Choant |

So my group ended up attacking the elder in Morast and killed everyone in the village except 1 lowly village and currently I put the elder to sleep so I could attend to wounded, horrible intimidation tactic that went wrong, anyway, how do we overcome this and get the info we need to help the beast? (our cha characters (bard, summoner) could not RP or focus enough to bluff or diplomacy the elder since no one listens and yadda yadda yadda...)

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If you are the GM you can give them a pass - they find some survivors or some of the bodies arent quite dead yet and cough out the information, but I'd be disinclined to do that - I'd let the players suffer from the consequences of their actions and they'd get no success for that segment of the AP... which in turn, makes the rest of the AP harder.

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Yeah it looks like things took a wrong turn somewhere. However, my group narrowly avoided a similar situation.
But I agree with Helaman. The party simply doesn't get the clues needed. There are other clues left in the investigation but the task at hand does get harder. However, the story can still move foreward but they may loose an alley with the Beast.
Give into your PC's now, all you have done is enabled them to kill at will. The local magistrates aren't going to like this and its possible the lingering effects of the PC's actions could be felt long down the road.

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Doesn't get the clues needed? The elder and three others in the village are supposed to TESTIFY! If they don't show up the Court is definitely going to send someone out to investigate.
Wow somebody really pooched the screw! And why would the villagers stay and fight to the last man? Madness! What was your GM thinking?
--Vrock the Boat

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Are you saying that you killed over 50 villagers?!! That is insane. Forget the Beast's trial, you'd better get a good lawyer for your own trial. As far as I know, that's more people than the Beast is accused of killing.
As to the elder (he is the one villager alive, right?), just seeing what you did might get him to talk.

Choant |

Yeah that was my last thought that we were worse then anything else that came through, see we were going to intimidate the elder, I (witch) enlarged the fighter half-orc, yeah he great cleaved everything... not sub-dual like described in the plan... anyway the elder is alive I slumbered him then we decided to stop so we could come up with a plan by next week, and 1 villager for sure is alive.

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OK why didn't you as players take a much needed Time Out and say hold on... this isn't the plan?
Honestly you should ask your GM for a redo of this encounter. I mean a slick GM could drag you kicking and screaming into the next module, but they'd have to come up with plenty of additional material to catch you up XP and treasure wise...

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I have to wonder at the Wisdom of - lets go see the witnesses and then have a super large orc start beating on their friends and family until they will agree to lie in court.
Play Grand Theft Auto much?
Without me throwing in spoilers, what led to this train of thought? Did you do any question asking or investigation or just jump to "we need these people to change their testimony"?

magnuskn |

To be honest, from a metagaming standpoint the best solution is to kill the old guy, too and hope that nobody saw you riding to the village. I can't see how otherwise your whole group is not totally fracked.
But, wow, what a way to derail the campaign. I don't want to be your GM. He is probably asking himself how and if he wants to save the campaign or simply go with the "logical consequences" route.

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well - point your GM over to this thread... I have a suggestion for him/her.
while the beast itself and the after trial action is important (and the core of the 2nd ep) its not AP breaking that they fail to prove the innocence of the beast or do not deal with the after trial events (though its a waste of a large part of the module if they fail do push on post trial) - the Judge can still send the players off to the post trial part of the module to check on the principal and deliver a message and the judge, assuming that no one links the village murder to the PC's, can still point the characters off on the direction of module three

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To be honest, from a metagaming standpoint the best solution is to kill the old guy, too and hope that nobody saw you riding to the village. I can't see how otherwise your whole group is not totally fracked.
But, wow, what a way to derail the campaign. I don't want to be your GM. He is probably asking himself how and if he wants to save the campaign or simply go with the "logical consequences" route.
Yep - from a player standpoint I'd even go as far as trying to make the village taken out by an orc/bandit raid or similar - leave some impaled villagers etc but daaaaamn if the GM isn't wondering "What the hell just happened here?" Alignment shifts should definetely be part of whatever fallout there is.

Nac Mac Feegle |

To be honest, from a metagaming standpoint the best solution is to kill the old guy, too and hope that nobody saw you riding to the village. I can't see how otherwise your whole group is not totally fracked.
I'd like to add to that. Kill the elder. Kill everyone who saw you go to the village. Kill everyone who saw you do that. Basically annihilate the greater Lepidstadt area and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
But, wow, what a way to derail the campaign. I don't want to be your GM. He is probably asking himself how and if he wants to save the campaign or simply go with the "logical consequences" route.
My group got into a fubar situation like that back when they started. Thought they'd intimidate someone by shoving a warhammer in his face, and when he wasn't impressed, instead of putting the hammer away they attacked him with it. Turns out that's not a good way to treat the local innkeeper, in front of witnesses, with the sheriff's office across the street. I'm a logical consequences GM, it ended in a TPK, we had a discussion about the differences between computer RPGs and pen and paper, and everybody learned something.

Choant |

Well I actually came up with a viable solution with my GM, basically I'm bringing in a sorcerer focusing on charming, summoning and illusion, he is going to have a wand of cure light wounds enough to cure the villagers then spent, what gave me this idea was when we visited the beast in jail our summoner tried to pickpocket the guard to steal the key and "talk closer to him" needless to say she was arrested and had to pay a rather large fine, anyway the prosecutor decided we were not competent enough and sent him behind the party with a feeling something would go awry, so my witch takes off afraid of authorities and this is where I am, which should give at least my character an in with the elder and sorta fix the situation

Karameikos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The encounter was all a bad dream. Little did the bard know that the drink he accepted in that bar in Lepidstadt contained the venom of a Shiver Dream Spider. The group attempting to gain information about your motives to defend the Beat (Esoteric Order, the prosecution, etc.) was trying to "loosen your tongue" but instead threw you into a coma. Your DM rolled his saves and unfortunately the bard failed and lapsed into the bizarre dream about Morast. When your bard wakes, the summoner is standing next to him in the university medical school, wondering who slipped him the drug.

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An excellent cautionary tale.
I was a player in a different campaign where something very similar almost happened. There was a lawful neutral village outside a big evil temple, where both good and evil folks lived side-by-side thanks to the mayor's extreme lawfulness.
We were supposed to approach the local drug dealer, who was a secret member of the nearby evil cult and was supposed to be our main way into their temple.
So our mostly chaotic good party went inside his house. Four failed intimidate checks and three failed grapple checks later, he was running down the main street screaming that we were trying to murder him.
That didn't sit too well with the mayor. And the village was the only place for miles around where we could resupply for our assault on the temple...

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All great ways to proceed. I love the muligan Karameikos.
There is also another way to go.. spoilers ahead.
The PC's leave the Morast and the local magistrates start an investigation while the trial starts as well. This gives the PC's enough time to get their act together. Perhaps a meeting with Judge Daramin or Barrister Kaple puts them on the straight and narrow path. Once the PC's investigate the Santuary there is still time to learn about Vorstag and Grimm. They can even pin the murders of Morast on those two and their Mongrelmen.

Voomer |

Ok. I just re-read the Morast section and I'd be curious for an explanation again how this actually happened. What exactly prompted the half-orc to cleave the elder simply because he told you to get off his lawn and leave him alone? And then you proceeded to kill the entire village? All of you piling on instead of just abandoning the half-orc to his own stupidity? Huh?