One-player campaign


I'm planning to start running a new campaign with only one player - occasionally face-to-face, but mostly online using Skype video and MapTool. I'd like to at least start with a published adventure or path, but I know I'll have to modify quite a bit.

For background: we both have many years of playing/DMing experience (mostly in the same group) and our play styles are very compatible. When I DM, I often use a DMPC and it's never caused issues. We've successfully done solo stuff before, but just one-offs with established characters as part of larger campaigns. We played 3.5 lots and have played pathfinder for about a year - not beyond mid-levels yet. The player here is very focused on character concept and development (more fluff than crunch), though he enjoys a good fight as much as anyone and wants his characters to be effective.

Any advice on what adventure might work, how I'd have to tweak it, what PC classes work best solo, and whether I should include one or more DMPCs?

(I've also never used MapTool as a DM before, so I'll happily take any advice on that topic, too.)

I'm not sure about what path to use, I make my own homebrews personally.

I think at least one DMPC would be a good move. In the face to face i played the DMPC became a key character in the story and made it more fun. Having a conduit in the game to talk through is always extremely helpful (IMO) to push along a campaign.

You'd want to use a contrasting class to what the player picks so that you have a more solid battle group.

Expeditious Retreat Press has a series of 1 player modules! They can be found on the Paizo store.

Personally I think that Kingmaker would work. You could tweak it by making the early encounters easier and allowing him to befriend some of the NPCs met along the way, getting them to join his party.

Then if the player decided not to run their own kingdom, they could always get the NPCs to run the government and travel onwards.

Grand Lodge

There are a lot of 'sidekick' tropes to draw on.

Having a support "organisation" as well to draw on as needed for rescues, funds etc isn't a bad idea either - maybe even providing a rotating DMPC.

I should've added that we're already playing Rise of the Runelords in a group campaign.

Satcher, I figure I'd either play a consistent DMPC or just a bunch of recurring NPCs - probably the former, since I like to play, too. :)

Jen, thanks for the Kingmaker recommendation. Based on the summaries, I'd assumed that one would require a large PC group to run the kingdom.

The summary for Serpent's Skull looks like at least the initial set-up (shipwreck, have to work with other survivors) would be great for a solo. Could anyone who's been through that one weigh in on that one?

A little off the question, but I am a fan of the idea of having some npc's as part of the party that are npc classes. Give them an adept and a warrior to travel with him, and perhaps reward form teamwork feats for being creative as the campaign continues

A bump and a new question: for those who have converted modules/APs for single players before, do you generally find it works better to strengthen the solo PC (higher level, extra feats, more abundant magic items), weaken/reduce the opponents/challenges, or both?

Vuvu: I hadn't even thought about using NPC classes - good idea. And I *really* like the idea of teamwork feats as a reward.

Dingleberry wrote:

Jen, thanks for the Kingmaker recommendation. Based on the summaries, I'd assumed that one would require a large PC group to run the kingdom.

Actually the adventure assumes the party will only fill a few of the roles (3-5) in the kingdom leadership and that the others will be filled by the various npcs the party is expected to befriend. You might have to add a couple npcs with just one player, but assuming dmnpcs or npcs tagging along arent a problem, there isnt a reason you cant use kingmaker.

That said, another one that might be very good is the upcomming skull and shackles ap. The ability to eventually take command of a pirate ship would be a great opportunity for a single player to shine.

Kolokotroni wrote:

Actually the adventure assumes the party will only fill a few of the roles (3-5) in the kingdom leadership and that the others will be filled by the various npcs the party is expected to befriend. You might have to add a couple npcs with just one player, but assuming dmnpcs or npcs tagging along arent a problem, there isnt a reason you cant use kingmaker.

That said, another one that might be very good is the upcomming skull and shackles ap. The ability to eventually take command of a pirate ship would be a great opportunity for a single player to shine.

Thanks for the info. I'll definitely look into Kingmaker since it gets so many great reviews, and sounds like it could great for one-on-one roleplaying with strong recurring NPCs.

Skull and shackles sounds fun, but one of the bigger solo things I've done with this player before involved his swashbuckling whip & rapier 3.5 fighter/rogue infiltrating and taking control of a pirate ship - I think he's all pirated out. :)

Anybody have thoughts on using Serpent's Skull or Carrion Crown?

Grand Lodge

Carrion crown chapter 1 and 2 work semi ok with a solo approach using either the local npcs as backup or a DMPC. Caution is needed.

chapter 3? Dial back the local fauna and it could work... chapter 4? Its Harsh! Especially if you use the optional sanity rules. Chapter 5? Could go either way, play up the investigator thing and it would work pretty ok, heavy on the combat and death follows.

The last chapter is pretty damn intense - if you don't mind playing some DMPC's (multiple) that you meet at the start of it, and don't mind the body count, it would come off pretty epic!

I recommend an Inquisitor or Bard as the Player character in such a solo game. I'd make it a 20 pt build rather than 15 and then give the player +2 to any stat you feel needs a bump (int or cha) rather than giving the player 25 points and making an uber combat or caster character.

I'd also recommend giving the single player a single free feat of your choice. Finally, if playing a single character, a special Holy Symbol item that allows you to channel energy as if half the level of a cleric (round up) a few times a day. It will work well for needed healing or for undead.

Magus or Alchemist makes a great sidekick.

Edit: Without spoilers, after chapter 2 there MAY be a NPC organsation to draw on for assistance that would make great flavour for the game.

I have DMed and played a few of the 1 on 1 adventures by expeditious retreat press that Cheapy mentioned, and what I have found is that rogues make great 1 on 1 characters as you get to really emphasize the sneaking and spying in a way that rarely happens in a four player game.

Regarding Carrion Crown, I can only speak to Haunting of Harrowstone, but I think melee focused cleric could be pretty fun (give your PC a big point buy to allow them to hit hard in melee, cast strong spells, and be an effective channeler). A paladin or ranger (favored enemy: undead) could be fun as well. I think playing up the lone ghost hunter against the hordes of living dead thing could be pretty rad. There are definitely npcs in town that would be reasonable to come help the PC (Kendra, the sherif, a young cleric of Pharasma from the temple, etc.)

I've always thought a master summoner would be wonderful to play in a solo campaign. Maybe give them a few extra summons, or have the eidolon level at the normal speed, rather than the master summoner's reduced speed.

Qik wrote:
I've always thought a master summoner would be wonderful to play in a solo campaign. Maybe give them a few extra summons, or have the eidolon level at the normal speed, rather than the master summoner's reduced speed.

We've never played with a summoner - is it typical for the PC to control the ediolon, or does the DM do it? DMing a larger group, I've always let the PCs control familiars, animal companions, and summoned creatures. Ina solo game, having the DM control the eidolon could make for a very cool dynamic, but I wouldn't want to steal the PC's thunder if the eidolon is the summoner's primary thing.

Paladin, best hands down solo character, except for all the goodness..

I've also never seen a Magus in actual play - would that be a good solo character, lack of healing notwithstanding? On a quick read, the bladebound archetype looks like it could be very interesting in a one-on-one game, with the black blade replacing some of the need for a DMPC.

lone paladin sounds cool....

give him a trait that makes UMD a class skill

go with CC. of all the prof friends you are the only one who made it to the funeral..

.You are in a town,
paladin will make chums easy,
a number of npcs who are pleasent and helpful
its easy to get back from the dungeon to civilisation

dont have DMnpc...rather have a few npc who come in and drift and give points of reference throughout the campaign

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