Ravenloft-like Feel


Like the title says, I'm looking for some Pathfinder and Pathinder compatible 3PP stuff that has the Ravenloft feel. I have all the 2nd, 3rd and 3.5 books and found the Mistfinder PDF, but I'm hoping to find more products that capture that feel to lessen my workload in converting and creating material. Any suggestions would help, along with maybe rules or sources would be appreciated.

Let me introduce you to Ustalav. Its Ravenloft Light. And Carrion Crown
is a very well writen Adventure Path.

Carrion Crown.

DM MoggZero wrote:
Like the title says, I'm looking for some Pathfinder and Pathinder compatible 3PP stuff that has the Ravenloft feel. I have all the 2nd, 3rd and 3.5 books and found the Mistfinder PDF, but I'm hoping to find more products that capture that feel to lessen my workload in converting and creating material. Any suggestions would help, along with maybe rules or sources would be appreciated.

I'm currently working on a custom SRD/Rulebook for my players for a Pathfinder Ravenloft game I'm going to be running in the fall. It's a mashup of custom rules, Arthaus 3.5 Ravenloft rules, and some Heroes of Horror/Expedition to Castle Ravenloft stuff.

I'm going to run the Grand Conjunction modules, and having looked at them, they're surprisingly easy to convert. Monsters as presented in those modules have been converted by Arthaus already (Denizens of Dread) and I've found that those monsters are CR'ed to be appropriate challenges for characters in those modules. For example converting Marcel Tarascon (Night of the Walking Dead) as a Zombie Lord Human Aristocrat 4 is a CR 4, or a tough challenge for a party of level 2 adventurers. When converting to PF from 3.5 just give monsters the Adanced template, and make sure to take note of new vulnerabilities/abilities (undead can be crit and add their Cha bonus per HD to HP).

I'll second the Carrion Crown AP and Ustalav notion. It may as well include Powers checks it is that dark.

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