Overhand chop and Attack of Opportunity

Rules Questions

Can you with the Two-handed fighter archetype use the overhand chop with an attack of opportunity?

PRD wrote:
Overhand Chop (Ex): At 3rd level, when a two-handed fighter makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls. This ability replaces armor training 1.

The emboldened text above is what creeping doubt in my mind. Does an attack of opportunity still count as an attack action or is it just a single attack?

I really wish they would simply be consistent in the way they word things.

PRD wrote:

Attacks of Opportunity

Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down or takes a reckless action. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free.

Yes. It's a single attack action and would qualify for Overhand Chop. Its a perk of being the 2HF archetype.

EDIT: Although I can see the argument if you're going to take 'with THE attack action' to be a literal interpretation of the standard action attack. It just seems that if its restricted to a standard action attack or charge this ability loses value when you have BAB +6 or more when it's only going to be used on a charge or vital strike if you took the feat tree.

Khrysaor wrote:
EDIT: Although I can see the argument if you're going to take 'with THE attack action' to be a literal interpretation of the standard action attack.

It's about 50/50 in how people interpret that. In which case, it's better to ask a DM than to ask here. I remember asking a similar interpretation question when it came to vital strike and making a double shot with a double barrel weapon, and the arguement was pretty evenly split with each side having a lot of merit.

Silver Crusade

An attack of opportunity isn't an attack action, otherwise you could Vital Strike all your AoOs, so nope.

I'm personally with the above post. I believe there's a difference between "making an attack" and "the attack action". When it's any potential attack, it just says "attack", when it specifies "attack action", I believe they're refering to the standard action "Attack", the mechanical Action as opposed to the act of attacking, which can occur outside the "Attack" action.

Yeah sadly its only on the Standard attack action.

Ya I was afraid of that. OK just to add onto this thread because this is part of a build of mine. When making a full attack of trip attacks can I apply backswing to the AOO created by Greater Trip? I think I can but I like to make sure

PRD wrote:
Backswing (Ex): At 7th level, when a two-handed fighter makes a full attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first. This ability replaces armor training 2.
PRD wrote:


You can attempt to trip your opponent []bin place of a melee attack.[/b] You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you. If you do not have the Improved Trip feat, or a similar ability, initiating a trip provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.

If your attack exceeds the target's CMD, the target is knocked prone. If your attack fails by 10 or more, you are knocked prone instead. If the target has more than two legs, add +2 to the DC of the combat maneuver attack roll for each additional leg it has. Some creatures—such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped.

This emboldened text above from the backswing passage basically says I can because my first attack would be a trip which looks like I can make as many times as I have attacks in a full attack. In addition, the trip attack is still an attack so the AOO created by greater trip would count for backswing because I am still making a full attack action that just happens to be an attack that came after the first.

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
When making a full attack of trip attacks can I apply backswing to the AOO created by Greater Trip?

I think Backswing should only apply to the attacks made as part of your full attack. The AoO interrupts that and is not part of the full attack.

If you read it as applying to all attacks after the first, it would apply to every other attack made ever in the fighter's lifetime.

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
Where in the rules does it state that AOO interrupt a full attack action?

Core Rulebook, Combat chapter, Attacks of Opportunity: "An attack of opportunity “interrupts” the normal flow of actions in the round. If an attack of opportunity is provoked, immediately resolve the attack of opportunity, then continue with the next character's turn (or complete the current turn, if the attack of opportunity was provoked in the midst of a character's turn)."

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
By your reply if I took the AOO from such a course of action I couldn't complete my full attack action.

You would continue with the interrupted action.

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
If the AOO from greater trip is an extension of full attack action while it is still occuring then it is part of the full attack action.

The AoO is not an extension of the full attack action.

Grick wrote:
ItoSaithWebb wrote:
Where in the rules does it state that AOO interrupt a full attack action?

Core Rulebook, Combat chapter, Attacks of Opportunity: "An attack of opportunity “interrupts” the normal flow of actions in the round. If an attack of opportunity is provoked, immediately resolve the attack of opportunity, then continue with the next character's turn (or complete the current turn, if the attack of opportunity was provoked in the midst of a character's turn)."

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
By your reply if I took the AOO from such a course of action I couldn't complete my full attack action.

You would continue with the interrupted action.

ItoSaithWebb wrote:
If the AOO from greater trip is an extension of full attack action while it is still occuring then it is part of the full attack action.

The AoO is not an extension of the full attack action.

Ya you are correct and found out just after I posted my original reply that is why I had deleted my last post before you reply. Oh well I really should stop replying to posts after waking up after a long night of work.

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Grick wrote:

If you read it as applying to all attacks after the first, it would apply to every other attack made ever in the fighter's lifetime.

Or just every other attack made in that round.

No limitation is put on which attacks get the bonus other than "after the first."
"Attacks that round" is just as arbitrary as "Attacks that Full-Attack".

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Quantum Steve wrote:
"Attacks that round" is just as arbitrary as "Attacks that Full-Attack".

Backswing (Ex): "At 7th level, when a two-handed fighter makes a full attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first. This ability replaces armor training 2."

If "all attacks after the first" is not restricted to those attacks made as a full-attack with a two-handed weapon, then you're right, there's nothing restricting it to only that round. It would also apply to off-hand attacks, natural attacks, attacks of opportunity, attacks the next round, and the next day, next week, etc.

The only reasonable way to read it is 'all attacks after the first attack made as a full attack with a two-handed weapon.'

As a bonus, Here's the guy who wrote it talking about it. He doesn't explicitly say it doesn't work on AoOs and natural attacks and whatever, but he does say "This normally means you're only getting a better damage bonus... on your iterative attacks"

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