Would using Snake Style or Boar Ferocity allow you to use Impaling Critical and Improved Impaling Critical with unarmed strikes? And if you so, could you continue a flurry of blows while one of your hands is attached to your victims spinal column? Yes, I understand it would be next to useless but if I ever do a high level one-shot, having a 10% chance to do something like this would be awesome.
And if this works out, how would multiple crits work? If you can hit with any part of your body can you get stuck in somebody?
Yes, you can impale foes with your piercing unarmed strikes, and as an unarmed strike is basically any part of your body, you can do it over and over.
I don't see why this wouldn't work, but I also don't see why you'd want to trap yourself by being attached to an opponent.(other than humor)
RAW, there may not be any penalties for this? but I imagine it's a rare GM who would let it slide (especially if you managed to crit a few times "with different body parts" all getting stuck/grappled - having your hand stuck is MUCH different than grip on a stuck weapon)
however, since you can spend an immediate to instantly do damage again, this may not be bad, as you'd rarely end up with the opportunity to be stuck(which is technically never, since you aren't required to use the impale)
Ok I just got the image of both hands, both feet, and your face buried in the enemy. But you can use any part of your body, so... I guess. Honestly, I would say you're just punching the same hand deeper.
Edit: Keep in mind you MUST be a Martial Artist to do this.
I don't see any alignment issues getting the requisite feats for this...
You need weapon specialization in the weapon you have impaling crit for.
Fighters can have any alignment.
The OP was asking about Flurrying
And yes, you COULD go Fighter4 before dipping into monk, but that's just silly.
Flurry is not restricted by alignment, it is restricted by armor and other miscellany.
Armor and Shield Proficiency: Monks are not proficient with any armor or shields. When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
Taking 4 levels of unarmed fighter (which swaps out some armor proficiency) would be a good way to grab weapon spec.
There are other ways as well, but probably less effective(Sohei).
There are no penalties for ex-monks on pathfinder btw
er - lawful ex monks that is
A monk who becomes nonlawful cannot gain new levels as a monk but retains all monk abilities.
IE you don't become an ex monk unless you are nonlawful
Yes, I know all that, but you're giving up tons of monk abilites and upgrades for dipping those 4 levels. It's really not worth it.
Wait, Sohei? That doesn't grant weapon specialization. It gets weapon training.
Hmmm I think the levels would well be worth it for the Fist of the North Star / Mortal Kombat antics the monk could pull with this. It will be bloody hilarious as long as no one at the table has a low tolerance for gornography.
Why not using Hamatulatsu, Hamatula Grasp and Hamatula Strike instead? That's easier achieve than critting with an Unarmed Strike and you can use another Martial Arts Style.
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Those use the grapple rules. This way the monk is free to make a full attack and describe it as furiously trying to yank out a vital organ!
well, you don't HAVE to give up those antics, as I said, a Martial artist uses his monk levels as fighter levels for feats (basically... see ultimate combat), and in the mean time you're progressing your flurry, AC, and unarmed damage.
You might lose your monk ac and flurry ability as you are effectively now using a "meat shield" ;)
Actually, you're now using the victim as a "meat club" it's still unarmed attack, you're jusst pummling his allies with his impaled body.
I'd probably all that an improvised weapon.
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