Congrats to the Teters!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Sara Marie wrote:

Michael (Mikey) was born about 10:30pm on Feb 6th

About 9 lbs 22 inches

He's still a little skeptical of the outside world

It's almost like he's saying "If you don't get that camera out of my face, I'm gonna bust you up."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

Michael (Mikey) was born about 10:30pm on Feb 6th

About 9 lbs 22 inches

He's still a little skeptical of the outside world

It's almost like he's saying "If you don't get that camera out of my face, I'm gonna bust you up."

Or "You're talking to me?"

Or "What the hell now?"

Dark Archive

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I think we know who the future Director of Evil on the secret moon base will be...

Liberty's Edge

So cute!!!! Puffin wanna huggle a Teter Tot!

Grand Lodge

Congrats to Gary and Sara Marie

Huge grats to the Postmonster and Customer Carebear!
Only a few months before April Fools Day. Sounds like I dodged another bullet!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:

Michael (Mikey) was born about 10:30pm on Feb 6th

About 9 lbs 22 inches

He's still a little skeptical of the outside world

Aww! :-)

What a cutie!

Brings back memories... being in the snow in the mountains en route to Vegas and hearing my daughter's first cry over the phone.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
David Wickham wrote:
I think we know who the future Director of Evil on the secret moon base will be...

It's sekrit moon base and we don't talk about it!!!!

Dark Archive

Justin Franklin wrote:
David Wickham wrote:
I think we know who the future Director of Evil on the secret moon base will be...

It's sekrit moon base and we don't talk about it!!!!

No we aren't supposed to talk about the sekrit moon base! The secret moon base is the cover story.

Heh-heh. I missed the official thread until now.
Great expression. Congrats, Teters!

Uh, wait... This is crossbreed of Postmonster and Carebear? Halfcarepost? Halfpostcare? Half customer perhaps?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Uh, wait... This is crossbreed of Postmonster and Carebear? Halfcarepost? Halfpostcare? Half customer perhaps?

A Caremonster!!!!

Well, he will be requiring a lot of it for a good many years ... and Postbear sounds like a plug for a new USPS cartoony spokescritter

Congratulations to the Teters, and welcome to the best 18+ years of insanity you'll ever have!

Silver Crusade

Congrats, and good luck keeping your sanity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
zylphryx wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Uh, wait... This is crossbreed of Postmonster and Carebear? Halfcarepost? Halfpostcare? Half customer perhaps?

A Caremonster!!!!

Well, he will be requiring a lot of it for a good many years ... and Postbear sounds like a plug for a new USPS cartoony spokescritter

Just hope they pass on the 'Free Dirty Diaper in Every Order' promotion...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you all so much! It's hard to believe he's only a week old. Feels like it's been a month what with the two hour wake/sleep cycles we've been doing. I'd've posted earlier but I've been a bit distracted recently for some reason....

Whoa, you have a baby and you suddenly start breaking out the double contractions? Hard core.

Sovereign Court

Gary Teter wrote:
...I'd've posted earlier but I've been a bit distracted recently for some reason....

It's the Evil Genius training, isn't it? Has the young'un mastered the art of inflicting sleep deprivation yet? ;)

One thing that I have been pondering (yes, yes, I have too much time on my hands), in the scheme of a "Nuclear Family", would y'all now be deuterium? And if so, who would be the proton, who would be the neutron and who would be the electron?

Seriously though, hope you, Sara Marie and the little one are all doing well. Go enjoy some family time mister!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
zylphryx wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
...I'd've posted earlier but I've been a bit distracted recently for some reason....
It's the Evil Genius training, isn't it? Has the young'un mastered the art of inflicting sleep deprivation yet? ;)

It's more likely that the young one is more of a master than his parents. He just started the sleep deprivation routine as a method of brainwashing them into his loyal minions. Look how much they do for him at his slightiest whim.

Gah, how did I miss this thread until now? BIIIIG but belated congratulations to the proud parents, and plenty of well wishes to the wee one.

Liberty's Edge

Congrats to the Teeters!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
It's more likely that the young one is more of a master than his parents. He just started the sleep deprivation routine as a method of brainwashing them into his loyal minions. Look how much they do for him at his slightiest whim.

You know how mothers have this amnesia about just how bad labor was, because otherwise nobody would ever have more than one kid? My theory is that the amnesia also covers pregnancy. And the first three months of baby because seriously, they're cute but really demanding and boring. And the months of sleep deprivation are how the amnesia is actually created. It's a miracle of nature! (And brain-washing.)

Lantern Lodge

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Week and one day old Teter Tot

Very cute! Congratulations!

Gary Teter wrote:
You know how mothers have this amnesia about just how bad labor was, because otherwise nobody would ever have more than one kid? My theory is that the amnesia also covers pregnancy.

Wife of a friend seemed to be resistant to this. For at leats five years she went furious at slightest suggestion of second child. When I when I saw her last time a few years ago she wasn't responding with fury but still noted that only if her husband will somehow carry the pregnancy and go through labor instead of her.

And the first three months of baby because seriously, they're cute but really demanding and boring. And the months of sleep deprivation are how the amnesia is actually created. It's a miracle of nature! (And brain-washing.)

Also the way the child brainwashes its parent into thinking that it is the most beautiful, the most wondrous, etc. creature in the world.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

7 people marked this as a favorite.

That part's not brainwashing. It's a scientific fact that this child is the most adorable thing evar.

Scarab Sages

Awesome picture! Teter Tot sure is cool! And looks like he's got a bit of hair, as well.

Gary Teter wrote:
That part's not brainwashing. It's a scientific fact that this child is the most adorable thing evar.

Actually, my oldest once held the title of most adorable thing evar... and then she had the temerity to begin growing up and will soon turn 14 (shudder).

I'm hoping the continuing attempt to turn her into a gamer will mitigate some of the worst effects of what I know is coming.

Lantern Lodge

8 people marked this as a favorite.

His first Pathfinder game night!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!

And it's for my game! So honored!

Sovereign Court

GM Lilith wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!
And it's for my game! So honored!

So what character class did he choose? ;)

GM Lilith wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!
And it's for my game! So honored!

Did he show up with a couple 2 liters of formula and zwieback for everyone?

Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!

Why isn't he wearing his Pathfinder Society Faction shirt? ;)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
zylphryx wrote:
GM Lilith wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!
And it's for my game! So honored!
So what character class did he choose? ;)

My guess would be that he played old man Ezrin. That way, sleeping a lot and pooping in his britches would just be "getting into character."

Kajehase wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!
Why isn't he wearing his Pathfinder Society Faction shirt? ;)

Maybe they weren't playing a PFS scenario. Besides, the faction onesies aren't out yet.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The photos always show the baby sleeping. I was expecting that he'd be mowing the lawn by now...

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

He is SO cute!

Argh, too much real life stuff has kept me away from the boards for way too long.
And now this!
I'll quickly go through all the appropriate responses:
Congratulations to both Sara Marie and Gary! And to little Michael for getting such cool parents!

I think I've covered it all now. :-)

I missed this! Congratulations Teter!

I won't mention that thing so you won't have to delete this post.

It is traditional for children to play drooling narcoleptic trolls during a session!

Dark Archive

Sara Marie wrote:
His first Pathfinder game night!

I bet he's going "Bah silly dice, I keep rolling 1s!"

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