Monk of the empty hands and the vorpal stool.

Rules Questions

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Can a monk of the empty hands give to a stool the vorpal quality?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

From page 472 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook: "A vorpal weapon must be a slashing melee weapon." Since a stool is neither a slashing nor a melee weapon, it cannot be given the vorpal quality.

From the Monk of the Empty Hand rules:

The monk may use this ability to add magical weapon qualities to improvised weapons that could not normally have such a quality, such as adding the disruption quality to a slashing weapon, or the vorpal quality to a bludgeoning weapon.

haha, stool.

Remember: while stool may theoretically be counted as ammunition, that's an expensive, smelly vorpal thrown weapon.

...oh wait, you're talking about a bar stool. My bad.

Side note: Monkey MonkEH sounds pretty awesome as a late-game enemy.

Grand Lodge

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Bag of Endless Dung 500gp.

"Holy crap you knocked his head clean off!"

Grand Lodge

A vanara can hold the bag with it's prehensile tail and two weapon fight with thrown weapons. Need I say more?

Spider Monkey Monk.

Ok, this archetype is senseless.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alex_UNLIMITED wrote:
Ok, this archetype is senseless.



Grand Lodge

Those bits of corn are really sharp.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

"This is a .44 bar stool, the most powerful bar stool in the world, and it could knock your head clean off."

s/bar stool/dung bag/ for extra fun :)

The Exchange

wouldn't there be a -4 modifier for being non-proficient with bar stools?

Grand Lodge

Ash_Gazn wrote:
wouldn't there be a -4 modifier for being non-proficient with bar stools?

No, the monk of the empty hand is proficient with improvised weapon. This means he can even take weapon focus for them.

Senseless in a stupid way.

If he choose weapon focus, can he choose "improvised weapon" or the stool, for example?

The real problem with the vorpal stool is that you're spending a metric buttload of ki to give it the vorpal quality, per round. Chances of lucking into a nat 20 in that time? slim.

I've asked James Jacobs regarding Weapon Focus (and similar feats) with respect to improvised weapons. Naturally his response isn't binding, but I do believe he's correct. Essentially it boils down to taking Weapon Focus (bar stool), or Weapon Focus (anker), etc

I should add that a Monk of the Empty Hand can be like an inquisitor from level 11 onwards: he can do "bane(target enemy)" on his stool.

"This is my preferred stool of goblin slaying!"

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