Sword Saint Samurai errata

Rules Questions

57 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The 3rd level Brutal Slash ability of the Sword Saint Samurai archetype in the Dragon Empires Primer claims to replace the samurai ability 'Mounted Charge'. Except that isn't a samurai ability. Is it meant to replace their 4th level Mounted Archer ability (and come a level early, at that), or to replace the normal 3rd level Samurai ability Weapon Expertise?

Horizon Hunters


A common interpretation is that it comes at 4th level and replaces Mounted Archer at that level instead.

Lone Wolf Development

Hey, Aaron from Lone wolf, here. This has been reported as a bug in Hero Lab, and I am researching it for a possible fix. I'd very much like this clarified officially one way or the other. Is anyone aware of such an answer?

In the meantime, I guess I'll just add my nomination to get this in the FAQ.

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FAQed and bump'd.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

FAQ'd as well.

As the only mountless Samurai option, it is favored by many.

It would be nice to know how it actually works.

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Wouldn't make much sense to leave in the Mounted Archer ability when the archetype loses the mount, and then replace Weapon Expertise as if the archetype weren't some kind of weapon specialist. My vote is for replacing Mounted Archer.

I know this is an old subject, but I still would appreciate an answer on this :)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Just keep hitting FAQ. Unfortunately, that's the only way it will happen. :(

Still gonna bump this because I'd love to have answer for this question please :)

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There has been no "official" errata made, but there is an entry in the PFS Campaign Clarifications document that addresses this.

Campaign Clarifications

Page 22—The sword saint's brutal slash ability modifies weapon expertise as follows. Replace the second sentence of weapon expertise with "At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana or the wakizashi." The brutal slash ability also replaces mounted archer.

Grand Lodge Developer

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The Pathfinder Society campaign clarification has been adopted as the official ruling.

This question has been FAQed!

FAQ wrote:

Sword Saint Samurai: The sword saint samurai’s brutal slash ability replaces an ability that doesn’t exist. What should it alter and replace?

The sword saint samurai’s brutal slash should replace the second sentence of weapon expertise with “At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana or the wakizashi.” This alters weapon expertise. Brutal slash also replaces mounted archer.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Common sense wins again! I would say let's ride off into the sunset but we traded out mounts.

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