also have a few problems with Excel 2010. Don't have 2007 close.
1) Can't apply any feats either like Krell
2) Can't choose what Scout and Spellcaster will do
3) as Waruko mentioned, I think the cook also have to eat something.
4) Doesn't seems to add Scouts and Spellcasters PC correctly. Hirelings are added but still can't choose between hunting and scouting.
Think that's all for now, still trying it a little but since it doesn't really works in 2010, will look further if I can find a 2007 version somewhere.
EDIT: Running the expanded one (Roots)
1) Feats are OK
2) Still can't choose for scout and spellcasters
3) Cook still not eating.
4) Still can't add spellcaster. Scout PC is counted but I can't choose what he is doing.

Doctadud |

I also have a few problems with Excel 2010. Don't have 2007 close.
1) Can't apply any feats either like Krell
2) Can't choose what Scout and Spellcaster will do
3) as Waruko mentioned, I think the cook also have to eat something.
4) Doesn't seems to add Scouts and Spellcasters PC correctly. Hirelings are added but still can't choose between hunting and scouting.
Think that's all for now, still trying it a little but since it doesn't really works in 2010, will look further if I can find a 2007 version somewhere.
EDIT: Running the expanded one (Roots)
1) Feats are OK
2) Still can't choose for scout and spellcasters
3) Cook still not eating.
4) Still can't add spellcaster. Scout PC is counted but I can't choose what he is doing.
1. i am working on a fix for the feats.
2. on the travelers page you should be able to pick how many of your scouts are hunting any extras will work security.3. cooks will now eat.
4. a Spell caster working as a scout for security is the same as a guide. you can pick what job they are working on the main caravan sheet.

Doctadud |

I'm really enjoying the sheet but I have a few things that seemed odd to me.
1. It seems cooks are lowering consumption by 3 not 2. Is there a rule somewhere that says they provide their own food like scouts? If so I'm missing it.
2. Spell Casters I assumed got the same bonuses if they worked as Scouts, they seem to be missing "Scouts provide their own food" trait.
3. Is there anyway to increase the hard limit set on Stores beyond 15?
1. cooks now eat.
2. Spellcasters provide there own food when working as scouts now.3. Stores go into the hundreds now.

Doctadud |

When I enter all of our info on our 6th level caravan the spreadsheet does not seem to add the +1 to the Offense number for each guard.
The caravan rules in the Jade regent players guide state "Each guard in a caravan grants a +1 circumstance bonus to the caravan's offense score...
You seem to be adding it to the Attack score which means that we wouldn't qualify for the increased damage feat that we had taken.
Other than that it looks like a great spreadsheet (although I'm hoping not to use it and dispense with the whole caravan thing completely, not my favourite piece of the AP)
It looks like i did misread the bonus for guards. they do add to Offense not Attack. but i am not sure if a circumstance bonus would make you eligible for a feet.

Waruko |

Waruko wrote:I'm really enjoying the sheet but I have a few things that seemed odd to me.
1. It seems cooks are lowering consumption by 3 not 2. Is there a rule somewhere that says they provide their own food like scouts? If so I'm missing it.
2. Spell Casters I assumed got the same bonuses if they worked as Scouts, they seem to be missing "Scouts provide their own food" trait.
3. Is there anyway to increase the hard limit set on Stores beyond 15?
1. cooks now eat.
2. Spellcasters provide there own food when working as scouts now.
3. Stores go into the hundreds now.
Kickass, thanks a lot!

Doctadud |

Doctadud wrote:Kickass, thanks a lot!Waruko wrote:I'm really enjoying the sheet but I have a few things that seemed odd to me.
1. It seems cooks are lowering consumption by 3 not 2. Is there a rule somewhere that says they provide their own food like scouts? If so I'm missing it.
2. Spell Casters I assumed got the same bonuses if they worked as Scouts, they seem to be missing "Scouts provide their own food" trait.
3. Is there anyway to increase the hard limit set on Stores beyond 15?
1. cooks now eat.
2. Spellcasters provide there own food when working as scouts now.
3. Stores go into the hundreds now.
I was still updating dropbox when you posted. if you didn't get the new version try again.

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I love this spreadsheet. Unfortunately is still has a bug in open office. On the travelers tab, cell T18 is not properly populating. It is beyond my skill to figure out. Is anyone working on this?
It's weird. I have the exact same problem on my laptops, but not at my work computer. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?